
Mixed or average reviews - based on 12 Critic Reviews

Critic score distribution:
  1. Positive: 3 out of 12
  2. Negative: 0 out of 12
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  1. Oct 20, 2021
    The AI bots are dumb, but it’s really in the local play and online where the game shines. It’s fast, fun and furious, with a pace that makes the older gamer wince, but when it all comes together, Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl is more than capable of delivering a decent old time.
  2. Oct 18, 2021
    A game with a boat load of Nostalgia and good bones. A fighter that’s fun with friends, challenging with AI, and competitive online. With time and love, Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl could be a top tier fighter in the near future.
  3. Oct 18, 2021
    Brawl it out as your favorite Nickelodeon characters in bombastic platform battles! With a power-packed cast of heroes from the Nickelodeon Channel.
  4. Oct 16, 2021
    Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl tries to be a challenger for Super Smash Bros. and aims for the weak spot of his opponent, showing off a stable and solid netcode. A good multiplayer and tight controls, though, are not enough to reach the stars. The roster is good and varied, but a little scarce right now (maybe DLCs will fill the gap) and characters lack characterization (no pun intended): a pity, because Nickelodeon’s original voices and music would have added a lot of value to the game.
  5. Oct 22, 2021
    Nostalgia fills the air in Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl now that it is out on Xbox. On one hand this is the closest the Xbox will see to Super Smash Bros. and on the other hand it’s full of classic Nickelodeon cartoons and I love a good crossover. This will no doubt be a fun time with friends or kids alike as long as you know that the base content can be had very quickly and thus the repeatability could become a bore. If you are in it for the long time this is a fine brawler to pick up.
  6. Oct 11, 2021
    Probably the most fun you can have in a Nickelodeon videogame, this is a derivative but fun fighter that kids will enjoy, but will probably do quite well in the competitive community too.
  7. Oct 10, 2021
    Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl is a fun fighting game with iconic characters and easy to learn but challenging to master mechanics. They nailed the feel of a good fighting game, but the game still feels like it has a ways to go before it reaches the level of an iconic franchise like Smash. The potential is absolutely there, and after we see a few DLC launches who knows where it will stand, but for now it’s hard to imagine myself inviting friends over to play All-Star Brawl when Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is still around.
  8. Oct 10, 2021
    Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl contains the beginnings of what may end up being the most unlikely competitive fighting franchise ever conceived. It knows its audience and it has been able to appease them, garnering a lot of excitement along the way. However, where Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl missteps is in the handling of its properties. It's easy to get excited about the thought of Reptar dash-dancing across Jellyfish Fields, but it's tough to buy into the idea when there's a rogue ukulele serenading the mute dinosaur while it happens.
  9. Oct 10, 2021
    Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl is riddled with flaws. Not very pretty, not always very precise, a little sparse in content, the dubbing of the original cartoons are absent ... However, the fighting game of Fair Play Labs exudes passion. We don't recommend it to everyone, as NASB is targeting a very specific niche. By mimicking the physics of Super Smash Bros. Melee and implementing one of its advanced techniques, this atypical brawler manages to seduce those nostalgic for the early 2000s. Those will see it as a good way to immerse themselves in the licenses of their childhood while by rediscovering familiar sensations and a solid competitive environment. Hopefully the studio's follow-up will be good, as Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl is holding something.
  10. Oct 8, 2021
    Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl is brimming with fantastic characters, fun combat, and legitimate potential. However, limited content and a laundry list of bugs keep it from thriving as a platform fighter right now.
  11. Oct 18, 2021
    Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl is a platform fighting game that offers fun and good times with friends. Evaluated from this perspective, the game delivers, and if that's what you're looking for, you won't regret it. However, this game could have been much better, especially in details, fluidity and content. If you are able to look past its disappointing visuals, or its unoriginal soundtrack, this game might have something interesting to give you.
  12. Oct 13, 2021
    There's also just not enough content to sink your teeth into. Outside of arcade, multiplayer and a sports mode, where players must score a goal in the opponent's goal, there's just not much to do. Unlocks aren't particularly exciting either, offering little more than concept art and other goodies. It's all a bit of a shame, as there's honestly some solid mechanics buried beneath the issues. If developers Ludosity and Fair Play Labs can stick with the game post-launch and build it up, it could end up being a completely different story in a year or so, but as it stands, Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl feels like the shell of what it could be.
User Score

Generally favorable reviews- based on 11 Ratings

User score distribution:
  1. Positive: 7 out of 11
  2. Negative: 2 out of 11
  1. Oct 11, 2021
    Great game. Don't compare it to smash, because it's it's own thing and it's doing a great job.
  2. Oct 6, 2021
    O jogo me surpreendeu muito positivamente. SInceramente eu esperava que fosse mais um jogo farmando franquias famosas, mas não é o caso.

    O jogo me surpreendeu muito positivamente. SInceramente eu esperava que fosse mais um jogo farmando franquias famosas, mas não é o caso.

    A mecânica é o ponto alto desse título, apesar de ainda precisar melhorar algumas coisas, como a defesa, que na minha opinião não faz sentido nesse tipo de jogo, além da animação de defesa de todos os personagens ser um pouco tosca, pelo fato deles ficarem estritamente parados.

    O visual dos personagens varia de cada um, o Bob Esponja por exemplo é muito bem feito, até por ser um personagem com poucos detalhes e estilizado, mas quando compara o mesmo com a Korra, Aang, ou esses personagens assim que são personagens com a apar}encia realista, dá pra notar que não são bem caprichados. O que poderia ser feito é tornar esses personagens como Korra, Aang, April mais estilizados como os outros, com proporções físicas menos realistas, como por exemplo a Lucy Loud e o Lincoln Loud, que são humanos mas são estilizados. Mas essa é a escolha que os desenvolvedores optaram, eu acho que fica uma desparidade grande entre os personagens por conta disso, mas entendo o lado deles.

    Outra coisa que faria muito bem ao jogo seriam vozes dos personagens, não digo que precisam ser a dublagem para cada região, mas só de ter algumas vozes em inglês mesmo já dá mais vida a gameplay.

    Existem apenas 20 personagens, eu imagino que vão vir muitos mais em forma de DLC, o que eu acho errado mas que hoje em dia já é comum. Porém, o jogo base deveria ser mais barato pra que faça sentido ter tantas DLCs, não está um preço extremamente caro, mas acredito que pelo conteúdo que é não deveria ser esse valor.

    Não há a opção de textos em português, sinceramente não faz tanta falta, mas são tão poucos textos que seria algo muito simples de traduzir que acho que poderia ser feito por qualquer desenvolvedor do jogo para não ter que pagar uma tradutora, porque realmente são pouquíssimos textos e bem simples.

    No geral é um jogo realmente bom apesar de parecer ter pouquíssimo investimento e talvez por conta disso pouco conteúdo também, mas parece ter sido feito com carinho. Eu gostei bastente e é uma exelente opção de jogo estilo Smash Bros pra quem não tem um console da Nintendo.

    O esquisito é que uma nota 7 parece ser pouco e 8 parece ser muito.
    Full Review »
  3. Oct 6, 2021
    So, Nickelodeon All Star Brawl is a fair game in the end. While it can be fun, there are some flaws that can hold it back but overall, this isSo, Nickelodeon All Star Brawl is a fair game in the end. While it can be fun, there are some flaws that can hold it back but overall, this is a fair smash clone that has potential. Full Review »