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Fight Breaks Out At Pulaski Ambulance Meeting

POSTED: 4:31 pm CDT October 3, 2007
UPDATED: 9:19 pm CDT October 3, 2007

Pulaski is the county seat of Giles County and also where the dreaded Ku Klux Klan was first organized in 1866.

Video: Word On The Street (10/3/07)

Pulaski residents have been trying to overcome this stigma ever since, but today’s local politics don't seem to bother them.

Just two days ago, a fight broke out at a meeting of the Ambulance Committee of the Giles County Commission. The meeting was held at the County Courthouse in Pulaski.

As usual, the session, joined by some 20 local residents, got hot and heavy, which is nothing unusual for Pulaski.

Apparently, according to witnesses, Roy Griggs, the county's ambulance director, and his wife, took exception to some strong criticism of the ambulance operation that came from two former paramedics, Caroline Stokes and Marie Merlin.

Stokes said Griggs' wife approached them after the meeting adjourned and an argument ensued.

The one-time Giles County paramedic claims Griggs pushed his wife aside and balled up his fist as if to hit her.

That's when local political watchdog Fred Winkles stepped between the ambulance director and Stokes.

Winkles alleges Griggs first kicked him on the leg and then punched him in his chest.

Winkles, who was arrested earlier this year for refusing to sit down and quit talking at School Board meeting, said he pushed Griggs to the floor. Griggs apparently could not get up.

Sheriff's officers rushed to the courthouse after the incident occurred. Griggs was sent to a local hospital in one of his ambulances.

"There was an altercation between these two people at the courthouse," Sheriff's Chief Deputy Mark Chandler said. "We're not rushing to judgment as to what happened."

At this point, no arrests have been made and the investigation continues.

Sounds like the hot politics is alive and well at the 98-year-old Giles County Courthouse.

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