Sell on Amazon

Become an
Amazon seller

More than half the units sold in our stores are from independent sellers.
$39.99 a month + selling fees
Stack of three different sizes of Amazon packages that are ready to be shipped
sales chart with arrow going up and to the right

Over $50K in potential benefits

Ready to sell? Launch your brand today with a powerful playbook for new sellers and over $50K in potential benefits.
Get 5% back on your first $1,000,000 in branded sales
Try FBA with free inbound shipping, storage, removals, and returns
Get $200 credit for Sponsored Products CPC ads—bids are up to you
Get a head start on brand protection, product reviews, and more
computer icon with Amazon Smile logo

Sell more

Fresh new startups and Fortune 500s. B2B and B2C. Brand owners and resellers. Independent third-party sellers sold more than a billion items during the 2019 holiday season alone.
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Scale with FBA

Leave the shipping, returns, and customer service to us with Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA). It’s the easiest way to reach 150 million paid Prime members around the world.
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Make money

In 2019, nearly 225,000 Amazon sellers worldwide eclipsed $100,000 in sales, up from nearly 200,000 in 2018—and 15,000 U.S. businesses broke $1 million.
With all the infrastructure, systems, and processes Amazon built I realized that selling efficiency is no longer a problem.
Steven YangAnker Technology

Introduction to ecommerce selling

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What is ecommerce?

Electronic commerce (ecommerce) is the trading of goods and services on the internet. Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of this selling channel.
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Build a business

For entrepreneurs and growing businesses, ecommerce can be a profitable model to adapt either as the sole focus of your business, or as an additional selling channel.
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Ecommerce fulfillment

Ecommerce fulfillment is a vital ingredient to growing a successful online retail channel. Here’s what to consider when looking for an order fulfillment service.
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Inventory management

Maintaining the right amount of inventory to meet demand can help keep your business humming. Get effective inventory management tips for ecommerce business owners.
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What is dropshipping?

This guide covers the definition of dropshipping, how it works, pros and cons, related Amazon policies, and alternatives to consider for ecommerce businesses.
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Create an Amazon storefront

Learn how to tell your brand story using Amazon tools. Build immersivei storefronts and customize product detail pages with rich media and content.
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Sell books on Amazon

Learn how to sell used books, new books, or your own self-published books. We've got the steps to help you get started—and seven tips to help you succeed.
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Seller University

Our online training program is designed to help brands, businesses, and entrepreneurs learn how to succeed as Amazon selling partners.
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Amazon Selling Partner Blog

Read updates, articles, and stories about getting started in ecommerce and growing your business in Amazon stores.
Just have a few items to sell?

Start selling today

Put your products in front of the millions of customers who search every day.
$39.99 a month + selling fees
two Amazon boxes