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Apple Mac OS X v10.4.6 Tiger

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  • 10 out of 10 people found this review helpful

    4.5 stars

    "Reviewed 2 years later????"

    by jfdonnelly on February 5, 2007

    Pros: Better late than never

    Cons: Leopard is a only a couple months away

    Summary: I did a doubletake when I saw CNET just now reviewing Tiger, an OS that has been on the market for two years. With Leopard only a couple months away, one has to ask, "why bother?" Stranger yet, there is a "preview" of Leopard elsewhere on CNET, before the program is even released, based on Jobs comments in his keynote address. Does this mean we won't get an actual review when the upgraded OS hits the market? On the other hand, CNET managed to get a review of Vista on-line almost before the newly released shrinkwrap it the floor.

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  • 6 replies to this review
  • reply by: Bill Melater on September 4, 2007

    You think 2 years is slow?
    Go to their article on Microsoft Office Security Update 10.1.6, released October 2004, superceded July 2006:

  • reply by: TheRabbitMan on March 20, 2007

    This review is for Tiger 10.4.6, which is the only OTC verion you can buy now. CNet thought it worthwhile to review the later OTC version of Tiger now that Vista is released.
    This is NOT the version of Tiger from 2 years ago.

  • reply by: u2mr2os2 on February 6, 2007

    This review is designed to make Vista not seem way behind by making OS X Tiger seem like it just came out instead of two years ago. People have been saying how Vista has features that 10.4 has has for a few years now, and this is just an attempt to fudge history. If you don't notice the release date, you'd think this was just released and therefore Apple must have copied Microsoft just like Bill Gates said. Nice try CNot.

    And if the review was done just a few days ago, why couldn't it have reviewed 10.4.8? After all, that's been out long enough. I mean 10.4.6 was out back in April 2006. Sheesh, no wonder the HDTV research I was doing here didn't help much with all the outdated info noise. I'll be looking at other sites instead.

  • reply by: larrymadill on February 6, 2007

    Yeah, this is really strange timing. I had TIGER (great OS btw) for an old iBook that has since past and I had to do a serious doubletake when I saw this. Like...A NEW Tiger? Huh? Don't you mean CHEETA?

    I can understand wanting to review a product even though you are late to the party, but why throw it up here like its front page news?

  • reply by: droolski on February 6, 2007

    Yes... with Leopard a couple of months off, what's the point. Some sort of attempt to keep the Apple faithful's interest in the wake of their over-coverage of Vista?? I think I'll unsubscribe to Cnet's "news" letter, they keep repeating stories and now are really behind the times.

  • reply by: JWilliams06 on February 6, 2007

    I thought OSX 10.4.6 was already reviewed before on this technology website. I don't know why it's being shown on the main page either. I would think it is on the main page just to give others a comparison review between OSX and Windows Vista. However, it says the review date is in 2007; 2 YEARS after the Operating System was launched. It's kinda of ridiculous to see this on the main page ... still -- the OS is spectacular --- I wish I had a Mac. :'( Maybe when my laptop dies .... maybe...

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