Moonlight Manifestation Review

Full Review

The audiobook provides a new awakening experience. It eliminates the negative patterns in your life that cause trauma.

  • Creator: Alexander Wilson
  • Contents: audio tracks, ebooks
  • Official Website:
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Moonlight Manifestation

Moonlight manifestation is a video series and audio track program designed to awaken your body's natural ability to heal, reveal the root cause behind health issues, and clear stress. The program is believed to have the power to melt away unwanted weight. It is uniquely tailored with hypnotic language. The language contains words and phrases designed to communicate with your subconscious mind perfectly. The moonlight manifestation program has 32 sound frequency layers, and each of these layers performs specific tasks. The frequency layers combine into a healing symphony of instant transformation. The frequency sounds are responsible for the opening of your thalamus.

The first three frequency layers are very important in advancing personal growth. This program unlocks your heart's desire and attracts positive energy to your life at 2 am when your thalamus is active. The positive energy attracts your heart's deepest desires like; your dream house, dream car, dream, and the exotic dream destination you want. The first way of unlocking your mind is by consistently practicing the 3-second ritual, the dream yoga. It allows you to eliminate negative patterns in your life. The ritual attracts abundance to your life. The program incorporates the concept of a sleep cycle. The three layers that activate the power of manifestation include;

The deep sleep layer- the sounds unlock the moonlight manifestation window, usually at 2 am.

The storybook script layer- the sounds allow your desire to enter your subconscious. It clears all the negative manifestation blockage. 

You can also opt to use hypnosis.

The manifestation acceleration layer- the positive energy is solidified in your subconscious brain. This layer attracts your desires to you.

The REM cycle activates the thalamus, releasing calming chemicals, filling your brain. This process causes a blockage of noise. You are in deep sleep in which your senses are activated to facilitate your journey to the dream realm. The dream is converted into a reality by the sound frequency in the manifestation audio track.

The audio tracks are designed to eliminate fear, doubt, disbelief, and negative thoughts. These soundtracks are very powerful and can assist you in manifesting your dreams.

Who Is The Creator?

  The creator of the moonlight manifestation is Alexander Wilson. He assures that this program will help you attract money and abundance. He says that his program can transform your life in one night. Alexander believes that 2021 is a new season, and it contains positive energies that fill the earth. This positive energy can be transmuted into your life through the program guide and manifest good things to you. He says that the moonlight manifestation program will guide you, give you a new purpose, and block all the negative thoughts preventing you from reaching your destiny. He believes that your destiny is in your subconscious mind, and everything you need to unlock its potential is inside you. The guide is only a pathway to give you direction into your future. The creator says that the program's techniques are ancient and have been kept a secret by the yoga masters because of their power.

What Is Included In The Moonlight Manifestation?

The moonlight manifestation contains three audio series. The audiobook includes;

The income manifestation series -The audio series comprises the abundance rising and divine block dissolver tracks. The other audio tracks include;

Pure presence- this audio track is designed to attract positive energy and increase vibration.

The 12D self-activator- the soundtrack activates your positive energy, attracting good things to you.

The soul's purpose akashic journey- the soundtrack will help align you with positive energy emitted by the universe. It will also realign your body and soul and synchronize it to be a harmonious entity for you to live a satisfying life.

Past life karma clearing- this soundtrack removes all types of blockages that prevent you from acquiring wealth and abundance.

The overnight sound journey- the soundtrack is also known as signs from the universe. It is designed to answer the life's questions you desperately need in your sleep.

Quantum health activation- this soundtrack transmutes positive energy from negative energy on every quantum level.

Money blocks DNA clearing- this audio track is designed to eliminate all negative beliefs in your mind concerning money.

  • The unstoppable motivational series

This audio series is designed to activate your hidden talents and gifts. The audio series has the following functions;

To eliminate all fear and worries, activate your talent, increase the level of your confidence, remove any blockages that can interfere with your abundance, balance and charge your cosmic energy, and eliminate trauma from the past.

  • The Unlock your quantum series.

These audio series help you find your inner self and power. It unlocks your inner strength and potential. It is designed to put everything in your existence to order. It helps to improve your memory, improve your writing skills, sharpens your insight, boosts your intelligent quotient levels, and enhances your communication skills.

It also contains moonlight manifestation bonuses that include;

  • The dream yoga activation system

This sound journey audio track assists you in exploring many opportunities. This bonus system does not concentrate on attracting money but also helps you find your soul mate. It also attracts positive and significant relationships in your life.

  • Overnight Hypnotic healer series

This six sound journey track series comprises hypnotic languages which coordinate and program your subconscious mind.

This track series will renew your mind. It will enhance your positive thinking.

  • Overnight Health series

This soundtrack is designed to activate the natural aspect of your body to heal to clear the root cause behind major health issues. It also improves your sleeping patterns.

This audio track is designed to remove stress, anxiety and restore your energy.


  • It is flexible, i.e., you can download the sounds using any device and listen to them whenever you want.
  • The audio tracks are high-quality short sounds.
  • It is user-friendly and does not need to know how to perform yoga or meditate.
  • It allows you to unlock psychic abilities and soul gifts.
  • It contains information that enhances your public speaking talent and memory.
  • It removes old thinking patterns. The harmful habitual patterns are eliminated from your subconscious and replaced with positive thinking.
  • The audio tracks frequency will get deeper into the mind and soul to remove doubts and beliefs that diminish your efforts.

Moonlight manifestation is intended for those who have not found a clear purpose in their lives or people who have not discovered their talents and skills that they can use. The audio track guides people who are tired of being average in life. The audio track is important for people trying to get a deeper meaning to life. It is suitable for people who have questions and do not know how to get the answers. The audio track is entirely a platform for you to synchronize with your deeper yourself. It creates an opportunity for you to explore your subconscious. Unlocking this audio track is unlocking your power and potential for greatness.

The moonlight manifestation is proven to work, and there are many testimonials of people who have gotten actual results. They have managed to solve their life issues and attract wealth in promotions at their workplace. The audiobook series provide a satisfying life for the user. The 2 am moonlight manifestation window will offer you the platform to feel thrilling than ever before.

This audiobook provides a new awakening experience. It solidifies positive thinking into your subconscious and signals the universe. This energy pulls your desires towards you. The vibrational sound is very soothing to the soul and uplifting.

This complete moonlight manifestation audiobook is designed and guaranteed to quickly attract wealth and unlock your talent and potential for greatness.

Yes, I Want Moonlight Manifestation!

Frequently Asked Questions

Users can get a 100 percent money-back policy if the product does not work.
Some sites will try to draw you in by claiming you can download Alexander Wilson’s Moonlight Manifestation for free. Their page titles might be something like, “Moonlight Manifestation Free Download PDF“. Then, you get to the site, and they try to justify it by saying it’s “risk-free”. Well, to me risk-free and FREE aren’t the same thing! While you can technically try Moonlight Manifestation risk-free because of the 60-day money back guarantee, you still need the money up front to buy it in the first place so it isn’t free. Moonlight Manifestation is not a free program and any site claiming a free download is either not being totally honest with you or is providing illegal copies, neither of which is good.
This is indicative of sites that usually use a title to their page that says something like, “Moonlight Manifestation: Another SCAM!?!” or “Moonlight Manifestation: Is Alexander Wilson a Scammer?” or something of that nature. In other words, when you search for Moonlight Manifestation in Google or another search engine, these sites show up with those types of titles in the listings. Sometimes these sites will also use what I call the “Fear Factor” in their headlines which is something like, “Moonlight Manifestation: OMG So Bad!”. This is often nothing more than an attempt to draw you into their site by making you think they used the product and had a really bad experience with it. How do I know these are fake and not real scam alerts or legitimate complaints? Because the title cries SCAM!!!!! or a really horrible experience, but then you go to the page and read the review and it’s always an extremely positive, glowing review about how great Moonlight Manifestation is. In these instances, they only use the word SCAM to try and draw you into their site because they know if they say something is a scam or a terrible program, you’ll probably click on their link to find out more about it, right? A legitimate bad experience or a real scam alert to help protect consumers is one thing, but don’t fall for this type of trickery and trust your gut when the headline/page title and review don’t match. No real Moonlight Manifestation review will cry SCAM or claim it’s a terrible program in the title only to offer up a review that says the complete opposite.

Are There Alternatives To Moonlight Manifestation?

Check Out Moonlight Manifestation (Official Website)