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International Journal of Emerging Technology & Research

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IJETR is a scholarly, online international journal that publishes original research papers in the fields of Engineering, Technology, Science& Management. The aim of the IJETR is to publish peer reviewed research and review articles. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the criteria of significance and scientific excellence. The Journal covers all essential branches of Engineering & Technology. High Quality papers for IJETR are invited for submission.

IJETR features are as follows:

  1. Click here to submit the papers by online submission process
  2. Encourages immediate paper publication.
  3. Anytime author(s) can generate e-Certificate of Publication.
  4. Authors will get Hard copy of International certificates of publication.
  5. IJETR is awarded with an ISSN(Online) : 2347 - 5900, ISSN(Print): 2347 - 6079
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  8. IJETR will be indexed in major indexing agencies like EBSCO, DOAJ, ASR, Get indexed, Scribd, Google Scholar,Docstoc, Share slide,Scientific Commons, CiteseerX, getCITED, Index Copernicus Scopus and many more.
  9. Prestigious Journal reviewer team from world's renowned universities.
  10. Open Access Journal Database for High visibility and promotion of your articles.
  11. IJETR is an International, Peer reviewed reputed Journal
  12. Authors can view and download their full length paper at any time
  13. Frequency: Bi-Monthly, 6 issues per year
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