OPAST Group is an open access publishing forum for research and discussions related to contemporary publishing. OPAST Group is a scientific publishing group organized by like-minded researchers, scholars and academia working with prestigious institutions and research organizations across the world.

OPAST Group heartily welcomes all the technocrats and authors who had been laying their all in to the area of their interest. It is observed that some researchers or authors have an in depth knowledge in the working field and they work hard for a long time. But they fail to exhibit their work on the world’s platform. OPAST Group publishes their research work globally. In this way the author’s or the researcher’s work reaches to the targeted audience.

OPAST Group Journals was initiated with a mission to offer a strong, online journal publishing platform that assists the advancement in research all across the world. The website offers a faster path to the researchers in publishing a high-quality journal. All journal works that attains rigorous ethical and technical standards is published by OPAST Group and is accessible by everyone. The journals that are published on our site are reviewed by leading edge peer. We focus on bringing out the best quality and original research works from scientists, researchers, post graduate students and academia on our online platform.