Understanding Customer Reviews and Ratings

Guidelines for customer reviews and ratings.

Submission of Customer Reviews

Only customers who have spent at least $50 on Amazon in the previous 12 months are able to leave a Customer Review. Further details can be found in our Community Guidelines and Customer Reviews Help Pages.

Product Star Ratings

To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we don't use a simple average. Instead, our system considers things like how recent a review is and if the reviewer bought the item on Amazon. It also analyses reviews to verify trustworthiness. Further information can be found in our How Are Product Star Ratings Calculated Help Page.

Amazon Verified Purchases

Where an item has been purchased or used on Amazon (except where a significant discount has been applied) and the same purchaser has left a review, we apply an "Amazon Verified Purchase" label. This helps customers identify reviews by other customers who have actually bought or used the product on Amazon. Further information on "Amazon Verified Purchase" reviews can be found in our Amazon Verified Purchase Reviews Help Page.

Vine Voices Reviews

These are reviews left by members of our Vine Voices program. Further details of this program can be found in our Amazon Vine Help Page.

Other non-Verified Purchase Customer Reviews

Reviews that are not marked "Amazon Verified Purchase" are valuable as well. However, we don't check if the reviewers have purchased the product at Amazon at the price available to most Amazon shoppers or used the product before leaving their review.

Seller Feedback

Only customers who have purchased a product from a seller through Amazon can leave comments, feedback and ratings about the seller. Further information can be found in our Comments, Feedback and Ratings About Sellers Help Page.

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