22:56 GMT +331 January 2017
    World cities. Amsterdam

    Netherlands Clarifying US Immigration Order Rules for Dual Nationals - Ministry

    © Sputnik/ Maksim Blinov
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    The Dutch Foreign Ministry on Tuesday told Sputnik it was trying to clarify new US migration restrictions with respect to rules applying dual citizens from terror-prone countries impacted by the ban.

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) — On Friday, Trump signed an executive order that suspended entry to the United States for citizens of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 days. The decree also bans all refugees from entry for 120 days and bars all Syrian refugees from entering the United States indefinitely.

    "Since Saturday we've been in touch with around 50 Dutch citizens who called about the executive order. All of them are still in the Netherlands and wanted to get more information. There is still a lot unclear, for example about the exceptions. We advise people to get in touch with the American consulate in Amsterdam. Meanwhile, we also try to get confirmations through our embassy in the States," ministry spokeswoman Daphne Kerremans said when asked about repercussions for dual citizens following the US ban.

    The order sparked widespread condemnation as well as uncertainty among people who hold a European citizenship alongside a passport of one of the seven countries. Earlier in the day, the Swiss Foreign Ministry held talks with the United States before stating that its dual citizens will be able to enter the United States with their Swiss passport given they have a valid visa.


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    immigration order, Netherlands, United States
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    • marcanhalt
      This is the busiest airport in the world, from and to the US. It was also the airport in which the "underwear bomber" left for the Detroit, Michigan, on December 25, 2009. I and my fiance were on that flight.
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