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About Us:

International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science is an open access peer-reviewed international forum for scientists involved in research to publish quality and refereed papers. Papers reporting original research or experimentally proved review work are welcome. Papers for publication are selected through peer review to ensure originality, relevance, and readability. The journal ensures a wide indexing policy to make published papers highly visible to the scientific community.

Vision & Mission:

IJRES is committed to providing a platform for readers, authors, editors, and peer-reviewers to promote scientific research.

IJRES aims for rapid publishing, accessibility, & affordability.

IJRES is also committed to index all published papers in top indexing of the world.

Open Access Model:

In order to promote scientific research, IJRES is putting forward its own definition of open access, which entails a great deal more than "infinite readership," as open access is commonly described.

"IJRES publishes online as well as print version both."


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