Population of Scotland Facts

Here you will find facts and information relating to the population of Scotland and a population density map of the Scottish Regions. Also included are population statistics for each Scottish city, life expectancy, birth rate and the literacy rate in Scotland.

Population 5,062,011
Scotland's Cities – Populations Glasgow 1,171,460
Edinburgh 457,510
Aberdeen 188,780
Dundee 151,530
Inverness 44,610
Stirling 44,460
Birth rate 10.7 per 1,000 population
Death rate 11.0 per 1,000 population
Net migration rate: 4.1 migrant(s) per 1,000 population
Population growth rate: 0.4%
Life expectancy at birth: male: 74.2 yrs
female: 79.3 yrs
Literacy 99%

Have a more detailed look at Scotland's population or see an overview.

Population density by area (Persons per km2)

Scotland Population Map