
KENKYU Group is an independent online Open Access publishing company which covers the fields of Clinical, Medical, Life Science, and Engineering & Technology journals. Kenkyu Group is a self-supporting organization and it does not receive any funds from institution/ university/ society. All the articles in kenkyu journals are published only after peer review processes and they are freely and permanently archived online.


KENKYU Journals follows guidelines of open-access publishing policy and all the content is published under Creative Common Attribution License. This publishing model allows us to reach millions of readers and give them access to scientific publications- online for free of charge to read, download and share.


Our Mission

The purpose of the Kenkyu open-access is to promote research in all fields of Sciences. We encourage access to scientific data through an Open Access platform.


Benefits of Open Access with KENKYU GROUP

Immediate online visibility of their research output and their results. Open Access may even lead to an increase of impact.

Access to literature from any part of the world with Wi-Fi.

Unrestricted access to the research material when compared to the current subscription model.


Why With Us

21 Days Rapid Peer-Review processes.

Higher visibility, International visibility.

Immediate publication after acceptance of manuscript.

Articles will be published with high quality PDF & HTML. 

Kenkyu Article List

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