What’s This?

What’s This? People Connections

People Connections are based on New York event photography databases (and soon, through all forms of creative work). When an individual is photographed with someone else who is represented in the database, they are automatically connected. If they’ve been photographed together more than once, the strength of that connection increases.

The number next to the camera icon represents the number of times the individuals appear together in pictures taken by PMc, Wireimage, and Retna photographers. Captions may be entered by profile owners or other registered members to describe the relationships among people and organizations.

What’s This? Organization Connections

Organization Connections are based on New York parties and events hosted by various organizations. When an individual attends an event sponsored by a particular organization, they are automatically connected to that organization. For each event they’ve attended, the strength of their connection to that organization increases.

The number next to the martini icon represents the number of times an individual or organizations appear together in New York event databases like PMc, Wireimage, and Retna.

What’s This? People Tags

Tags help to define individuals beyond their pictures, mentions, connections and other media. Its a way to flesh out the profile pages with relevant keywords or terms that best describe each individual or organization, in a simple and open way. The number of times a particular tag has been entered by other members of the community will appear next to the tag.

Also, tags can be fun. What simple words or phrases best describes this person? What are they “about”? What are they known for?

All tags have their own pages as well, which means you can see who shares what tags. I.e., Blonde, Socialite, and Radical (we’re still working on this one ;)

The number of times a particular tag has been entered by other members of the community will appear next to the tag.

What’s This? Attention

Famegame’s Attention Index measures how much public attention each person on the system is receiving. Our algorithm measures New York media outlets, blog hits, industry parties, and both people and organization connections to calculate an attention score over time.

The chart is a dynamic representation of the attention each person is receiving, using three months’ worth of data.

Why are we tracking people’s ‘fame’?

We think our culture can benefit from a higher degree of transparency, especially when it comes to the production of celebrity in our media. We hope that the knowledge of how cultural production works, once shared, will enable a greater number of cultural participants to enter the fray, which will benefit both the people involved with media-making and the brands that sponsor creative projects.

What’s This? News and Editorial

Famegame tracks News and Editorial mentions for each and every profile in the system. Basically, if you’ve been mentioned or quoted in a news piece, it’s in our database.

Registered members have the ability to add News and Editorial mentions of themselves and others beyond those that are automatically tracked.

What’s This? Events Attended

Famegame tracks the events each of its members attends and displays them chronologically. The Events Attended section is a sampling of each individual’s presence at New York parties at which they’ve been photographed.

What’s This? Social Scenes

Social Scenes describes the type of party most often attended by the user. The number next to the “scene” represents the number of times an individual or organization has attended or hosted a party in that scene.

What’s This? Profile Changes


Famegame displays the changes that our registered members make to their profiles and others’. This is a way to keep all members accountable for their actions, as well as a means to watch the system change, as it changes.