Enneagram Personality

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Did you know that the enneagram personality test can make you know the type of personality you are possessing? Try it out to avoid guesswork on the true you today. Do not be left out!

  • Creator: Dr. Helen Okoye
  • Contents: Enneagram personality check
  • Official Website: drenneagram.com
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Enneagram Personality

What Is An Enneagram?

An enneagram is a group of nine roles and understanding which kind you have to make better life choices. The enneagram is also a personality type system that tells how people interpret the world and control their emotions. You can perfectly comprehend the best career, the best partner, and understand well your spirituality. In today’s generation, most people use was devised by Oscar Ichazo and Claudio Naranjo, even though the exact origin of the principle is disputed and may return to much farther to other good thinkers of the past. The nine types of personalities include the achiever, the individualist, the investigator, the skeptic, the giver, the perfectionist, the enthusiast, the peacemaker, and the challenger. 

Functions Of Enneagrams

  • Enneagram says that each of the nine personality types is defined by a specific core belief about how the world functions. This core belief improves the view of a person to the world and perspective in which they see the world and the people in their surroundings.
  • Understanding the enneagram types and how it colors your view can broaden your perspective and approach situations more effectively.
  • Getting to understand perfectly, a person’s Enneagram type can help you see why they act as they always do.
  • Every enneagram type contains a group of core beliefs that will encourage them to take a specific action and direct them to develop specific decisions.
  • Enneagram type of person can well explain the confusing and contradictory behavior of a person. 
  • The enneagram can also help you understand how people react to stress by describing how each Enneagram type adapts and responds to stressful and supportive situations.
  • The enneagram gives a chance for personal development and offers a foundation for understanding others.

How Can Enneagram Be Applied?

Commonly, the enneagram is used for

  • Personal self- knowledge and personality development.
  • Giving a powerful tool for self- mastery.
  • Resolution of conflict.
  • Team dynamics.
  • Leadership and emotional intelligence.

Since it identifies opportunities for development for every individual type, it is largely used in counseling, psychotherapy, business development, education, and parenting.

Types Of Enneagram Personalities

The nine types of enneagrams are grouped into heart types, head types, and body types. Heart-type usually depends on their emotional intelligence to comprehend their reactions and link with others; on the other hand, head types dwell on intellectual intelligence to make sense of things and move the world around them. Body types depend on their instinctual intelligence to follow their “gut” and respond to opportunities and threats.

The heart-type of the enneagram

The heart types react with emotions at the beginning. The link with different people on an empathetic level generates some sense of the world by comprehending their feelings.


Individuals with giver enneagram personality are always determined by their desire to belong and be loved by others. They are very nurturing, helpful, and caring for others. They always want to engage themselves in other people's lives and mostly help people when they need their help. Individuals with this personality always ensure they are important to others by always being there for them. They are afraid of feeling lonely and unloved; therefore, they do away with this fear through caring for others and making themselves central to other people's lives.


People under this category are usually identified by their desire to be important and differentiate themselves by their achievement. They are not sure about their innate self- worth and always seek validation via their accomplishment. To the rest, they tend to be confident, ambitious, and goal-oriented. People with this type of personality are image-focused. They care about other people's views of them.


They are identified through their sense of being special and different from the rest. They are always creative and present a unique persona to the people surrounding them. They undergo conflicts that wish to link with others, but they encounter this since they are not normal; few people can view them as they are. They usually fear being flawed and missing out on some necessary aspects of happiness that different have access to. They amplify what is different and special about themselves, searching for the topic they can appreciate to cope with this fear.

The Head Types Of The Enneagram


Individuals with this type of personality usually seek conservation of their energy to avoid wasting through interaction with the outside world. They concentrate on being informed and competent so that they be self-sufficient as possible. They find fun when they depend on their understanding of the universe, expanding their intellect while minimizing their physical and relationship needs. They are usually scared of being overwhelmed by their own needs and also other’s needs. To get used to these fears, they withdraw from relationships and keep a minimalist lifestyle, depending on the intellectual as an escape from the world's demand.


They are identified through their desire for safety and security. They seek to anticipate and avoid risk and to offer themselves with trustworthy authority figures and institutions. They are always attentive and vigilant, always imagining several methods to anticipate and prepare for what could go messy. They are scared to lack preparation and is not able to defend themselves from danger. They try to be prepared at all times for them to cope up with this fear.


Under this category, people are defined by their wish to experience everything life has to give while avoiding boredom and pain. Other people usually view them to be lively, fun-loving, and indulgent. They are always very engaged since they involve themselves from one activity to another in their quest to fix every possible bit to have fun in life.

The Body Types Of The Enneagram

They react with an intuitive, gut feeling. They link with different people depending on their physical sense of comfort and make sense to the world by sensing their reaction to what is taking place.


They usually have the desire to be powerful to avoid any vulnerability. They are always confident, assertive, and portray a false image to others. They can sometimes be very argumentive and intimidating. They always stand up for what they believe in and protect those who are not strong compared to themselves. 


They always desire to have a sense of inner peace and harmony to do away with conflicts or other disturbances. They are agreeable, calm, and easy to be with. They do not like being controlled and may be stubborn at some point.


People in this category are defined by their desire to avoid being wrong or make mistakes correctly; others view them as perfectionists, responsible, and exacting. They follow the rules and details and usually feel frustrated when not offered a chance to ensure things are up to their standards.

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