Journal Of Applicable Chemistry

Our Journal Motto is
To Lift And Save The GLOBE through Applicable Research
            which is clear from our LOGO
Our Emblem shows how the Reaserch is Growing/Evolving from Macro to Nano.
Our Journal is Interdisciplinary international Science Journal.
It is Peer reviewed Online bimonthly Journal Of Chemistry.
This Journal is started with a view to give more emphasis to the Applicability of the research output in Chemistry. It covers all the fields of Chemistry –Analytical, Inorganic, Organic, Physical, Environmental,Pharmaceutical, Microbiological, Agricultural, Green Chemistry and Nano Technology.
We can also publish one Chemical Education article in each issue to inculcate Student community.
This Journal gives the Luminous/Lead thoughts to Young Researchers to orient more towards useful Research to Society.
This Journal become the platform between Universities/Research Labs ,Industries & Public.
So , Researchers encourage our goal and promote our Journal by sending your valuable research papers for Publication.
Our Editor-in-Chief is Prof. KAZA SOMASEKHARA RAO a well known Chemist. The Curriculam-Vitae is
