The Open Conference Proceedings Journal

ISSN: 2210-2892 ― Volume 7, 2016

Instructions for Authors

The Open Conference Proceedings Journal is an open access online journal which publishes conference proceedings in all major scientific, technical and medical disciplines. This novel journal has the advantage of being freely accessible to an unlimited international readership offering the best possible exposure for published conference proceedings.

Each peer-reviewed manuscript that is published in ‘The Open Conference Proceedings Journal’ is universally and freely accessible via the Internet in an easily readable and printable PDF via the Internet in an easily readable and printable PDF format.


An online submission and tracking service via Internet facilitates a speedy and cost-effective submission of proceedings. The conference proceedings (manuscripts/abstracts/posters) can be submitted online via Bentham's Journal Management System (JMS) at View Instructions

Authors should ONLY submit their articles directly through our online system as we do not accept articles through intermediary companies or agents.

Manuscripts must be submitted by one of the authors of the manuscript, and should not be submitted by anyone on their behalf. The principal/corresponding author will be required to submit a Covering Letter along with the manuscript, on behalf of all the co-authors (if any). The author(s) will confirm that the manuscript (or any part of it) has not been published previously or is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Furthermore, any illustration, structure or table that has been published elsewhere must be reported, and copyright permission for reproduction must be obtained.

For all online submissions, please provide soft copies of all the materials (main text in MS Word or Tex/LaTeX), figures / illustrations in TIFF, PDF or JPEG, and chemical structures drawn in ChemDraw (CDX) / ISISDraw (TGF) as separate files, while a PDF version of the entire manuscript must also be included, embedded with all the figures / illustrations / tables / chemical structures etc. It is advisable that the document files related to a manuscript submission should always have the name of the corresponding author as part of the file name, i.e., "Cilli MS text.doc" , "Cilli MS Figure 1", etc.

It is imperative that before submission, authors should carefully proofread the files for special characters, mathematical symbols, Greek letters, equations, tables and images, to ensure that they appear in proper format.

References, figures, tables, structures etc. should be referred to in the text at the place where they have been discussed. Figure legends/caption should also be provided.

A successful electronic submission of a manuscript will be followed by a system-generated acknowledgement to the principal/corresponding author within 72 hours of the dispatch of the manuscript. Any questions with regards to the preparation of and submission of your manuscript to the journal should be addressed to and copied to

NOTE: Any queries therein should be addressed to and copied to

Editorial Policies:

The editorial policies of Bentham OPEN on publication ethics, peer-review, plagiarism, copyrights/ licenses, errata/corrections and article retraction/ withdrawal can be viewed at Policy page. Articles are licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution non-commercial License (, which permits unrestricted, non-commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided that the work is properly cited.

Our contracted service provider Eureka Science can, if needed, provide professional assistance to authors for the improvement of English language and figures in manuscripts.

Conference Manuscripts Style:

Research Articles:

The total number of words for a published research article is from 4000 to 8000 words.

Review Articles:

The total number of words for a published comprehensive review article article is from 8000 to 40000 words, and for mini-review articles from 3000 to 6000 words.

Short Communications/Letters:

The maximum total page length for short communications/ letter type manuscripts published in the journal is nine journal pages.

Structured Abstract:

The abstract of an article should be its clear, concise and accurate summary, having no more than 250 words, and including the explicit sub-headings (as in-line or run-in headings in bold). Use of abbreviations should be avoided and the references should not be cited in the abstract. Ideally, each abstract should include the following sub-headings, but these may vary according to requirements of the article.

  • Background
  • Objective
  • Method
  • Results
  • Conclusion


Poster submissions to the journal from conference poster sessions are welcome. Authors should include all relevant supporting data with each poster submitted.

Supplement/Thematic Issues:

The journal also considers Supplements /Thematic issues for publication. The Guest Edited Thematic Issues are published free of charge.

A Supplements/Single topic will be a collection of articles (minimum of 6, maximum of 20 articles) based on a contemporary theme or topic of great importance to the field. Mini-supplements consisting of between 3 to 5 articles are also welcome. A Supplement can consist of either all review articles or a mixture of review and research articles. The Guest Editors' main editorial task is to invite the contributors to the Supplement and to manage the peer review of submitted manuscripts. A short summary or proposal for editing a supplement should be submitted to the Editor-in-Chief at e-mail to with a copy to

Publication Fees:

I. Online Publication Charges:

The publication fee for each published Article is US $600.

II. Print Publication Charges:

The cost of printing 100 copies of a standard conference proceedings of up to 100 published pages containing a maximum number of 4 color figures will be US $2500 (exclusive of delivery charges).

The following rates will apply in case of increase in the number of (a) published pages, (b) color figures and (c) print copies:

  1. Cost of additional published pages (B/W): US $15 per page for 100 print copies
  2. Cost of additional color figures: US $50 per color plate for 100 print copies
  3. Cost of additional print copies: US $25 per print copy (exclusive of delivery charges)

A firm quotation can be provided if the following details are available:

  1. Total number of articles and their respective word limit
  2. Total number of abstracts and posters
  3. Total number of color figures in the articles
  4. Total number of print copies ordered

Bulk Orders:

For bulk orders of print copies and reprints, please contact the editorial office by email at

Upon approval of the conference proceedings for publication, the organizers will receive an electronic invoice by email. Submissions from developing countries will receive a discount of 30% on the total publication fee charge.

Manuscript Preparation:

The manuscript should be written in English in a clear, direct and active style. All pages must be numbered sequentially, facilitating in the reviewing and editing of the manuscript.

For further convenience, the customer support team available at Eureka Science can provide assistance to authors for the preparation of manuscripts.

The guidelines for the preparation of manuscripts (excluding posters and abstracts) are given below, according to the following disciplines:

1. Chemistry and Drug Design and Discovery

Check list for manuscript

  • Copyright letter
  • Title Page
  • Structured Abstract
  • Text Organization
  • References
  • Appendixes

Copyright Letter:

It is mandatory that a signed copyright letter must be submitted along with the manuscript/abstract/poster by the author/organizer to whom correspondence is to be addressed, delineating the scope of the submitted work, declaring the potential competing interests, acknowledging contributions from authors and funding agencies, and certifying that the manuscript/abstract is prepared according to the 'Instructions for Authors'. All inconsistencies in the text and in the reference section and any typographical errors must be carefully checked and corrected before submission. The corresponding author/organizer must also confirm that the manuscript contains no such material or information that may be unlawful, defamatory, fabricated, plagiarized, or which would, if published, in any way whatsoever, violate the terms and conditions as laid down in the agreement. The authors acknowledge that the publishers have the legal right to take appropriate action against the authors for any such violation of the terms and conditions as laid down in the agreement. Download the Copyright Letter

Structured Abstract:

The abstract of an article should be its clear, concise and accurate summary, having no more than 250 words, and including the explicit sub-headings (as in-line or run-in headings in bold). Use of abbreviations should be avoided and the references should not be cited in the abstract. Ideally, each abstract should include the following sub-headings, but these may vary according to requirements of the article.

  • Background
  • Objective
  • Method
  • Results
  • Conclusion

Text Organization:

The main text should begin on a separate page and should be divided into separate sections. For Research manuscripts, the preparation of the main text must be structured into separate sections as Introduction, Materials and Methodology, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. For Short Communications and Letter manuscripts, the manuscript should be divided into title page, abstract and the main text. The text may be subdivided further according to the areas to be discussed, which should be followed by the Acknowledgement (if any) and Reference sections. The authors are advised to present and discuss their observations in brief. The manuscript style must be uniform throughout the text and 10 pt Times New Roman fonts should be used. The full term for an abbreviation should precede its first appearance in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement. The reference numbers should be given in square brackets in the text. Italics should be used for Binomial names of organisms (Genus and Species), for emphasis and for unfamiliar words or phrases. Non-assimilated words from Latin or other languages should also be italicized e.g. in vivo, in vitro, per se, et al. etc.

Protection of Human Subjects and Animals in Research:

When reporting experiments involving human subjects, authors should indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000.

For research involving animals, authors should indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the standards set forth in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (published by the National Academy of Science, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.).


References must be listed in the ACS Style only. All references should be numbered sequentially [in square brackets] in the text and listed in the same numerical order in the reference section. The reference numbers must be finalized and the bibliography must be fully formatted before submission.

See below few examples of references listed in the ACS Style:

Journal Reference:
  • [1]  Thomsen, R.; Christensen, M.H. MolDock: a new technique for high-accuracy molecular docking. J. Med. Chem., 2006, 49, 3315-21.
Book Reference:
  • [2]  Crabtree, R.H. The Organometallic Chemistry of the Transition Metals, 3rd ed.; Wiley & Sons: New York, 2001.
Book Chapter Reference:
  • [4]  Wheeler, D.M.S.; Wheeler, M.M. In Studies in Natural Products Chemistry; Atta-ur-Rahman, Ed.; Elsevier Science B. V: Amsterdam, 1994; Vol. 14, pp. 3-46. .
Conference Proceedings:
  • [5]  Jakeman, D.L.; Withers, S.G. E. In Carbohydrate Bioengineering: Interdisciplinary Approaches, Proceedings of the 4th Carbohydrate Bioengineering Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, June 10-13, 2001; Teeri, T.T; Svensson, B.; Gilbert, H.J.; Feizi, T., Eds.; Royal Society of Chemistry: Cambridge, UK, 2002; pp. 3-8.
URL (Web Page):
  • [7]  Hoch, J.A.; Huang, S. Screening methods for the identification of novel antibiotics. U.S. Patent 6,043,045, March 28, 2000.
  • [8]  Kirby, C.W. Thesis, University of Waterloo, 2000.
  • [9]  Citations for manuscripts/material published exclusively online or in open access (free-to-view) , must contain the exact Web addresses (URLs) at the end of the reference(s), except those posted on an author’s Web site unless editorially essential, e.g. ‘Reference: Available from: URL’.

Some important points to remember:

  • All references must be complete and accurate.
  • All authors of referenced manuscripts must be cited and there must be no use of the short hand version of et al. when citing authors.
  • Online citations should include the date of access.
  • Journal abbreviations should follow the Index Medicus/MEDLINE.
  • Take special care of the punctuation convention as described in the above-mentioned examples.
  • Avoid using superscript in the in-text citations and reference section.
  • Abstracts, unpublished data and personal communications (which can only be included if prior permission has been obtained) should not be given in the reference section but they may be mentioned in the text and details provided as footnotes.
  • The authors are encouraged to use a recent version of EndNote (version 5 and above) or Reference Manager (version 10) when formatting their reference list, as this allows references to be automatically extracted.


In case there is a need to present lengthy, but essential methodological details, use appendixes, which can be a part of the manuscript. An appendix must not exceed three pages (Times New Roman, 12 point fonts, 900 max. words per page).The information should be provided in a condensed form, ruling out the need of full sentences. A single appendix should be titled APPENDIX, while more than one can be titled APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, and so on.

2. Biological Sciences, Medicine and Pharmacology

Check list for manuscripts:

  • Copyright letter
  • Title Page
  • Structured Abstract
  • Text Organization
  • References
  • Appendixes

Copyright Letter:

It is a mandatory requirement that a signed copyright letter also be submitted along with the manuscript by the author to whom correspondence is to be addressed, delineating the scope of the submitted manuscript declaring the potential competing interests, acknowledging contributions from authors and funding agencies, and certifying that the manuscript is prepared according to the 'Instructions for Authors'. All inconsistencies in the text and in the reference section and any typographical errors must be carefully checked and corrected before the submission of the manuscript. The manuscript contains no such material or information that may be unlawful, defamatory, fabricated, plagiarized, or which would, if published, in any way whatsoever, violate the terms and conditions as laid down in the agreement. The authors acknowledge that the publishers have the legal right to take appropriate action against the authors for any such violation of the terms and conditions as laid down in the agreement. Download the Copyright Letter


The title should be precise and brief and must not be more than 120 characters. Authors should avoid the use of non standard abbreviations. The title must be written in title case except for manuscripts, conjunctions and prepositions.

Authors should also provide a short ‘running title’.

Structured Abstract:

The abstract of an article should be its clear, concise and accurate summary, having no more than 250 words, and including the explicit sub-headings (as in-line or run-in headings in bold). Use of abbreviations should be avoided and the references should not be cited in the abstract. Ideally, each abstract should include the following sub-headings, but these may vary according to requirements of the article.

  • Background
  • Objective
  • Method
  • Results
  • Conclusion

Text Organization:

The main text should begin on a separate page and should be divided into separate sections. For Research manuscripts, the preparation of the main text must be structured into separate sections as Introduction, Materials and Methodology, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. For Review and Letter manuscripts, the manuscript should be divided into title page, abstract and the main text. The text may be subdivided further according to the areas to be discussed, which should be followed by the Acknowledgement (if any) and Reference sections. The review manuscript should mention any previous important reviews in the field and contain a comprehensive discussion starting with the general background of the field. It should then go on to discuss the salient features of recent developments. The authors should avoid presenting material which has already been published in a previous review. The manuscript style must be uniform throughout the text and 10 pt Times New Roman fonts should be used. The full term for an abbreviation should precede its first appearance in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement. The reference numbers should be given in square brackets in the text. Italics should be used for Binomial names of organisms (Genus and Species), for emphasis and for unfamiliar words or phrases. Non-assimilated words from Latin or other languages should also be italicized e.g. in vivo, in vitro, per se, et al. etc. Protein and Nucleic acid sequences may be included and should conform to International databases. Genomic and Proteomic studies may be included and should conform to International databases.

It is advisable that the observations be presented and discussed in brief. Make available all products that they generate such as protein, DNA, clone, cell or other types of material that they describe to other investigators in the field who require them for bona fide purposes. This should be done with the spirit that the data that are published can be duplicated and that other ideas can be tested. For research involving human subjects, authors must name the committee(s) that approved the experiments in the Materials and methods section of the manuscript and include with their submission a statement to confirm that informed consent was obtained from all subjects.

Protection of Human Subjects and Animals in Research:

When reporting experiments involving human subjects, authors should indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the ethical standards of the responsible committee on human experimentation (institutional and national) and with the Helsinki Declaration of 1975, as revised in 2000.

For research involving animals, authors should indicate whether the procedures followed were in accordance with the standards set forth in the Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals (published by the National Academy of Science, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.).

Microarray Data:

The authors will be required to submit the Microarray experiment data to the ArrayExpress using the MIAMExpress submission tool (, which will be subjected to reviewing by the curation team and if accepted, an ArrayExpress accession number would be assigned for it. The ArrayExpress offers the facility to maintain the data until the related manuscript is published.

Microarray data should be made available for reviewers and editors at the time of manuscript submission in a MIAME compliant and widely accessible format. Submission of large raw and/or analyzed microarray data files as supplementary data to the journal should be discouraged, which may alternatively be submitted either to the Gene Expression Omnibus or ArrayExpress repositories, thereby obtaining an accession number for the journal and any necessary passwords, to facilitate the reviewers and editors of a manuscript to access the data. The submission of the microarray data to either of these repositories should be done at or before acceptance of a manuscript for publication, with accession number being allotted well before publication.


The authors are encouraged to use standardized nomenclature wherever necessary:

  • The SI units should be used; if not exclusively, please provide the SI value in parentheses after each value.
  • Species names should be italicized (e.g., Homo sapiens). The generic name of a species should be given in full the first time it appears in the text.
  • The author authority for each species is desirable on its first mention. Chemical formulae may not be used as abbreviations in the text.
  • Genes, mutations, genotypes, and alleles should also be indicated in italics but the protein product of a gene should be in Roman type. Use the recommended name by consulting the appropriate genetic nomenclature database, e.g., HUGO for human genes. It is sometimes advisable to indicate the synonyms for the gene the first time it appears in the text. Gene prefixes such as those used for oncogenes or cellular localization should be shown in roman: v-fes, c-MYC, etc.
  • The Recommended International Non-Proprietary Name (rINN) of drugs should be provided.
  • In case of usage of symbols that do not conform to those that have previously appeared in the literature, their aliases may be obtained from the approved nomenclature in the HGNC (HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee) [] and LocusLink, to allow retrieval of all the information available for each gene.

Taxonomic Nomenclature:

The Latin name and taxonomic authority (e.g. Linnaeus) should be given for all experimental species. Chemical nomenclature must conform to the Subject Index of Chemical Abstracts.

Accession Numbers:

All appropriate datasets, images, and information should be deposited in public resources. Please provide the relevant accession numbers (and version numbers, if appropriate) and any necessary passwords to enable the reviewers and editors of a manuscript to access the data.

Providing accession numbers facilitates linking to and from the established databases and integrates the manuscript with a broader collection of scientific information, therefore list all accession numbers should be listed directly after the Supporting Information section.

All accession numbers for all entities such as genes, proteins, mutants, diseases, etc., for which there is an entry in a public database should be included in the manuscript. Experimental data should be submitted to the appropriate databases, with a release date corresponding to the date of publication.


References must be listed in the numerical system (Vancouver). All references should be numbered sequentially [in square brackets] in the text and listed in the same numerical order in the reference section. The reference numbers must be finalized and the bibliography must be fully formatted before submission.

See below few examples of references listed in the correct Vancouver style:

Typical Manuscript Reference:
  • [1]  Lu M, Taylor A, Chylack LT, et al. Dietary linolenic Acid intake is positively associated with five-year change in eye lens nuclear density. J Am Coll Nutr 2007; 26: 133-40.
  • [2]  Nocentini G, Ronchetti S, Cuzzocrea S, Riccardi C. GITR/GITRL: more than an effector T cell co-stimulatory system. Eur J Immunol 2007; 37: 1165-9.
Typical Chapter Reference:
  • [3]  Siegal BS, Chiu CJ, Taylor A. In: Bendich A, Deckelbaum RJ, Eds. Preventive Nutrition 3/e. Totawa, NJ, Humana Press 2005; pp.463-503.
Book Reference:
  • [4]  Carlson BM. Human embryology and developmental biology. 3rd ed. St. Louis: Mosby; 2004.
Edited Book:
  • [5]  Brown AM, Stubbs DW, Eds. Medical physiology. New York: Wiley 1983.
Conference Manuscript:
  • [6]  Anderson JC. Current status of chorion villus biopsy. In: Tudenhope D, Chenoweth J, Eds. Proceedings of the 4th Congress of the Australian Perinatal Society; 1986: Brisbane, Queensland: Australian Perinatal Society 1987; pp. 190-6.
Conference Proceedings:
  • [7]  Harris AH, Ed. Economics and health: 1997: Proceedings of the 19th Australian Conference of Health Economists; 1997 Sep 13-14; Sydney, Australia. Kensington, N.S.W.: School of Health Services Management, University of New South Wales 1998.
Journal Manuscript on the Internet:
Book/Monograph on the Internet:
  • [9]  Donaldson MS, Ed. Measuring the quality of health care [monograph on the internet]. Washington: National Academy Press; 1999 [cited 2004 Oct 8]. Available from:
  • [10]  HeartCentreOnline [homepage on the Internet]. Boca Raton, FL: HeartCentreOnline, Inc.; c2000-2004 [updated 2004 May 23; cited 2004 Oct 15]. Available from:
Journal with Part/Supplement:
  • If a journal carries continuous pagination throughout the volume, then the issue number can be omitted.
Issue with Supplement:
  • [11]  Glauser TA. Integrating clinical trial data into clinical practice. Neurology 2002; 58(12 Suppl 7): S6-12.
Volume with Part:
  • [12]  Abend SM, Kulish N. The psychoanalytic method from an epistemological viewpoint. Int J Psychoanal 2002; 83(Pt 2): 491-5.
Issue with Part:
  • [13]  Ahrar K, Madoff DC, Gupta S, Wallace MJ, Price RE, Wright KC. Development of a large animal model for lung tumors. J Vasc Interv Radiol 2002; 13(9 Pt 1): 923-8.
  • [14]  Alison AM, Daniel T, Stephen JR, John AL, Thomas HT; Large Scale Biology Corporation, assignee. Self antigen vaccines for treating B cell lymphomas and other cancers. United States patent US 7084256. 2006 Aug.
  • [15]  Citations for manuscripts/material published exclusively online or in open access (free-to-view) , must contain the exact Web addresses (URLs) at the end of the reference(s), except those posted on an author’s Web site unless editorially essential, e.g. ‘Reference: Available from: URL’.

Some important points to remember:

  • All references must be complete and accurate.
  • If the number of authors exceeds six then et al will be used after three names (the term “et al” should be in italics).
  • Online citations should include the date of access.
  • Journal abbreviations should follow the Index Medicus/MEDLINE.
  • Take special care of the punctuation convention as described in the above-mentioned examples.
  • Avoid using superscript in the in-text citations and reference section.
  • Abstracts, unpublished data and personal communications (which can only be included if prior permission has been obtained) should not be given in the reference section but they may be mentioned in the text and details provided as footnotes.
  • The authors are encouraged to use a recent version of EndNote (version 5 and above) or Reference Manager (version 10) when formatting their reference list, as this allows references to be automatically extracted.


In case there is a need to present lengthy, but essential methodological details, use appendixes, which can be a part of the manuscript. An appendix must not exceed three pages (Times New Roman, 12 point fonts, 900 max. words per page).The information should be provided in a condensed form, ruling out the need of full sentences. A single appendix should be titled APPENDIX, while more than one can be titled APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, and so on.

3. Mathematical Sciences

Check list for manuscripts

  • Copyright letter
  • Title Page
  • Structured Abstract
  • Text Organization
  • References
  • Appendixes

Copyright Letter:

It is a mandatory requirement that a signed copyright letter also be submitted along with the manuscript by the author to whom correspondence is to be addressed, delineating the scope of the submitted manuscript declaring the potential competing interests, acknowledging contributions from authors and funding agencies, and certifying that the manuscript is prepared according to the 'Instructions for Authors'. All inconsistencies in the text and in the reference section and any typographical errors must be carefully checked and corrected before the submission of the manuscript. The manuscript contains no such material or information that may be unlawful, defamatory, fabricated, plagiarized, or which would, if published, in any way whatsoever, violate the terms and conditions as laid down in the agreement. The authors acknowledge that the publishers have the legal right to take appropriate action against the authors for any such violation of the terms and conditions as laid down in the agreement. Download the Copyright Letter


The title should be precise and brief and must not be more than 120 characters. Authors should avoid the use of non-standard abbreviations. The title must be written in title case except for manuscripts, conjunctions and prepositions.

Authors should also provide a short ‘running title’.

Structured Abstract:

The abstract of an article should be its clear, concise and accurate summary, having no more than 250 words, and including the explicit sub-headings (as in-line or run-in headings in bold). Use of abbreviations should be avoided and the references should not be cited in the abstract. Ideally, each abstract should include the following sub-headings, but these may vary according to requirements of the article.

  • Background
  • Objective
  • Method
  • Results
  • Conclusion

Text Organization:

The main text should begin on a separate page and should be divided into separate sections. For Research manuscripts, the preparation of the main text must be structured into separate sections as Introduction, Materials and Methodology, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. For Review and Letter manuscripts, the manuscript should be divided into title page, abstract and the main text. The text may be subdivided further according to the areas to be discussed, which should be followed by the Acknowledgement (if any) and Reference sections. The review manuscript should mention any previous important reviews in the field and contain a comprehensive discussion starting with the general background of the field. It should then go on to discuss the salient features of recent developments. The authors should avoid presenting material which has already been published in a previous review. The authors are advised to present and discuss their observations in brief. The manuscript style must be uniform throughout the text and 10 pt Times New Roman fonts should be used. The full term for an abbreviation should precede its first appearance in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement. The reference numbers should be given in square brackets in the text.

Authors are encouraged to consult reporting guidelines. These guidelines provide a set of recommendations comprising a list of items relevant to their specific research design. All kinds of measurements should be reported only in International System of Units (SI).

Equations and Mathematical Expressions:

  1. Avoid the use of built-up fractions in the text. If not avoided by the author(s), built-up fractions will be converted to equivalent expressions on the line when the manuscript is copyedited. In display matter, however, built-up fractions are preferred for clarity.
  2. Avoid the use of small-type mathematical expressions centered above or below arrows. If possible, try to use an alternative format.
  3. In the exponential function, avoid exponents having more than one or two characters.
  4. Avoid the use of reference numbers for equations that are not subsequently referred to in the manuscript. Costs are reduced if short mathematical equations and other expressions in the text are run in (instead of each being displayed on a separate line). Authors must expect that, when accepted manuscripts are copyedited, "excess" equation reference numbers will be deleted and short equations will be run in with text.
  5. Be sure to indicate special marking for symbols (e.g., italics, boldface) and clearly identify any unusual symbols. Try to avoid underscored symbols because they often require hand composition and opening up lines and thus are expensive. In vector notations, indicate which letters or notations, if any, may be set in boldface type. Indicate if asterisks are to be set in superscript position or centered on the line.
  6. All equations should be indented and numbered as follows: (1).
  7. Equation number should be right justified. Put three dots (...) midway between the end of the equation and the equation number.
  8. Punctuation should not be used at the end of an equation.
  9. Particular care should be taken to distinguish between the number zero (0) and the letter O; the number one (1) and the letter l, the Roman letter v and the Greek letter nu (n). The decimal logarithm should be written "log" and the natural log "ln". The abbreviation of the exponential function is a roman e (for example, ex) or exp (for example, exp (u2 + n)). In expressions of the type dxdt, the letter d (derivative function) is always written in roman, whereas the physical parameter (x or t) is always in italics. Numbers are written in numerals when they are followed by units, these being represented by their SI symbols (10 % but a few percent).
  10. In numerals, each group of three letters should be separated by a space (except for dates and postal codes).

Authors should provide the equations in *TeX/LaTeX file format separately as well as embedded in the manuscript.

Mathematical Materials:

Mathematical symbols must be defined immediately where they are introduced.

Character Fonts:

The italic font should be used for mathematical symbols (this is the default font in *TeX/LaTeX’s math mode). In addition to variables and constants, the italic font should be used for pmanuscript symbols, symbols of quantum states, and group-theoretic designations.

Diacritical Signs:

A diacritical sign is a marking placed directly above or below symbols, e.g., the arrow in .

Subscripts and superscripts:

All available characters can be used as subscripts or superscripts. Position of a subscript or superscript is dictated by standard notation.


Abbreviations in Math:

Some abbreviations, such as those for mathematical functions and those used in superscripts or subscripts require special handling and are discussed below.

Abbreviations designating mathematical functions:

  • Roman multiletter abbreviations must be closed up to the argument following and separated from any preceding symbol by a thin space, that is,
  • To treat a function of a function enclose it in bold round parentheses, i.e.,
  • e and exp (for exponent) notation

The e form is appropriate when the argument is short and simple, i.e., eik·r, whereas exp should be used if the argument is more complicated.

Equation breaking (multilinear equations):

Mathematical expressions often need to be displayed on two or more lines (“broken”)

The best place for a break is just before an operator or sign of relation. These signs should begin the next line of the equation.

Equation numbering:

A principal equation and subordinate equations may be numbered (1), (1a), (1b), etc.

Bracketing and Grouping sequence:

For the purpose of grouping, the sequence of bracketing preferred is {[()]}, working outwards in sets ( ), [ ], and {}.

{ [ ( { [ ( ) ] } ) ] }

Limits and indices:

In text, however, space limitations require that single limit sums or integrals use subscripts and superscripts, for example


Fractions can be “built up” with a fraction bar, , “slashed” with a solidus, , or written with a negative exponent, (a + b)c-1. In text all fractions must be either slashed or written with a negative exponent.

Multiplication signs:

The primary use of the multiplication sign is to indicate a vector product of three-vectors (e.g., k x A). Do not use it to express a simple product.

The center dot (•) should not be used to mean a simple product. Use the dot to represent inner products of vectors (k • r).

Mathematical terms:

The use of the following standard symbols is recommended.


References must be listed in the numerical system (Vancouver). All references should be numbered sequentially [in square brackets] in the text and listed in the same numerical order in the reference section. The reference numbers must be finalized and the bibliography must be fully formatted before submission.

See below few examples of references listed in the correct Vancouver style:

Typical Manuscript Reference:
  • [1]  Marklof J. Pair correlation densities in homogenous quadratic forms. Ann Math 2003; 158: 419-71.
Book Reference:
  • [2]  Ruelle D. Thermodynamic formalism. New York: Addison Wesley 1978.
Edited Book:
  • [3]  Series C. Geometrical methods of symbolic coding. In: Ergodic theory, symbolic dynamics, and hyperbolic spaces (Trieste, 1989), Bedford T, Keane M, Series C, Eds. Oxford: Oxford University Press 1991; pp. 125-51.
Typical Chapter Reference:
  • [4]  Romberg TA. Designing middle school mathematics materials using problems created to help students progress from informal to formal mathematical reasoning. In: Leutzinger LP, Smith SP, Ed. Mathematics in the middle, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics 1998; pp. 107-19.
Conference Manuscript and Proceedings:
  • [5]  Williams MC, Sharp J. A collaborative parabolic quilt, in bridges: Mathematical connections in art, music, and science, conference proceedings, Sarhangi R, Ed. 2002; 143-9.
  • [6]  Williams MC. Quilts inspired by mathematics, in meeting Alhambra, ISAMA-BRIDGES conference proceedings, Sarhangi R, Sequin C, Eds. 2003; 393-9.
Published Book (Monograph):
  • [7]  Crane D. Invisible colleges: Diffusion of knowledge in scientific communities. Chicago: University of Chicago Press 1972.
Company Report:
  • [8]  Carbonell JR 1970. Mixed-Initiative Man-Computer Instructional Dialogues, Technical Report 1971, USC/Information Sciences Institute, Marina del Rey, California.
University Technical Report:
  • [9]  Rice J. Poligon: A system for parallel problem solving. Technical report, KSL-86-19, Dept. of Computer Science, Stanford Univ. 1986.
Dissertation or Thesis:
  • [10]  Clancey WJ. Transfer of Rule-Based Expertise through a Tutorial Dialogue. Ph.D. diss., Dept. of Computer Science, Stanford Univ 1979b.
Forthcoming Publication:
  • [11]  Barr A, Feigenbaum E. The handbook of artificial intelligence,1999; Vol. 12. Forthcoming.
  • [12]  Citations for manuscripts/material published exclusively online or in open access (free-to-view) , must contain the exact Web addresses (URLs) at the end of the reference(s), except those posted on an author’s Web site unless editorially essential, e.g. ‘Reference: Available from: URL’.

Some important points to remember:

  • All references must be complete and accurate.
  • Online citations should include the date of access.
  • Journal titles should conform to the present ACM Guide to Computing Literature/Chemical Abstracts etc. abbreviations.
  • If the number of authors exceeds six then et al will be used after three names (the term “et al.” should be in italics).
  • Take special care of the punctuation convention as described in the above-mentioned examples.
  • Avoid using superscript in the in-text citations and reference section.
  • Abstracts, unpublished data and personal communications (which can only be included if prior permission has been obtained) should not be given in the reference section but they may be mentioned in the text and details provided as footnotes.
  • The authors are encouraged to use a recent version of EndNote (version 5 and above) or Reference Manager (version 10) when formatting their reference list, as this allows references to be automatically extracted.


In case there is a need to present lengthy, but essential methodological details, use appendixes, which can be a part of the manuscript. An appendix must not exceed three pages (Times New Roman, 12 point fonts, 900 max. words per page).The information should be provided in a condensed form, ruling out the need of full sentences. A single appendix should be titled APPENDIX, while more than one can be titled APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, and so on.

4. Engineering

Check list for manuscripts

  • Copyright letter
  • Title Page
  • Structured Abstract
  • Text Organization
  • Glossary
  • References
  • Appendixes
  • Chemical Structures (if any)

Copyright Letter:

It is a mandatory requirement that a signed copyright letter also be submitted along with the manuscript by the author to whom correspondence is to be addressed, delineating the scope of the submitted manuscript declaring the potential competing interests, acknowledging contributions from authors and funding agencies, and certifying that the manuscript is prepared according to the 'Instructions for Authors'. All inconsistencies in the text and in the reference section and any typographical errors must be carefully checked and corrected before the submission of the manuscript. The manuscript contains no such material or information that may be unlawful, defamatory, fabricated, plagiarized, or which would, if published, in any way whatsoever, violate the terms and conditions as laid down in the agreement. The authors acknowledge that the publishers have the legal right to take appropriate action against the authors for any such violation of the terms and conditions as laid down in the agreement. Download the Copyright Letter


The title should be precise and brief and must not be more than 120 characters. Authors should avoid the use of non standard abbreviations. The title must be written in title case except for manuscripts, conjunctions and prepositions.

Authors should also provide a short ‘running title’.

Structured Abstract:

The abstract of an article should be its clear, concise and accurate summary, having no more than 250 words, and including the explicit sub-headings (as in-line or run-in headings in bold). Use of abbreviations should be avoided and the references should not be cited in the abstract. Ideally, each abstract should include the following sub-headings, but these may vary according to requirements of the article.

  • Background
  • Objective
  • Method
  • Results
  • Conclusion

Text Organization:

The main text should begin on a separate page and should be divided into separate sections. For Research manuscripts, the preparation of the main text must be structured into separate sections as Introduction, Materials and Methodology, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. For Review and Letter manuscripts, the manuscript should be divided into title page, abstract and the main text. The text may be subdivided further according to the areas to be discussed, which should be followed by the Acknowledgement (if any) and Reference sections. The review manuscript should mention any previous important reviews in the field and contain a comprehensive discussion starting with the general background of the field. It should then go on to discuss the salient features of recent developments. The authors should avoid presenting material which has already been published in a previous review. The authors are advised to present and discuss their observations in brief. The manuscript style must be uniform throughout the text and 10 pt Times New Roman fonts should be used. The full term for an abbreviation should precede its first appearance in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement. The reference numbers should be given in square brackets in the text.

Binomial Names: (Relevant for only Biomedical Field)

Italics should be used for Binomial names of organisms (Genus and Species), for emphasis and for unfamiliar words or phrases. Non-assimilated words from Latin or other languages should also be italicized e.g. per se, et al. etc.

Chemical Reaction Data: (Relevant for only Chemical and Biochemical Fields)

For heterogeneous catalysis, presentation should include reaction rates normalized by catalyst surface area, surface area of the active phase, or number of active surface atoms or catalytic sites, as appropriate. Typical rate units are mol s-1 m-2 or, in the case of surface atom normalization to produce turnover frequencies, s-1. For homogeneous catalysis, rates should typically be reported as turnover frequencies. Comparisons of selectivities should be made at similar conversions.

Catalytic measurements need to be carried out under kinetically limited conditions. Confirming tests need to be carried out and reported, especially for all reactions occurring in the liquid phase.

Symbols and Units: Greek symbols and special characters often undergo formatting changes and get corrupted or lost during preparation of an manuscript for publication. To ensure that all special characters used are embedded in the text, these special characters should be inserted as a symbol but should not be a result of any format styling (Symbol font face) otherwise they will be lost during conversion to PDF/XML1.

Authors are encouraged to consult reporting guidelines. These guidelines provide a set of recommendations comprising a list of items relevant to their specific research design.

Only ISO symbols, written in italic, should be used for the various parameters. All kinds of measurements should be reported only in International System of Units (SI). SI units should always be written in roman and separated from the numerical value by a space (whatever the language). The µ in µg or µm should be in roman. The symbol for liter is L and that for minute is min. For temperatures, please note the use of °C and °F but K. As the Ångström (1 Å = 10-10 m) is not an SI unit, it should be replaced by the nanometer (1 nm = 10-9 m) or by the picometer (1 pm = 10-12 m): 1 Å = 0.1 nm = 100 pm. Multiple units should be written with negative superscripts (for example, 25 mguL-1us-1).

The list of notations should appear just before the first paragraph of full text.

A list of symbols and units should be provided if used extensively throughout the text.

Equations and Mathematical Expressions:

  1. Avoid the use of built-up fractions in the text. If not avoided by the author(s), built-up fractions will be converted to equivalent expressions on the line when the manuscript is copyedited. In display matter, however, built-up fractions are preferred for clarity.
  2. Avoid the use of small-type mathematical expressions centered above or below arrows. If possible, try to use an alternative format.
  3. In the exponential function, avoid exponents having more than one or two characters.
  4. Avoid the use of reference numbers for equations that are not subsequently referred to in the manuscript. Costs are reduced if short mathematical equations and other expressions in the text are run in (instead of each being displayed on a separate line). Authors must expect that, when accepted manuscripts are copyedited, "excess" equation reference numbers will be deleted and short equations will be run in with text.
  5. Be sure to indicate special marking for symbols (e.g., italics, boldface) and clearly identify any unusual symbols. Try to avoid underscored symbols because they often require hand composition and opening up lines and thus are expensive. In vector notations, indicate which letters or notations, if any, may be set in boldface type. Indicate if asterisks are to be set in superscript position or centered on the line.
  6. All equations should be indented and numbered as follows: (1).
  7. Equation number should be right justified. Put three dots (...) midway between the end of the equation and the equation number.
  8. Punctuation should not be used at the end of an equation.
  9. Particular care should be taken to distinguish between the number zero (0) and the letter O; the number one (1) and the letter l, the Roman letter v and the Greek letter nu (n). The decimal logarithm should be written "log" and the natural log "ln". The abbreviation of the exponential function is a roman e (for example, ex) or exp (for example, exp (u2 + n)). In expressions of the type dxdt, the letter d (derivative function) is always written in roman, whereas the physical parameter (x or t) is always in italics. Numbers are written in numerals when they are followed by units, these being represented by their SI symbols (10% but a few percent).
  10. In numerals, each group of three letters should be separated by a space (except for dates and postal codes).
  11. Authors should provide the equations in *TeX/LaTeX file format separately as well as embedded in the manuscript.


References must be listed in IEEE style only. All references should be numbered sequentially [in square brackets] in the text and listed in the same numerical order in the reference section. The reference numbers must be finalized and the bibliography must be fully formatted before submission.

The author will be responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the references.

See below few examples of references listed in the correct IEEE style:

Journal Manuscripts:
  • [1]  G. Liu, K. Y. Lee, and H. F. Jordan, "TDM and TWDM de Bruijn networks and shufflenets for optical communications", IEEE Trans. Comp., vol. 46, pp. 695-701, June 1997.
  • [2]  S. M. Hemmingsen, Soft Science. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan Press, 1997.
  • [3]  A. Rezi and M. Allam, "Techniques in array processing by means of transformations," in Control and Dynamic Systems, Vol. 69, Multidimensional Systems, C. T. Leondes, Ed. San Diego: Academic Press, 1995, pp. 133-180.
Edited Book:
  • [4]  D. Sarunyagate, Ed., Lasers. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996.
Conference Proceedings:
  • [5]  N. Osifchin and G. Vau, “Power considerations for the modernization of telecommunications in Central and Eastern European and former Soviet Union (CCE/FSU) countries”, in Second International Telecommunication Energy Special Conference Special Conference, 1997, pp. 9-16.
  • [6]  K. Kimura and A. Lipeles, "Fuzzy Controller Component," U. S. Patent 14,860,040, December 14, 1996.
  • [7]  H. Zhang, "Delay-insensitive networks", M.S. thesis, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, 1997.
Electronic Publication:
  • [8]  L. Bass, P. Clements, and R. Kazman. Software Architecture in Practice, 2nd ed. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley, 2003. [E book] Available: Safari e-book.
  • [9]  P. H. C. Eilers and J. J. Goeman, "Enhancing scatterplots with smoothed densities", Bioinformatics, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 623-628, March 2004. [Online] Available: [Accessed Sept. 18, 2004].
  • [10]  Citations for manuscripts/material published exclusively online or in open access (free-to-view) , must contain the exact Web addresses (URLs) at the end of the reference(s), except those posted on an author’s Web site unless editorially essential, e.g. ‘Reference: Available from: URL’.

Some important points to remember:

  • All references must be complete and accurate.
  • All authors must be cited and there should be no use of the phrase et al (the term “et al.” should be in italics).
  • Online citations should include the date of access.
  • Journal abbreviations should follow the Index Medicus/MEDLINE.
  • Take special care of the punctuation convention as described in the above-mentioned examples.
  • Avoid using superscript in the in-text citations and reference section.
  • Abstracts, unpublished data and personal communications (which can only be included if prior permission has been obtained) should not be given in the reference section but they may be mentioned in the text and details provided as footnotes.
  • The authors are encouraged to use a recent version of EndNote (version 5 and above) or Reference Manager (version 10) when formatting their reference list, as this allows references to be automatically extracted.


In case there is a need to present lengthy, but essential methodological details, use appendixes, which can be a part of the manuscript. An appendix must not exceed three pages (Times New Roman, 12 point fonts, 900 max. words per page).The information should be provided in a condensed form, ruling out the need of full sentences. A single appendix should be titled APPENDIX, while more than one can be titled APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, and so on.

Chemical Structures:

Chemical structures MUST be prepared according to the guidelines below.

Structures should be prepared in ChemDraw and provided as separate file, submitted both on disk and in printed formats.

Structure Drawing Preferences:

[As according to the ACS style sheet]

Drawing Settings:
Chain angle 120°
Bond spacing 18% of width
Fixed length 14.4 pt (0.500cm, 0.2in)
Bold width 2.0 pt (0.071cm, 0.0278in)
Line width 0.6 pt (0.021cm, 0.0084in)
Margin width 1.6 pt (0.096cm)
Hash spacing 2.5 pt (0.088cm, 0.0347in)
Text settings:
Font Times New Roman
Size 8 pt
Under the Preference Choose:
Units points
Tolerances 3 pixels
Under Page Setup Use:
Paper US letter
Scale 100%

5. Physics

Check list for manuscripts

  • Copyright letter
  • Title Page
  • Structured Abstract
  • Text organization
  • Glossary
  • References
  • Appendixes
  • Chemical structures (if any)

Copyright Letter:

It is a mandatory requirement that a signed copyright letter also be submitted along with the manuscript by the author to whom correspondence is to be addressed, delineating the scope of the submitted manuscript declaring the potential competing interests, acknowledging contributions from authors and funding agencies, and certifying that the manuscript is prepared according to the 'Instructions for Authors'. All inconsistencies in the text and in the reference section and any typographical errors must be carefully checked and corrected before the submission of the manuscript. The manuscript contains no such material or information that may be unlawful, defamatory, fabricated, plagiarized, or which would, if published, in any way whatsoever, violate the terms and conditions as laid down in the agreement. The authors acknowledge that the publishers have the legal right to take appropriate action against the authors for any such violation of the terms and conditions as laid down in the agreement. Download the Copyright Letter


The title should be precise and brief and must not be more than 120 characters. Authors should avoid the use of non standard abbreviations. The title must be written in title case except for articles, conjunctions and prepositions.

Authors should also provide a short ‘running title’.

Structured Abstract:

The abstract of an article should be its clear, concise and accurate summary, having no more than 250 words, and including the explicit sub-headings (as in-line or run-in headings in bold). Use of abbreviations should be avoided and the references should not be cited in the abstract. Ideally, each abstract should include the following sub-headings, but these may vary according to requirements of the article.

  • Background
  • Objective
  • Method
  • Results
  • Conclusion

Text Organization:

The main text should begin on a separate page and should be divided into separate sections. For Research manuscripts, the preparation of the main text must be structured into separate sections as Introduction, Materials and Methodology, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. For Letter manuscripts, the manuscript should be divided into title page, abstract and the main text. The text may be subdivided further according to the areas to be discussed, which should be followed by the Acknowledgement (if any) and Reference sections. The authors are advised to present and discuss their observations in brief. The manuscript style must be uniform throughout the text and 10 pt Times New Roman fonts should be used. The full term for an abbreviation should precede its first appearance in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement. The reference numbers should be given in square brackets in the text. Italics should be used for Binomial names of organisms (Genus and Species), for emphasis and for unfamiliar words or phrases. Non-assimilated words from Latin or other languages should also be italicized e.g. per se, et al. etc.


References must be listed in the ACS Style only. All references should be numbered sequentially [in square brackets] in the text and listed in the same numerical order in the reference section. The reference numbers must be finalized and the bibliography must be fully formatted before submission.

See below few examples of references listed in the ACS Style:

Journal Reference:
  • [1]  Bard, M.; Woods, R.A.; Bartón, D.H.; Corrie, J.E.; Widdowson, D.A. Sterol mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: chromatographic analyses. Lipids, 1977, 12(8), 645-654.
Book Reference:
  • [2]  Crabtree, R.H. The Organometallic Chemistry of the Transition Metals, 3rd ed.; Wiley & Sons: New York, 2001.
Book Chapter Reference:
  • [3]  Wheeler, D.M.S.; Wheeler, M.M. In Studies in Natural Products Chemistry; Atta-ur-Rahman, Ed.; Elsevier Science B. V: Amsterdam, 1994; Vol. 14, pp. 3-46.
Conference Manuscript:
  • [4]  Jakeman, D.L.; Withers, S.G. E. In Carbohydrate Bioengineering: Interdisciplinary Approaches, Proceedings of the 4th Carbohydrate Bioengineering Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, June 10-13, 2001; Teeri, T.T.; Svensson, B.; Gilbert, H.J.; Feizi, T., Eds.; Royal Society of Chemistry: Cambridge, UK, 2002, pp. 3-8.
URL (WebPage):
  • [6]  Hoch, J.A.; Huang, S. Screening methods for the identification of novel antibiotics. U.S. Patent 6,043,045, March 28, 2000.
  • [7]  Kirby, C.W. Thesis, University of Waterloo, 2000.
  • [8]  Citations for manuscripts/material published exclusively online or in open access (free-to-view) , must contain the exact Web addresses (URLs) at the end of the reference(s), except those posted on an author’s Web site unless editorially essential, e.g. ‘Reference: Available from: URL’.

Some important points to remember:

  • All references must be complete and accurate.
  • All authors must be cited and there should be no use of the phrase et al (the term “et al.” should be in italics).
  • Online citations should include the date of access.
  • Journal abbreviations should follow the Index Medicus/MEDLINE.
  • Take special care of the punctuation convention as described in the above-mentioned examples.
  • Avoid using superscript in the in-text citations and reference section.
  • Abstracts, unpublished data and personal communications (which can only be included if prior permission has been obtained) should not be given in the reference section but they may be mentioned in the text and details provided as footnotes.
  • The authors are encouraged to use a recent version of EndNote (version 5 and above) or Reference Manager (version 10) when formatting their reference list, as this allows references to be automatically extracted.


In case there is a need to present lengthy, but essential methodological details, use appendixes, which can be a part of the manuscript. An appendix must not exceed three pages (Times New Roman, 12 point fonts, 900 max. words per page).The information should be provided in a condensed form, ruling out the need of full sentences. A single appendix should be titled APPENDIX, while more than one can be titled APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, and so on.

Chemical Structures:

Chemical structures MUST be prepared according to the guidelines below.

Structures should be prepared in ChemDraw and provided as separate file, submitted both on disk and in printed formats.

Structure Drawing Preferences:

[As according to the ACS style sheet]

Drawing Settings:
Chain angle 120°
Bond spacing 18% of width
Fixed length 14.4 pt (0.500cm, 0.2in)
Bold width 2.0 pt (0.071cm, 0.0278in)
Line width 0.6 pt (0.021cm, 0.0084in)
Margin width 1.6 pt (0.096cm)
Hash spacing 2.5 pt (0.088cm, 0.0347in)
Text settings:
Font Times New Roman
Size 8 pt
Under the Preference Choose:
Units points
Tolerances 3 pixels
Under Page Setup Use:
Paper US letter
Scale 100%

6. Computer and Information Sciences

Check list for manuscripts

  • Copyright letter
  • Title Page
  • Structured Abstract
  • Text Organization
  • References
  • Appendixes

Copyright Letter:

It is a mandatory requirement that a signed copyright letter also be submitted along with the manuscript by the author to whom correspondence is to be addressed, delineating the scope of the submitted manuscript declaring the potential competing interests, acknowledging contributions from authors and funding agencies, and certifying that the manuscript is prepared according to the 'Instructions for Authors'. All inconsistencies in the text and in the reference section and any typographical errors must be carefully checked and corrected before the submission of the manuscript. The manuscript contains no such material or information that may be unlawful, defamatory, fabricated, plagiarized, or which would, if published, in any way whatsoever, violate the terms and conditions as laid down in the agreement. The authors acknowledge that the publishers have the legal right to take appropriate action against the authors for any such violation of the terms and conditions as laid down in the agreement. Download the Copyright Letter


The title should be precise and brief and must not be more than 120 characters. Authors should avoid the use of non standard abbreviations. The title must be written in title case except for articles, conjunctions and prepositions.

Authors should also provide a short ‘running title’.

Structured Abstract:

The abstract of an article should be its clear, concise and accurate summary, having no more than 250 words, and including the explicit sub-headings (as in-line or run-in headings in bold). Use of abbreviations should be avoided and the references should not be cited in the abstract. Ideally, each abstract should include the following sub-headings, but these may vary according to requirements of the article.

  • Background
  • Objective
  • Method
  • Results
  • Conclusion

Text Organization:

The main text should begin on a separate page and should be divided into separate sections. For Research manuscripts, the preparation of the main text must be structured into separate sections as Introduction, Materials and Methodology, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. For Review and Letter manuscripts, the manuscript should be divided into title page, abstract and the main text. The text may be subdivided further according to the areas to be discussed, which should be followed by the Acknowledgement (if any) and Reference sections. The review manuscript should mention any previous important reviews in the field and contain a comprehensive discussion starting with the general background of the field. It should then go on to discuss the salient features of recent developments. The authors should avoid presenting material which has already been published in a previous review. The authors are advised to present and discuss their observations in brief. The manuscript style must be uniform throughout the text and 10 pt Times New Roman fonts should be used. The full term for an abbreviation should precede its first appearance in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement. The reference numbers should be given in square brackets in the text.


References must be listed in IEEE style only. All references should be numbered sequentially [in square brackets] in the text and listed in the same numerical order in the reference section. The reference numbers must be finalized and the bibliography must be fully formatted before submission.

The author will be responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the references.

See below few examples of references listed in the correct IEEE style:

Journal Manuscripts:
  • [1]  G. Liu, K. Y. Lee, and H. F. Jordan, "TDM and TWDM de Bruijn networks and shufflenets for optical communications", IEEE Trans. Comp., vol. 46, pp. 695-701, June 1997.
  • [2]  S. M. Hemmingsen, Soft Science. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan Press, 1997.
  • [3]  A. Rezi and M. Allam, "Techniques in array processing by means of transformations," in Control and Dynamic Systems, Vol. 69, Multidimensional Systems, C. T. Leondes, Ed. San Diego: Academic Press, 1995, pp. 133-180.
Edited Book:
  • [4]  D. Sarunyagate, Ed., Lasers. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996.
Conference Proceedings:
  • [5]  N. Osifchin and G. Vau, “Power considerations for the modernization of telecommunications in Central and Eastern European and former Soviet Union (CCE/FSU) countries”, in Second International Telecommunication Energy Special Conference Special Conference, 1997, pp. 9-16.
  • [6]  K. Kimura and A. Lipeles, "Fuzzy Controller Component," U. S. Patent 14,860,040, December 14, 1996.
  • [7]  H. Zhang, "Delay-insensitive networks", M.S. thesis, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, 1997.
Electronic Publication:
  • [8]  L. Bass, P. Clements, and R. Kazman. Software Architecture in Practice, 2nd ed. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley, 2003. [E-book] Available: Safari e-book.
  • [9]  P. H. C. Eilers and J. J. Goeman, "Enhancing scatterplots with smoothed densities", Bioinformatics, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 623-628, March 2004. [Online] Available: [Accessed Sept. 18, 2004].
  • [10]  Citations for manuscripts/material published exclusively online or in open access (free-to-view) , must contain the exact Web addresses (URLs) at the end of the reference(s), except those posted on an author’s Web site unless editorially essential, e.g. ‘Reference: Available from: URL’.

Some important points to remember:

  • References must be complete and accurate.
  • Online citations should include the date of access.
  • Journal titles should conform to the IEEE Transactions, Journals and Letters abbreviations.
  • All authors of referenced manuscripts must be cited and there must be no use of the short hand version of et al.
  • Take special care of the punctuation convention as described in the above-mentioned examples.
  • Avoid using superscript in the in-text citations and reference section.
  • Abstracts, unpublished data and personal communications (which can only be included if prior permission has been obtained) should not be given in the reference section but they may be mentioned in the text and details provided as footnotes.
  • The authors are encouraged to use a recent version of EndNote (version 5 and above) or Reference Manager (version 10) when formatting their reference list, as this allows references to be automatically extracted.


In case there is a need to present lengthy, but essential methodological details, use appendixes, which can be a part of the manuscript. An appendix must not exceed three pages (Times New Roman, 12 point fonts, 900 max. words per page).The information should be provided in a condensed form, ruling out the need of full sentences. A single appendix should be titled APPENDIX, while more than one can be titled APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, and so on.

7. Geosciences

Check list for manuscripts

  • Copyright letter
  • Title Page
  • Structured Abstract
  • Text Organization
  • Glossary
  • References
  • Appendixes
  • Chemical Structures (if any)

Copyright Letter:

It is a mandatory requirement that a signed copyright letter also be submitted along with the manuscript by the author to whom correspondence is to be addressed, delineating the scope of the submitted manuscript declaring the potential competing interests, acknowledging contributions from authors and funding agencies, and certifying that the manuscript is prepared according to the 'Instructions for Authors'. All inconsistencies in the text and in the reference section and any typographical errors must be carefully checked and corrected before the submission of the manuscript. The manuscript contains no such material or information that may be unlawful, defamatory, fabricated, plagiarized, or which would, if published, in any way whatsoever, violate the terms and conditions as laid down in the agreement. The authors acknowledge that the publishers have the legal right to take appropriate action against the authors for any such violation of the terms and conditions as laid down in the agreement. Download the Copyright Letter


The title should be precise and brief and must not be more than 120 characters. Authors should avoid the use of non-standard abbreviations. The title must be written in title case except for manuscripts, conjunctions and prepositions.

Authors should also provide a short ‘running title’.

Structured Abstract:

The abstract of an article should be its clear, concise and accurate summary, having no more than 250 words, and including the explicit sub-headings (as in-line or run-in headings in bold). Use of abbreviations should be avoided and the references should not be cited in the abstract. Ideally, each abstract should include the following sub-headings, but these may vary according to requirements of the article.

  • Background
  • Objective
  • Method
  • Results
  • Conclusion

Text Organization:

The main text should begin on a separate page and should be divided into separate sections. For Research manuscripts, the preparation of the main text must be structured into separate sections as Introduction, Materials and Methodology, Results, Discussion and Conclusion. For Review and Letter manuscripts, the manuscript should be divided into title page, abstract and the main text. The text may be subdivided further according to the areas to be discussed, which should be followed by the Acknowledgement (if any) and Reference sections. The review manuscript should mention any previous important reviews in the field and contain a comprehensive discussion starting with the general background of the field. It should then go on to discuss the salient features of recent developments. The authors should avoid presenting material which has already been published in a previous review. Crystallographic studies may also be included. The authors are advised to present and discuss their observations in brief. The manuscript style must be uniform throughout the text and 10 pt Times New Roman fonts should be used. The full term for an abbreviation should precede its first appearance in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement. The reference numbers should be given in square brackets in the text.

Binomial Names:

Italics should be used for Binomial names of organisms (Genus and Species), for emphasis and for unfamiliar words or phrases. Non-assimilated words from Latin or other languages should also be italicized e.g. per se, et al. etc.

Symbols and Units:

Greek symbols and special characters often undergo formatting changes and get corrupted or lost during preparation of a manuscript for publication. To ensure that all special characters used are embedded in the text, these special characters should be inserted as a symbol but should not be a result of any format styling (Symbol font face) otherwise they will be lost during conversion to PDF/XML2.

Authors are encouraged to consult reporting guidelines. These guidelines provide a set of recommendations comprising a list of items relevant to their specific research design.

Only ISO symbols, written in italic, should be used for the various parameters. All kinds of measurements should be reported only in International System of Units (SI). SI units should always be written in roman and separated from the numerical value by a space (whatever the language). The µ in µg or µm should be in roman. The symbol for liter is L and that for minute is min. For temperatures, please note the use of °C and °F but K. As the Ångström (1 Å = 10-10 m) is not an SI unit, it should be replaced by the nanometer (1nm = 10-9 m) or by the picometer (1pm = 10-12 m): 1 Å = 0.1 nm = 100 pm. Multiple units should be written with negative superscripts (for example, 25 mguL-1us-1).

The list of notations should appear just before the first paragraph of full text.

A list of symbols and units should be provided if used extensively throughout the text.


The authors are encouraged to use standardized nomenclature wherever necessary:

  • The SI units should be used; if not exclusively, please provide the SI value in parentheses after each value.
  • Species names should be italicized (e.g., Homo sapiens). The generic name of a species should be given in full the first time it appears in the text. The author authority for each species is desirable on its first mention. Chemical formulae may not be used as abbreviations in the text.
  • Genes, mutations, genotypes, and alleles should also be indicated in italics but the protein product of a gene should be in Roman type. Use the recommended name by consulting the appropriate genetic nomenclature database, e.g., HUGO for human genes. It is sometimes advisable to indicate the synonyms for the gene the first time it appears in the text. Gene prefixes such as those used for oncogenes or cellular localization should be shown in roman: v-fes, c-MYC, etc.
  • The Recommended International Non-Proprietary Name (rINN) of drugs should be provided.
  • In case of usage of symbols that do not conform to those that have previously appeared in the literature, their aliases may be obtained from the approved nomenclature in the HGNC (HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee) [] and LocusLink, to allow retrieval of all the information available for each gene.


A glossary of terms/expressions used in the manuscript should be provided in the order of their appearance in the manuscript.


References must be listed in IEEE style only. All references should be numbered sequentially [in square brackets] in the text and listed in the same numerical order in the reference section. The reference numbers must be finalized and the bibliography must be fully formatted before submission.

The author will be responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the references.

See below few examples of references listed in the correct IEEE style:

Journal Manuscripts:
  • [1]  G. Liu, K. Y. Lee, and H. F. Jordan, "TDM and TWDM de Bruijn networks and shufflenets for optical communications", IEEE Trans. Comp., vol. 46, pp. 695-701, June 1997.
  • [2]  S. M. Hemmingsen, Soft Science. Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan Press, 1997.
  • [3]  A. Rezi and M. Allam, "Techniques in array processing by means of transformations," in Control and Dynamic Systems, Vol. 69, Multidimensional Systems, C. T. Leondes, Ed. San Diego: Academic Press, 1995, pp. 133-180.
Edited Book:
  • [4]  D. Sarunyagate, Ed., Lasers. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996.
Conference Proceedings:
  • [5]  N. Osifchin and G. Vau, “Power considerations for the modernization of telecommunications in Central and Eastern European and former Soviet Union (CCE/FSU) countries”, in Second International Telecommunication Energy Special Conference Special Conference, 1997, pp. 9-16.
  • [6]  K. Kimura and A. Lipeles, "Fuzzy Controller Component," U. S. Patent 14,860,040, December 14, 1996.
  • [7]  H. Zhang, "Delay-insensitive networks", M.S. thesis, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, 1997.
Electronic Publication:
  • [8]  L. Bass, P. Clements, and R. Kazman. Software Architecture in Practice, 2nd ed. Reading, MA: Addison Wesley, 2003. [E book] Available: Safari e-book.
  • [9]  P. H. C. Eilers and J. J. Goeman, "Enhancing scatterplots with smoothed densities", Bioinformatics, vol. 20, no. 5, pp. 623-628, March 2004. [Online] Available: [Accessed Sept. 18, 2004].
  • [10]  Citations for manuscripts/material published exclusively online or in open access (free-to-view), must contain the exact Web addresses (URLs) at the end of the reference(s), except those posted on an author’s Web site unless editorially essential, e.g. ‘Reference: Available from: URL’.

Some important points to remember:

  • All references must be complete and accurate.
  • Online citations should include the date of access.
  • Journal titles should conform to the IEEE Transactions, Journals and Letters abbreviations.
  • All authors of referenced manuscripts must be cited and there must be no use of the short hand version of et al.
  • Take special care of the punctuation convention as described in the above-mentioned examples.
  • Avoid using superscript in the in-text citations and reference section.
  • Abstracts, unpublished data and personal communications (which can only be included if prior permission has been obtained) should not be given in the reference section but they may be mentioned in the text and details provided as footnotes.
  • The authors are encouraged to use a recent version of EndNote (version 5 and above) or Reference Manager (version 10) when formatting their reference list, as this allows references to be automatically extracted.


In case there is a need to present lengthy, but essential methodological details, use appendixes, which can be a part of the manuscript. An appendix must not exceed three pages (Times New Roman, 12 point fonts, 900 max. words per page).The information should be provided in a condensed form, ruling out the need of full sentences. A single appendix should be titled APPENDIX, while more than one can be titled APPENDIX A, APPENDIX B, and so on.



All authors must strictly follow the guidelines below for preparing illustrations for publication in "The Open Neurology Journal". If the figures are found to be sub-standard, then the manuscripts will be rejected and the authors offered the option of figure improvement professionally by Eureka Science. The costs for such improvement will be charged to the authors.

Illustrations should be provided as separate files, embedded in the text file, and must be numbered consecutively in the order of their appearance. Each figure should include only a single illustration which should be cropped to minimize the amount of space occupied by the illustration.

If a figure is in separate parts, all parts of the figure must be provided in a single composite illustration file.

Photographs should be provided with a scale bar if appropriate, as well as high-resolution component files.


For Line Art image type, which is generally an image based on lines and text and does not contain tonal or shaded areas, the preferred file format is TIFF or EPS, with color mode being Monochrome 1-bit or RGB, in a resolution of 900-1200 dpi.

For Halftone image type, which is generally a continuous tone photograph and contains no text, the preferred file format is TIFF, with color mode being RGB or Grayscale, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

For Combination image type, which is generally an image containing halftone in addition to text or line art elements, the preferred file format is TIFF, with color mode being or RGB or Grayscale, in a resolution of 500-900 dpi.


For illustrations, the following file formats are acceptable:

  • Illustrator
  • EPS (preferred format for diagrams)
  • PDF (also especially suitable for diagrams)
  • PNG (preferred format for photos or images)
  • Microsoft Word (version 5 and above; figures must be a single page)
  • PowerPoint (figures must be a single page)
  • TIFF
  • JPEG (conversion should be done using the original file)
  • BMP
  • CDX (ChemDraw)
  • TGF (ISISDraw)

Bentham OPEN does not process figures submitted in GIF format.

If the large size of TIFF or EPS figures acts as an obstacle to online submission, authors may find that conversion to JPEG format before submission results in significantly reduced file size and upload time, while retaining acceptable quality. JPEG is a 'lossy' format, however. In order to maintain acceptable image quality, it is recommended that JPEG files are saved at High or Maximum quality.

Files should not be compressed with tools such as Zipit or Stuffit prior to submission as these tools will in any case produce negligible file-size savings for JPEGs and TIFFs, which are already compressed.

Please do not:

  1. Supply embedded graphics in your word processor (spreadsheet, presentation) document.
  2. Supply files that are optimized for screen use (like GIF, BMP, PICT, WPG); the resolution is too low.
  3. Supply files that are too low in resolution.
  4. Submit graphics that are disproportionately large for the content.

Image Conversion Tools:

There are many software packages, many of them freeware or shareware, capable of converting to and from different graphics formats, including PNG.

Good general tools for image conversion include GraphicConverter on the Macintosh, PaintShop Pro, for Windows, and ImageMagick, which is available on Macintosh, Windows and UNIX platforms.

Note that bitmap images (e.g. screenshots) should not be converted to EPS, since this will result in a much larger file size than the equivalent JPEG, TIFF, PNG or BMP, with no increase in quality. EPS should only be used for images produced by vector-drawing applications such as Adobe Illustrator or CorelDraw. Most vector-drawing applications can be saved in, or exported as, EPS format. In case the images have been originally prepared in an Office application, such as Word or PowerPoint, then the original Office files should be directly uploaded to the site, instead of being converted to JPEG or another format that may be of low quality.

Chemical Structures:

Chemical structures MUST be prepared according to the guidelines below.

Structures should be prepared in ChemDraw and provided as separate file, submitted both on disk and in printed formats.

Structure Drawing Preferences:

[As according to the ACS style sheet]

Drawing Settings:
Chain angle 120°
Bond spacing 18% of width
Fixed length 14.4 pt (0.500cm, 0.2in)
Bold width 2.0 pt (0.071cm, 0.0278in)
Line width 0.6 pt (0.021cm, 0.0084in)
Margin width 1.6 pt (0.096cm)
Hash spacing 2.5 pt (0.088cm, 0.0347in)
Text settings:
Font Times New Roman
Size 8 pt
Under the Preference Choose:
Units points
Tolerances 3 pixels
Under Page Setup Use:
Paper US letter
Scale 100%


  • Data tables should be submitted in Microsoft Word table format.
  • Each table should include a title/caption being explanatory in itself with respect to the details discussed in the table. Detailed legends may then follow.
  • Table number in bold font i.e. Table 1, should follow a title. The title should be in small case with the first letter in caps. A full stop should be placed at the end of the title.
  • Tables should be embedded in the text exactly according to their appropriate placement in the submitted manuscript.
  • Columns and rows of data should be made visibly distinct by ensuring that the borders of each cell are displayed as black lines.
  • Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals sequentially in order of their citation in the body of the text.
  • If a reference is cited in both the table and text, please insert a lettered footnote in the table to refer to the numbered reference in the text.
  • Tabular data provided as additional files can be submitted as an Excel spreadsheet.



All authors must strictly follow the guidelines below for preparing illustrations for publication in "The Open Neurology Journal". If the figures are found to be sub-standard, then the manuscripts will be rejected and the authors offered the option of figure improvement professionally by Eureka Science. The costs for such improvement will be charged to the authors.

Illustrations should be provided as separate files, embedded in the text file, and must be numbered consecutively in the order of their appearance. Each figure should include only a single illustration which should be cropped to minimize the amount of space occupied by the illustration.

If a figure is in separate parts, all parts of the figure must be provided in a single composite illustration file.

Photographs should be provided with a scale bar if appropriate, as well as high-resolution component files.


For Line Art image type, which is generally an image based on lines and text and does not contain tonal or shaded areas, the preferred file format is TIFF or EPS, with color mode being Monochrome 1-bit or RGB, in a resolution of 900-1200 dpi.

For Halftone image type, which is generally a continuous tone photograph and contains no text, the preferred file format is TIFF, with color mode being RGB or Grayscale, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi.

For Combination image type, which is generally an image containing halftone in addition to text or line art elements, the preferred file format is TIFF, with color mode being or RGB or Grayscale, in a resolution of 500-900 dpi.


For illustrations, the following file formats are acceptable:

  • Illustrator
  • EPS (preferred format for diagrams)
  • PDF (also especially suitable for diagrams)
  • PNG (preferred format for photos or images)
  • Microsoft Word (version 5 and above; figures must be a single page)
  • PowerPoint (figures must be a single page)
  • TIFF
  • JPEG (conversion should be done using the original file)
  • BMP
  • CDX (ChemDraw)
  • TGF (ISISDraw)

Bentham OPEN does not process figures submitted in GIF format.

If the large size of TIFF or EPS figures acts as an obstacle to online submission, authors may find that conversion to JPEG format before submission results in significantly reduced file size and upload time, while retaining acceptable quality. JPEG is a 'lossy' format, however. In order to maintain acceptable image quality, it is recommended that JPEG files are saved at High or Maximum quality.

Files should not be compressed with tools such as Zipit or Stuffit prior to submission as these tools will in any case produce negligible file-size savings for JPEGs and TIFFs, which are already compressed.

Please do not:

  1. Supply embedded graphics in your word processor (spreadsheet, presentation) document.
  2. Supply files that are optimized for screen use (like GIF, BMP, PICT, WPG); the resolution is too low.
  3. Supply files that are too low in resolution.
  4. Submit graphics that are disproportionately large for the content.

Image Conversion Tools:

There are many software packages, many of them freeware or shareware, capable of converting to and from different graphics formats, including PNG.

Good general tools for image conversion include GraphicConverter on the Macintosh, PaintShop Pro, for Windows, and ImageMagick, which is available on Macintosh, Windows and UNIX platforms.

Note that bitmap images (e.g. screenshots) should not be converted to EPS, since this will result in a much larger file size than the equivalent JPEG, TIFF, PNG or BMP, with no increase in quality. EPS should only be used for images produced by vector-drawing applications such as Adobe Illustrator or CorelDraw. Most vector-drawing applications can be saved in, or exported as, EPS format. In case the images have been originally prepared in an Office application, such as Word or PowerPoint, then the original Office files should be directly uploaded to the site, instead of being converted to JPEG or another format that may be of low quality.

Chemical Structures:

Chemical structures MUST be prepared according to the guidelines below.

Structures should be prepared in ChemDraw and provided as separate file, submitted both on disk and in printed formats.

Structure Drawing Preferences:

[As according to the ACS style sheet]

Drawing Settings:
Chain angle 120°
Bond spacing 18% of width
Fixed length 14.4 pt (0.500cm, 0.2in)
Bold width 2.0 pt (0.071cm, 0.0278in)
Line width 0.6 pt (0.021cm, 0.0084in)
Margin width 1.6 pt (0.096cm)
Hash spacing 2.5 pt (0.088cm, 0.0347in)
Text settings:
Font Times New Roman
Size 8 pt
Under the Preference Choose:
Units points
Tolerances 3 pixels
Under Page Setup Use:
Paper US letter
Scale 100%


  • Data tables should be submitted in Microsoft Word table format.
  • Each table should include a title/caption being explanatory in itself with respect to the details discussed in the table. Detailed legends may then follow.
  • Table number in bold font i.e. Table 1, should follow a title. The title should be in small case with the first letter in caps. A full stop should be placed at the end of the title.
  • Tables should be embedded in the text exactly according to their appropriate placement in the submitted manuscript.
  • Columns and rows of data should be made visibly distinct by ensuring that the borders of each cell are displayed as black lines.
  • Tables should be numbered in Arabic numerals sequentially in order of their citation in the body of the text.
  • If a reference is cited in both the table and text, please insert a lettered footnote in the table to refer to the numbered reference in the text.
  • Tabular data provided as additional files can be submitted as an Excel spreadsheet.

Supportive/Supplementary Material:

We do encourage to append supportive material, for example a PowerPoint file containing a talk about the study, a PowerPoint file containing additional screenshots, a Word, RTF, or PDF document showing the original instrument(s) used, a video, or the original data (SAS/SPSS files, Excel files, Access Db files etc.) provided it is inevitable or endorsed by the journal's Editor.

Published/reproduced material should not be included unless you have obtained written permission from the copyright holder, which must be forwarded to the Editorial Office in case of acceptance of your manuscript for publication.

Supportive/Supplementary material intended for publication must be numbered and referred to in the manuscript but should not be a part of the submitted manuscript. In-text citations as well as a section with the heading "Supportive/Supplementary Material" before the "References" section should be provided. Here, list all Supportive/Supplementary Material and include a brief caption line for each file describing its contents.

Any additional files will be linked into the final published manuscript in the form supplied by the author, but will not be displayed within the manuscript. They will be made available in exactly the same form as originally provided only on our Web site. Please also make sure that each additional file is a single table, figure or movie (please do not upload linked worksheets or PDF files larger than one sheet). Supportive/ Supplementary material must be provided in a single zipped file not larger than 4 MB.

Authors must clearly indicate if these files are not for publication but meant for the reviewers'/editors' perusal only.


Nomenclature should conform to current American usage. Insofar as possible, authors should use systematic names similar to those used by Chemical Abstracts Service or IUPAC. Chemical Abstracts (CA) nomenclature rules are described in Appendix IV of the Chemical Abstracts Index Guide.


Greek symbols and special characters often undergo formatting changes and get corrupted or lost during preparation of manuscript for publication. To ensure that all special characters used are embedded in the text, these special characters should be inserted as a symbol but should not be a result of any format styling (Symbol font face) otherwise they will be lost during conversion to PDF/XML2.

Authors are encouraged to consult reporting guidelines. These guidelines provide a set of recommendations comprising a list of items relevant to their specific research design. All kinds of measurements should be reported only in International System of Units (SI). Chemical equations, chemical names, mathematical usage, unit of measurements, chemical and physical quantity & units must conform to SI and Chemical Abstracts or IUPAC.


If abbreviations are used in the text either they should be defined in the text where first used, or a list of abbreviations can be provided.


Financial contributions and any potential conflict of interest must be clearly acknowledged under the heading ‘Conflict of Interest’. Authors must list the source(s) of funding for the study. This should be done for each author.


Please acknowledge anyone (individual/company/institution) who has contributed to the study by making substantial contributions to conception, design, acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data, or who was involved in drafting the manuscript or revising it critically for important intellectual content. Please list the source(s) of funding for the study, for each author, and for the manuscript preparation in the acknowledgements section.

This journal complies with the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors' Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals and the FDA's Good Reprint Practices for the Distribution of Medical Journal Manuscripts and Medical or Scientific Reference Publications on Unapproved New Uses of Approved Drugs and Approved or Cleared Medical Devices


Published/reproduced material should not be included unless you have obtained written permission from the copyright holder, which should be forwarded to the Editorial Office in case of acceptance of your manuscript for publication.

For obtaining permission for reproducing any material published in an manuscript by Bentham Open, please fill in the request FORM and send to for consideration.


The author will be required to provide their full names, the institutional affiliations and the location, with an asterisk in front of the name of the principal/corresponding author. The corresponding author(s) should be designated and their complete address, business telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address must be stated to receive correspondence and galley proofs.


All manuscripts submitted for publication must have been first subjected to peer-review by the conference organizers. The submitting conference organizers / author must provide a statement of independent peer-review of the submitted conference proceedings, along with the comments from a minimum of two external referees (unconnected to the conference or organizer’s/author’s institution) for scrutiny by the members of the Editorial Advisory Board


Manuscripts submitted containing language inconsistencies will not be published. Authors must seek professional assistance for correction of grammatical, scientific and typographical errors. Professional team available at Eureka Science may assist you in the English language editing of your article. Please contact Eureka Science for a language editing quote at e-mail: stating the total number of words of the article to be edited.

언어 및 편집:

영문 오타가 많은 원고는 출판되지 않을 것입니다. 영문 오타를 없애겠다는 조건으로 받은 원고는 영어 편집 전문회사인 유럽 공동 기술개발 기구로부터 가격 견적서가 보내 질 것입니다. 영어 작문에 어려움이 있는 비영어권 국가의 저자들은 원고를 학술지에 제출하기 전에 영어 편집회사와 접촉할 것을 권합니다. 영어 편집 견적서를 받기 위해서 교정될 원고의 단어수를 적은 메일을 유럽 공동 기술개발 기구 메일인 로 보내시기 바랍니다.




Les manuscrits soumis avec plusieurs erreurs typographiques en Anglais ne seront pas publiés en l’état. Les manuscrits sont acceptés pour publication à la condition que l’anglais utilisé soit corrigé après la soumission et seront envoyés pour examen à Eureka Science, une société d'édition de langue professionnelle. Les auteurs en provenance de pays où la langue est différente de l'anglais et qui ont de médiocres compétences en anglais écrit, sont priés de contacter la société d'édition de langue avant de soumettre leur manuscrit à la revue. Merci de contacter Eureka Science à pour un devis en indiquant le nombre total de mot de l’article à éditer.


Authors are required to proofread the PDF versions of their manuscripts before submission. To avoid delays in publication, proofs should be checked immediately for typographical errors and returned within 48 hours. Major changes are not acceptable at the proof stage. If unable to send corrections within 48 hours due to some reason, the author(s) must at least send an acknowledgement on receiving the galley proofs or the manuscript will be published exactly as received and the publishers will not be responsible for any error occurring in the manuscript in this regard.

The corresponding author will be solely responsible for ensuring that the revised version of the manuscript incorporating all the submitted corrections receives the approval of all the authors of the manuscript.


The Corresponding Author retains ownership of the copyright in the published work in accordance with the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License.


Bentham Open uses the iThenticate software to detect instances of overlapping and similar text in submitted manuscripts. iThenticate software checks content against a database of periodicals, the Internet, and a comprehensive article database. It generates a similarity report, highlighting the percentage overlap between the uploaded article and the published material. Any instance of content overlap is further scrutinized for suspected plagiarism according to the publisher’s Editorial Policies. Bentham OPEN allows an overall similarity of 20% for a manuscript to be considered for publication. The similarity percentage is further checked keeping the following important points in view:

Low Text Similarity:

The text of every submitted manuscript is checked using the Content Tracking mode in iThenticate. The Content Tracking mode ensures that manuscripts with an overall low percentage similarity (but which may have a higher similarity from a single source) are not overlooked. The acceptable limit for similarity of text from a single source is 5%. If the similarity level is above 5%, the manuscript is returned to the author for paraphrasing the text and citing the original source of the copied material.

It is important to mention that the text taken from different sources with an overall low similarity percentage will be considered as a plagiarized content if the majority of the article is a combination of copied material.

High Text Similarity:

There may be some manuscripts with an overall low similarity percentage, but a higher percentage from a single source. A manuscript may have less than 20% overall similarity but there may be 15 % similar text taken from a single article. The similarity index in such cases is higher than the approved limit for a single source. Authors are advised to thoroughly rephrase the similar text and properly cite the original source to avoid plagiarism and copyright violation.


We all know that scholarly manuscripts are written after thorough review of previously published articles. It is therefore not easy to draw a clear boundary between legitimate representation and plagiarism. However, the following important features can assist in identifying different kinds of plagiarized content.

These are:

  • Reproduction of others words, sentences, ideas or findings as one’s own without proper acknowledgement.
  • Text recycling, also known as self-plagiarism. It is an author’s use of a previous publication in another paper without proper citation and acknowledgement of the original source.
  • Paraphrasing poorly: Copying complete paragraphs and modifying a few words without changing the structure of original sentences or changing the sentence structure but not the words.
  • Verbatim copying of text without putting quotation marks and not acknowledging the work of the original author.
  • Properly citing a work but poorly paraphrasing the original text is considered as unintentional plagiarism. Similarly, manuscripts with language somewhere between paraphrasing and quoting are not acceptable. Authors should either paraphrase properly or quote and in both cases, cite the original source.
  • Higher similarity in the abstract, introduction, materials and methods, and discussion and conclusion sections indicates that the manuscript may contain plagiarized text. Authors can easily explain these parts of the manuscript in many ways. However, technical terms and sometimes standard procedures cannot be rephrased; therefore Editors must review these sections carefully before making a decision.


Published manuscripts which are found to contain plagiarized text are retracted from the journal website after careful investigation and approval by the Editor-in-Chief of the journal. A ‘Retraction Note’ as well as a link to the original article is published on the electronic version of the plagiarized manuscript and an addendum with retraction notification in the journal concerned.

Special Fee Waiver:

Bentham OPEN allows Special FEE Waiver to authors from 79 countries which are classified by the World Bank as low-income economies or lower-middle-income economies as of September 2012 (reference - World Bank 1st September 2012). Refer to the complete list of these countries click here.


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High quality printed reprints of published manuscripts and entire proceedings are available for purchase, if ordered, with a minimum number of 100 reprints or proceedings copies. Copies of printed proceedings should be ordered well in advance by first contacting the publisher by email for a quote

1 In this connection, we recommend the use of Microsoft Word version 2000 and above.


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