on August 23, 2012 by in How To, kblog-metadata, Comments (0)

Changing the Container Title

Kblog-metadata stores and displays metadata about posts either visually (http://process.knowledgeblog.org/235), or for computational agents such as Greycite (http://knowledgeblog.org/greycite) to use. In this article, we describe the container title, how to use it, and how to change it.

What is the container title?

Most academic articles are published as part of an set of articles; either in a book, a journal or some form of repository. This is also true of kblog articles which are posted, by definition, on a blog. We call this set the container. It is displayed through the kblog-metadata widgets (http://process.knowledgeblog.org/235) as part of the citation. In normal usage, most blogs have a single container title, but this is somewhat limiting for academic usage, so kblog-metadata provides the ability to set these titles per-article or for a group of related articles.

The default

By default, kblog-metadata just uses the blogname, which in many cases is sufficient. For example, my work kblog uses this mechanism, as does Ontogenesis (http://ontogenesis.knowledgeblog.org/) or, indeed, this kblog (http://process.knowledgeblog.org/). This can be changed or modified as described (http://en.support.wordpress.com/settings/general-settings/).

For a single article

It is possible to set a container title for an individual article. A typical usage for this is where the author is using their own kblog as a preprint server for work that they have published elsewhere, as part of a conference or workshop. For instance, our recent paper on kblog (http://www.russet.org.uk/blog/2054) was originally published as part of the SePublica workshop. References to this blog post using Kcite (http://knowledgeblog.org/kcite-plugin), or using the BibTeX download (http://process.knowledgeblog.org/235) will display this fact. This article also uses the kblog-metadata multiple author support (http://process.knowledgeblog.org/257) to display the three authors of the paper.

Container titles can be set using the Container title metabox from the edit pane, as shown. After adding to the metabox, the post must be updated. The current title is shown in the metabox, along with a description of where the title comes from.


Figure 1. The container title metabox

For an event

It is also possible to set a container title for a number of different posts. This is done by defining a new “event”, and then putting posts into these events. A typical usage for this is when using a kblog to as a preprints server for a conference; for example, the bio-ontologies kblog (http://bio-ontologies.knowledgeblog.org/) currently uses two events, one for the 2011 conference and one for 2012. At the time of writing, new articles are being added to 2012, so there are few here.

New events can be defined using the Event option on the dashboard as shown. The name that is given to the event will become the container title for posts in that event. The “slug” is used to form a URL to access all posts from that event.


Figure 2. Creating a new event

Events can then be added to individual posts, using the Event box in the edit pane, as shown. As normal the Container Title metabox will show the current title, and that is is inherited from an event.


Figure 3. Adding a post to an event


Phillip Lord
School of Computing Science
Newcastle University


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