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Buck Dozier May Become New OEM Director

POSTED: 3:53 pm CDT October 8, 2007
UPDATED: 8:33 pm CDT October 8, 2007

If you can't beat them, join them. That's an old political saying that seems to still be true today.

Video: Word On The Street (10/8/07)

Former Metro Councilman at large Buck Dozier ran fourth in the mayoral election in August. The winner, of course, was Karl Dean in a September runoff against candidate Bob Clement.

Larry Brinton predicted early last month that Dozier, a one-time Metro Fire chief, would be handed the job as Metro's director of the Office of Emergency Management, whether Dean or Clement won the race.

It appears that prediction was right on target.

This past Thursday, courthouse sources told Channel 4 that Dozier went to Metro's Human Resources Department and checked out the evaluations and salaries of the 911 and OEM employees.

Now what does that tell you?

Why else would he be looking at the OEM employee records? He's too smart of a politician for that.

Dozier is well qualified for the OEM Director's job.

Terry Griffith is the acting director, but she could be transferred to an assortment of Metro jobs.

There's no indication that Dozier campaigned for either candidate in the runoff election. The mayor has also hired Dozier's campaign manager Toby Carpenter.

Carpenter is now the mayor's legislative liaison with the Metro Council. There is no word on Clement's future plans.

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