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Agricultural Science, International Education Research, Journal of Finance and Economics, Journal of Business and Management, Journal of Tourism and Recreation, Social Science Today and Plant Science International have released their latest issue, 2015. The editors and the publisher would like to extend our grateful appreciation to all editorial board members who dedicated their valuable time and expertise in providing critical reviews of manuscripts for the latest issues. We also thank all authors who submitted their manuscripts for publication.

scientific publisher

Today Science publishes peer-reviewed, professional and scholarly journals in a wide range of academic disciplines. Each scholarly article submitted to Today Science must pass through rigorous quality control and professional peer-review evaluation process before qualifying for publication.

academic journal

Today Science acts on behalf of Science and Education Centre of North America (SECNA), an independent organization connected to the global scientific and professional communities in order to provide services and supports to research, innovation and education in Canada and around the world.

scientific and academic journals

Today Science's mission is to give all researchers and professionals equal opportunities to share ideas, to develop their careers and to contribute to the future generations with their scientific achievements. All scholarly journals are free and open access through internet world-wide.
