Hextech Mayhem: A League of Legends Story Image

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  • Summary: In this fast-paced rhythm runner, every action has an explosive reaction and no amount of mayhem is too much. Take on the role of yordle and Hexplosives expert Ziggs as you rampage through the neighborhoods of Piltover.

    Bomb, bounce, and bop to the beat of the music to avoid obstacles,
    In this fast-paced rhythm runner, every action has an explosive reaction and no amount of mayhem is too much. Take on the role of yordle and Hexplosives expert Ziggs as you rampage through the neighborhoods of Piltover.

    Bomb, bounce, and bop to the beat of the music to avoid obstacles, disarm enemies, and light fuses to achieve maximum chaos. Cause musical mayhem while outrunning no-fun-allowed Heimerdinger in your quest to build the greatest bomb the world has ever seen!

    Use the Freestyle Mayhem System to create spontaneous blasts and grab bonus points... all while dodging the fun police and showing them what they're really missing.

    Leave no fuse unlit in Hextech Mayhem: A League of Legends Story.
Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 5 out of 11
  2. Negative: 0 out of 11
  1. Nov 17, 2021
    Of our protagonists, though, I'd want to be Ziggs. After all, he's here to light it up, set the world on fire, and break rules in two. After all, that's what the baddest do (sorry not sorry for being the best).
  2. Nov 24, 2021
    For 10 bucks, you're getting a personality-driven rhythm romp with the hindsight of a decade plus of genre experience.
  3. Dec 10, 2021
    One of the better rhythm games, which also offers good long-term motivation. And that for little money.
  4. Dec 20, 2021
    Overall, Hextech Mayhem is a good step for Riot to continue letting other developers experiment with their IP. The difficulty can spike unfairly at times and the rarer items require a bit too much trial and error to get behind, but it’s a solid diversion at its price point. I just wish Choice Provisions had taken a bigger (or riskier) swing for their auto-runner to give genre fans something to really dig into.
  5. Nov 28, 2021
    A fun endless runner that does its job. Apart from expanding the League of Legends universe, it doesn’t offer anything particularly interesting.
  6. Nov 20, 2021
    Impossible not to know League of Legends, especially in these days. Not that it's a bad thing, let's understand, and that's why we suggest you to play Hextech Mayhem.
  7. Nov 22, 2021
    While Hextech Mayhem: A League of Legends Story provides a great experience in short bursts, none of its levels feel as replayable as the best of the developer's past work or the best of the rhythm genre. This is a fatal flaw in a game with gated progression, and there are no supplementary modes or other features to distract from it. As it stands, the game's mix of mobile mechanics makes its release on traditional platforms baffling, and only those who are immediately intrigued by Ziggs in a game outside of League of Legends will get something substantial out of the final product in its current available forms.

See all 12 Critic Reviews

Score distribution:
  1. Positive: 1 out of 4
  2. Negative: 2 out of 4
  1. Nov 17, 2021
    For $10, I had a lot of fun with this. If you like LoL that's a plus, but definitely don't need to know anything about it. Performing well inFor $10, I had a lot of fun with this. If you like LoL that's a plus, but definitely don't need to know anything about it. Performing well in rythm games has a special sort of satisfaction, and this game successfully delivers that. Expand
  2. Dec 17, 2021
    + fun music
    + fun character design + polished intro animation Cons: - convoluted game screen - uneven difficulty curve -
    + fun music
    + fun character design
    + polished intro animation

    - convoluted game screen
    - uneven difficulty curve
    - excessive difficult to get some collectibles
    - no extra game modes
  3. Nov 21, 2021
    If you're expecting a quality game like the Bit.Trip series, forget it. This game is completely uninspired with levels that look the same wellIf you're expecting a quality game like the Bit.Trip series, forget it. This game is completely uninspired with levels that look the same well beyond the endgame.
    It doesnt help that the inputs arent registered 30% of the time and you cannot change them eihter, so you're stuck with a bad distribution of keys that dont make any sense.
    The requirements to pass each level end up hurting your progress because you're stuck in levels that are only hard because the game isnt properly developed(you dont know when you have to input(before,after or at the proper time because each input is different and the game never explains why) and it doesnt help that the golden "coins" that you need to progress are completely out of path.

    Its a bad game but some fun can be had.
  4. Nov 21, 2021
    Terrível, nem o baixíssimo preço do jogo consegue torna-lo comprável. A escolha de controles não pode ser levado a sério. Existem diversosTerrível, nem o baixíssimo preço do jogo consegue torna-lo comprável. A escolha de controles não pode ser levado a sério. Existem diversos jogos mobile de ritmo que são consideravelmente melhores do que esse. Expand