The logotype of city of Stockholm, Saint EricCity of Stockholm

About this site

General information about City of Stockholm

This website is constructed to be accessible and useful to as many people as possible. To get the best possible experience, you should use a later version of a modern browser, but the site also works with older browsers, and without javascript.

Find on this page

There are different ways to reach the information that interests you. Here we describe briefly the most important.

Central topics

Here you can navigate to the information that interests you by selecting from the options in the top and left menu.

Contact the city

For all of the content pages, there is contact information for the person within the city who is responsible for the issue. There is also a contact form that leads to the same person. You can reach the contact information and the form by clicking on Contact-button to the right under the subject inputs.


The search-engine for these pages will be in function at the beginning of May.

Report error on page

If you find an error on a page, we encourage you to report it. You do this by selecting the Comment-button that you find at the bottom of each page..

Last updated 30 April, 2009

Environmental facts about Stockholm at 07:35


NW 5m/s
Air pollution levels