Insecurity in the Cancer Woman

The Cancer Woman's insecurity is classic in that it probably started with self-rejection generated from babyhood impressions. However, the most compelling and universal reason for self-rejection is rejection by someone else. Deep down, Cancer may fear that self-knowledge and revelation would uncover not a narcissus but an ugly frog. She is self-protective all her life, partially because of this belief.

Cancer, I advise you to make an inventory of all your assets. Concentrate especially on those you have ignored or taken for granted. If you are insecure, unaware of your assets, you will be unable to make the best use of them or to develop them further.

Make a list of all the risks you've ever taken, from the tiniest to the biggest. Next to each, write the outcome. You will see that you've succeeded far more than you've failed. Keep the "Risk List" with you and refer to it when you feel anxious and unsure about your next decision. Another exercise is to imagine the worst thing that could happen as a result of a risk you have decided to take. You will see that this worst outcome is most often not as bad as something you've already experienced and overcome.

A frequent result of Cancer's insecurity is excessive caution. The Cancer Woman tends to be as super-cautious as a newlywed giving a large party for the first time. But though the nervousness of an inexperienced hostess is understandable, Cancer tends to retain a generalized wariness for decades.

There is a world of difference between voluntary logical caution and involuntary obsessive caution. A young colt who has just learned to walk is naturally nervous and watchful. His movements are measured, slightly off balance, but rapidly improving. He has controlled grace, harmony, self-protective insight. However, the obsessively cautious person lacks these qualities, instead adopting a stiff, slow, tense, clumsy body language. The Cancer Woman's incessant caution is ultimately self-defeating; it is not a realistic response to situations that are no longer characterized by newness, that no longer challenge her survival.

Another frequent manifestation of insecurity is secrecy and manipulativeness. If Lady Cancer does not wish to let on what she thinks and wants, she is likely to try to get results indirectly. She may try to subtly control others in such a way that she achieves her goal without overt communication (i.e., without taking risks).

The Cancer Woman is so rich in sensation and subjective intuition that she is quite vulnerable. A hint of displeasure, a word, a nuance, a silence, a gesture, or a sound can hurt her. If she does not protect herself, she suffers. If she protects herself, she may go too far and encase herself in impenetrable armor or turn to possessiveness and exploitation. She must learn to walk the fine line between just enough caution and too much self-protection.

Cancer, you must learn to eliminate needless caution and to refrain from secretive, self-protective, self-rejecting acts. Throwing caution to the wind at the right time is utterly exhilarating, and you may be forced to try it. You will have to cope with new patterns of relating, new adventures, new experiences, for life will inevitably bring them. Holding back as a result of insecurity is as fruitless as wanting guarantees where there are none.

Continue reading here: Coping with Insecurity The Cancer Woman in Love

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Readers' Questions

  • sarah
    Are cancer women rejected?
    1 year ago
  • Cancer women, like everyone else, can experience rejection. Rejection is a common part of life and can happen to people of any gender or zodiac sign. It is important to remember that rejection does not define someone's worth or value, and it is essential to maintain self-confidence and resilience when faced with rejection.
    • Matthias
      Is cancer horoscope insecure?
      1 year ago
    • No, Cancer horoscope individuals are not inherently insecure. Like individuals of any other zodiac sign, they can have their own insecurities or strengths based on their unique personality and life experiences.
      • asfaha
        Which women fears insecurity most among the zodiac?
        1 year ago
      • It is important to note that astrology should not be used as a definitive answer to personal characteristics or fears, as it is a complex and nuanced field. However, according to some astrological interpretations, the zodiac sign Cancer is often associated with insecurity and fears. Cancer women are known to be highly sensitive and emotional, which can make them more prone to feelings of insecurity. Additionally, their nurturing and protective nature can sometimes cause them to worry excessively about the well-being of their loved ones, further increasing their insecurities. However, it is essential to remember that every individual is unique, and factors such as life experiences, upbringing, and personal growth can greatly influence one's fears and insecurities.
        • lucien
          Why cancer zodiac has insecurity?
          1 year ago
        • Cancer individuals are often known for their sensitive and emotional nature. This sensitivity can make them more prone to developing insecurities. Here are a few reasons why Cancer zodiac sign may experience insecurity:
          1. Emotional vulnerability: Cancer individuals tend to feel things deeply and are highly attuned to their own emotions. This vulnerability can lead to insecurities about being judged or rejected.
          2. Fear of abandonment: Cancer individuals value emotional security and stability in relationships. They may worry about being left alone or abandoned, leading to insecurities related to trust and attachment.
          3. Highly intuitive: Cancer individuals have a strong intuition and can often pick up on underlying emotions and energies. This ability can sometimes lead to overthinking and worrying, contributing to their insecurities.
          4. Past hurts: Cancer individuals can hold onto past hurts and disappointments, which may cause them to be more cautious and guarded in future relationships. This can stem from their fear of being hurt again, leading to insecurities about their worthiness and ability to be loved.
          5. Comparisons and self-doubt: Due to their sensitive nature, Cancer individuals may compare themselves to others and feel inadequate. This self-doubt can contribute to their insecurities and a constant need for reassurance.
          6. It's important to note that not all Cancer individuals will experience intense insecurities, and individuals may have different levels of insecurity depending on various factors such as upbringing and life experiences.
          • severi
            How to tell if a cancer woman is interested in you?
            1 year ago
          • When it comes to determining if a Cancer woman is interested in you, it's important to pay attention to her actions and behaviors. Here are some signs that may indicate her interest:
            1. She opens up emotionally: Cancer women tend to be very in touch with their emotions, so if she starts sharing personal stories or feelings with you, it may be a sign that she feels comfortable and connected to you.
            2. She initiates contact: If she consistently reaches out to you first, whether through texts, calls, or social media messages, it's a positive indication that she wants to engage with you and stay connected.
            3. She shows care and support: Cancer women are known for their nurturing nature. If she goes out of her way to make sure you're okay, offers a listening ear, or offers support when you need it, it could be a sign that she cares about you and your well-being.
            4. She creates a comfortable and cozy atmosphere: Cancer women appreciate a comfortable and cozy environment. If she invites you over to her home, cooks for you, or creates an intimate setting, it may indicate that she wants you to feel at ease and is interested in spending more time together.
            5. She introduces you to her loved ones: Cancer women value their close relationships, and if she introduces you to her family and close friends, it demonstrates that she sees a potential future with you and wants you to be a part of her social circle.
            6. She remembers details about you: A Cancer woman's memory is usually sharp, and if she remembers small details about your conversations, it suggests she is paying attention and genuinely interested in getting to know you better.
            7. She displays jealousy or protectiveness: A Cancer woman can sometimes feel protective of those she cares about. If she shows signs of jealousy when you're around other potential romantic interests, it could indicate that she has developed strong feelings for you.
            8. Remember that every individual is unique, and these signs are not foolproof. Communication is essential, so having open and honest conversations about your feelings and intentions can provide clarity and strengthen your relationship.
            • sirpa
              How does cancer woman feel if they are rejected?
              1 year ago
            • Cancer women are typically sensitive and emotional individuals, so being rejected can have a significant impact on their feelings. They may initially feel hurt and may take the rejection personally, as they tend to invest a lot of themselves in their relationships. Cancer women might withdraw and become more introspective, spending time alone to process their emotions. They may also experience a range of emotions such as sadness, insecurity, and self-doubt. They may question their self-worth and wonder what they did wrong to be rejected. Their nurturing and protective nature may lead them to blame themselves or take responsibility for the rejection, even if it had nothing to do with them. Cancer women often seek emotional support from their close circle of friends and loved ones during such times. They may need reassurance, comfort, and emotional validation to help them heal and regain their self-confidence. Over time, they will gradually move on from the rejection, but the emotional impact may still linger for a while.
              • russom
                Do i take cancer woman words for granted?
                1 year ago
              • No, it is not recommended to take anyone's words for granted, including those of a Cancer woman. It is important to listen to and respect others' perspectives and opinions, regardless of their gender or zodiac sign. Engaging in open and honest communication can help build strong and respectful relationships.
                • SM GAMMIDGE
                  What causes cancer women insecurities?
                  1 year ago
                • There is no single cause for insecurities in women with cancer, as each individual's experience and response to the disease can vary greatly. However, some common factors that can contribute to insecurities in women with cancer include:
                  1. Body Image: Cancer treatment can often lead to physical changes such as hair loss, weight gain or loss, scars, or changes in skin tone. These changes can impact a woman's self-image and lead to feelings of insecurity.
                  2. Fear of Rejection: Some women with cancer may feel insecure about how their illness will be perceived by others, including romantic partners, friends, or colleagues. They may worry about being judged, rejected, or treated differently because of their cancer diagnosis.
                  3. Loss of Control: The diagnosis and treatment of cancer can often leave women feeling like they have lost control over their own bodies and lives. This loss of control can lead to insecurities and feelings of helplessness.
                  4. Impact on Relationships: Women with cancer may worry about how their illness will affect their relationships, including their ability to be a good partner, parent, or friend. They may fear being a burden or feel guilty for needing support or help from others.
                  5. Emotional and Psychological Impact: Cancer diagnosis and treatment can have a significant emotional and psychological toll on women, leading to increased anxiety, depression, fear, and stress. These factors can contribute to a general sense of insecurity and vulnerability.
                  6. It is important to note that not all women with cancer will experience insecurities, and some may even find newfound strength and resilience through their journey. Additionally, the support and understanding of loved ones, counseling, and self-care strategies can help address and manage these insecurities.
                  • immacolata
                    How does a cancer woman deal with rejection?
                    1 year ago
                  • Dealing with rejection can be challenging for anyone, including a Cancer woman. Here are some tips for a Cancer woman on how to cope with rejection:
                    1. Allow yourself to feel and process the emotions: It is normal to feel hurt, disappointed, or even angry when facing rejection. Give yourself permission to experience those emotions and allow yourself to grieve and heal in your own time.
                    2. Seek support from trusted loved ones: Reach out to family members, friends, or a partner who can provide a listening ear and emotional support. Cancer women value their close relationships, and talking about your feelings with someone who understands you can be helpful in navigating the emotions that come with rejection.
                    3. Practice self-care: Take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally. Engage in activities that bring you joy, relaxation, and comfort. This could include hobbies, exercise, meditation, or spending time in nature. Focusing on self-care can help you maintain a positive mindset and build resilience during challenging times.
                    4. Reflect and learn from the experience: Use the rejection as an opportunity for growth and self-reflection. Consider what you can learn from the situation and how you can improve yourself or your approach in the future. Remember that rejection does not define your worth or value as an individual.
                    5. Focus on the positives and your own achievements: Remind yourself of your strengths, accomplishments, and what makes you unique. Redirect your energy towards your personal goals or other areas of your life that bring fulfillment and satisfaction.
                    6. Avoid dwelling or obsessing over the rejection: While it is essential to acknowledge and process your emotions, try not to fixate on the rejection itself. Dwelling on it excessively can prolong the healing process and negatively impact your self-esteem. Instead, practice letting go and redirecting your focus on more positive aspects of your life.
                    7. Remember, each person deals with rejection differently, and these tips may not apply to everyone. It's important to find coping mechanisms that work best for you as an individual. If the feelings of rejection persist or become overwhelming, consider seeking professional help from a counselor or therapist who can provide additional support and guidance.