Physical Geography of Scotland

Here you will find interesting facts and statistics relating to Scotland's physical features and geography, including details of the Scottish climate, landmass area, islands and coastline. Also detailed are the major Scottish rivers, the highest mountains and the largest fresh water lochs in Scotland.

Total Area 48,950 sq km
Highest Mountain Ben Nevis 1344m
Other Mountains Ben Macdui 1309m
Braeriach 1296m
Largest Loch Loch Lomond 56 sq km
Other Lochs Loch Ness 56 sqkm
Loch Awe 38 sqkm
Loch Maree 29 sqkm
Longest River River Tay 193km
Other Major Rivers River Spey 172km
River Clyde 171km
River Tweed 156km
River Forth 105km
Islands 800 (130 inhabited)
Coastline Approx. 10,000km with 3,900km mainland coast
Weather Average sea level temp. of 9 degrees (min –30 max +30). 3 hour sunshine.
200 days rain per year, west coast 250 rain.

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Physical Map of Scotland

The Physical Scotland