Cloris Leachman

Cloris Leachman Celebrity Ranking: #770 Add Me as a Fan!


Recent User Comments

  • I'm glad that she won.
  • Although it may have sounded rude, I agree with what Carrie said. These contestants and knocking themselves out, to the point of injury to win this competition, only to lose to someone not taking this competition as serious. It is simply maddening!
  • Cloris you are an inspiration to me. Just keep being yourself, I just love it. The young crowd doesn't have any respect for their elders or their accomplishments. I cannot forgive Carrie Ann.
  • She was great back in the day - but I think she's starting to lose it! Her behavior on DWTS proved that she's not all there anymore. I'm glad she's finally done dancing.
  • Who cares?! Think I'd rather see the surgery - er live of course...see more
  • I've never wasted a nanosecond of my time watching DWTS --- it, like most reality shows is ridiculous and, like videogames, is an incredible waste of time. Someone should take Cloris -- an actress I used to respect and admire --- aside and tell her she's acting like a fool and people probably are laughing at her behind her back. She's 82 years old and if se feels good, that's great. But this show clearly is for younger people (it would county emout, too) and she's far too talented to waste her time on such nonsense and trash!
    Call me old-fashioned but I believe older people should act with some decorum and dignity. She doesn't have to sit in a rocking chair eating baby food but she also should realize she's 82 years old and shouldn't try to act younger than she is! It looks ridiculous and, frankly, stupid.
  • Well, I'm Glad Chris is still there because, She may be 82 or more but She Sure deserves to win. I hope She does. It would be great! If not the best!
  • i hope u do read it dat if no dick is in ur mounz
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