International Journal of Computer Systems (IJCS)

International Journal of Computer Systems (IJCS) is an international peer reviewed, open access, online, interdisciplinary, monthly and fully refereed journal in English focusing on theories, methods and applications in computer science and relevant fields. The aim of IJCS is to publish original articles in all fields of Computer Science and related Technology. The mission of this journal is to publish original contributions in its field, and then propagate knowledge amongst its readers, and to serve as a valuable reference. The main aim of the journal is to provide and encourage the scholars and academicians globally to share their professional and academic knowledge in the fields of computer science, engineering, technology and related disciplines. IJCS also targets to reach a large number of audiences worldwide with original and state-of-art research work. Other original works like, well-written surveys, book chapter, book reviews, review articles, research papers and high quality technical notes from experts in the field are also invited.

The journal invites authors to submit original high-quality papers and unpublished work that communicates current research on computer engineering and information technology. Manuscripts for publication in IJCS are selected through rigorous peer reviews to ensure originality, timeliness, relevance, and readability. 

The International Journal of Computer Systems (IJCS), ISSN 2394-1065, is an International scholarly peer reviewed monthly journal. The journal covers the issues related to computer science, engineering, technology and related disciplines including their applications in academia, research, business and industry. The articles are published in full on IJCS website and are open access to all. Submissions are welcome from across all streams related to computing and information technology. Paper submission to IJCS is relatively very fast and easy. Authors can submit the papers at any time, the paper will be published in the current issue after completing submission. review and registration process. The journal reviews papers within approximately one week of submission and publishes accepted articles immediately upon receiving the final versions. Papers submitted are peer review and publishes manuscripts with open access to all readers. The journal invites authors to submit original high-quality papers and unpublished work that communicates current research on computer engineering and information technology. Original works are invited in form of research paper/ manuscript. Extended version of the conference paper are also accepted, The extended paper should contain significant improvements in terms of extended content, analysis, comparisons with popular methods, results, figures, comments, etc