connect to 1 to enable debug mode require_once("{$CONF['path']}/settings_sql.php"); require_once("{$CONF['path']}/sources/sql/{$CONF['sql']}.php"); $DB = "sql_{$CONF['sql']}"; $DB = new $DB; $DB->connect($CONF['sql_host'], $CONF['sql_username'], $CONF['sql_password'], $CONF['sql_database'], $CONF['debug']); // Settings $settings = $DB->fetch("SELECT * FROM {$CONF['sql_prefix']}_settings", __FILE__, __LINE__); $CONF = array_merge($CONF, $settings); $ad_breaks = explode(',', $CONF['ad_breaks']); $CONF['ad_breaks'] = array(); foreach ($ad_breaks as $key => $value) { $CONF['ad_breaks'][$value] = $value; } $result = $DB->query("SELECT category, skin FROM {$CONF['sql_prefix']}_categories ORDER BY category", __FILE__, __LINE__); while (list($category, $skin) = $DB->fetch_array($result)) { $CONF['categories'][$category] = $skin; } $CONF['skins_path'] = "{$CONF['path']}/skins"; $CONF['skins_url'] = "{$CONF['list_url']}/skins"; $TMPL['skins_url'] = $CONF['skins_url']; $TMPL['list_name'] = $CONF['list_name']; $TMPL['list_url'] = $CONF['list_url']; // Combine the GET and POST input $FORM = array_merge($_GET, $_POST); // The language file require_once("{$CONF['path']}/languages/{$CONF['default_language']}.php"); // Determine the category and skin if (isset($FORM['cat']) && isset($CONF['categories'][$FORM['cat']])) { $TMPL['skin_name'] = $CONF['categories'][$FORM['cat']]; } else { $TMPL['skin_name'] = $CONF['default_skin']; } if (!is_dir("{$CONF['path']}/skins/{$TMPL['skin_name']}/") || !$TMPL['skin_name']) { $TMPL['skin_name'] = $CONF['default_skin']; } if (!is_dir("{$CONF['path']}/skins/{$CONF['default_skin']}/")) { $TMPL['skin_name'] = 'fusion'; } require_once("{$CONF['path']}/sources/misc/skin.php"); // Is it a new day/week/month? list($last_new_day, $last_new_week, $last_new_month, $TMPL['original_version']) = $DB->fetch("SELECT last_new_day, last_new_week, last_new_month, original_version FROM {$CONF['sql_prefix']}_etc", __FILE__, __LINE__); $time = time() + (3600*$CONF['time_offset']); $current_day = date('d', $time); $current_week = date('W', $time); $current_month = date('m', $time); if ($last_new_day != $current_day) { require_once("{$CONF['path']}/sources/misc/new_day.php"); new_day($current_day); } if ($last_new_week != $current_week) { require_once("{$CONF['path']}/sources/misc/new_day.php"); new_week($current_week); } if ($last_new_month != $current_month) { require_once("{$CONF['path']}/sources/misc/new_day.php"); new_month($current_month); } // Adjust the output text based on days, weeks, or months if ($CONF['ranking_period'] == 'weekly') { $LNG['g_this_period'] = $LNG['g_this_week']; $LNG['g_last_period'] = $LNG['g_last_week']; } elseif ($CONF['ranking_period'] == 'monthly') { $LNG['g_this_period'] = $LNG['g_this_month']; $LNG['g_last_period'] = $LNG['g_last_month']; } else { $LNG['g_this_period'] = $LNG['g_today']; $LNG['g_last_period'] = $LNG['g_yesterday']; } // Check if installer is there if (file_exists("{$CONF['path']}/install/")) { $TMPL['header'] = $LNG['g_error']; $base = new base; $base->error($LNG['g_delete_install']); } // Check for hits in require_once("{$CONF['path']}/sources/in.php"); $in = new in; // Array containing the valid .php files from the sources directory $action = array( 'admin' => 1, 'in' => 1, 'join' => 1, 'lost_pw' => 1, 'out' => 1, 'page' => 1, 'rankings' => 1, 'rate' => 1, 'search' => 1, 'stats' => 1, 'user_cpl' => 1 ); // Require the appripriate file if (isset($FORM['a']) && isset($action[$FORM['a']])) { $page_name = $FORM['a']; } else { $page_name = 'rankings'; } require_once("{$CONF['path']}/sources/{$page_name}.php"); $page = new $page_name; // Display the page $skin = new main_skin('wrapper'); echo $skin->make(); $DB->close(); // Print out debugging info, if necessary if ($CONF['debug']) { echo '
'; foreach ($DB->queries as $value) { echo "
"; } echo '
  echo '
'; echo '
'; } ?>