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Vic Lineweaver

Brinton: Juvenile Court Clerk Frequently Absent

Why is everyone so upset with Metro Juvenile Court Clerk Vic Lineweaver?

Video: Word On The Street (9/5/07)

The Juvenile Court Referees held him in contempt of court for not producing some court records. He was handcuffed and led off to jail until the files were discovered.

But why blame Lineweaver?

He's virtually never at his office. Just ask court officials.

Lineweaver, I'm told, arrives at the Clerk's office between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. daily and may stay for four or five hours, unless there is some political activity he needs to attend.

Or he may have to do some other kind of campaign appearance or a trip to a funeral home to sign his name to the registry book.

I've been reporting stories about Lineweaver's campaigning habits for years. It's unbelievable.

He's been known to deliver doughnuts to voting precincts when he's not even a candidate.

How brazen is our high-paid juvenile clerk?

When Lineweaver was jailed the other day, an inside source told Channel 4 that after the missing records were found, Lineveaver is said to have told jail officials he needed to leave.

To which Lineweaver was reportedly told he would leave when the juvenile judges said he could leave. Some wonder if he handed out his business cards to guards and inmates before he departed.

By the way, I’m told, the juvenile court clerk didn't show up at his office until about 11 a.m. the next morning.

Lineweaver's daily campaigning on Metro time pays off big dividends for him, just not for the juvenile court and the public.

As an elected official, he does pretty much what he wants, and when he wants. He's in office until 2010.

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