Busted | Main

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What's New

  1. A Busted Moment Catch your favorite moments from Busted right here!

  2. Busted: Behind the Badge Go behind the badge to get a glimpse into what police work is really about.

More ...

  1. Busted Blog Read up on some Busted alumni here!

  2. Busted: A Recap Through Photos Flip through photos to catch up on previous Busted episodes.

  3. Busted: Law Quiz Think you know the law? Try your luck here!

About the Show

Ever been in a drunken bar brawl, at an illegal beach party or, maybe even been caught with your pants down in public? Literally. You see the flashing red lights, your stomach drops and you know you're screwed . . . because you're about to be busted by the cops! In this action-packed, high stakes, 1/2 hour reality series, MTV will show you what happens when kids take things too far and start breaking the laws. But this series will take it one step further as we get to hear why these knuckleheads thought they could get away with it, and what kind of serious consequences they will have to face now that they are BUSTED!

