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Paramount bank in electronic publishing...

About Us

JournalsBank® is established based on the need for reliable and efficient academic publishing unit to facilitate central system of open access journals in scientific and quantitative researches that guarantee researchers quick and expert peer-review, incomparable fast publication, worldwide recognitions, very low manuscript processing charges, extensive indexing and citation of manuscripts. JournalsBank® offers the publication of international and high quality Gold open access (OA) academic journals for institutions, professional bodies and organisations, associations and independent researchers across several dynamic and competitive fields of research.

The scope of the journal encompasses research articles, original research reports, reviews, short communications, conference proceedings and scientific commentaries in the appropriate broad fields.

Abstracting & Indexing (Processed and Under Review for Listing)

All accepted and published manuscript under JournalsBank® Publishing will appear in search results on Google and Yahoo immediately after publication. Later the articles in full text and / abstract will be covered/ listed by Google Scholar, getCITED, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Cabell Publishing Directories, Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), JournalSeek, Chemical Abstracts Service (American Chemical society), ECO list, Social Scientific Research Network (SSRN), MPRA, Electronic Journal’s Library, Serial Solutions (Pro Quest), PubMed, Scopus (Elsevier’s Citation service), and Thomson’s Citation.


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