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  • 1 out of 1 people found this review helpful

    1 stars

    Version: iTunes

    "Ummm... exactly how does Apple have a good reputation?"

    by Mattcc119 on January 12, 2009

    Pros: Lets see... it plays music and videos (sometimes)... oh! And it works well with iPods...

    Cons: I've never had a good experience with iTunes, it's always been substantially slower then WMP.... and how about the fact that you library of music can get randomly deleted, that's a great touch! It really clears up some space on your computer!

    Summary: Look, for you Apple fan-boys who wont use anything other then Apple software because you live in this special little world where only Apple fans are welcome... go ahead and use this poorly constructed piece of software! That is if you have a Windows computer at all... For those people out there that have this wounderous little thing called logic, avoid this program at all costs. It is anything but Genius... even if half of the few features in the program have the are labeled as "Genius". The only reason I would use this software is because Apple, being the laughable brainwashing company it is, practically forces you to when you buy an iPod, and iPods (unfortunately) are the leading music players despite their short life time and lack of the ability to customize. I have no idea why Cnet gave this program a 5 out of 5. I've always been one to trust in their reviews.

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