Edward Burtynsky


Fine art photographer, filmmaker (, Manufactured Landscapes, ), TED prize winner.

Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Joined February 2012

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  1. In flight, hard at work on the next project.

  2. This week's INSIGHTS: Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Reservation/Suburbs Arizona, USA 2011

  3. Month-long shoot. Off to a great start in Africa.

  4. James Hansen's bombshell climate warning is now scientific canon. How terrifying.

  5. Big thanks to my wonderful daughters for their constant support and being here tonight for the Awards

  6. Thank you to for such a great citation at Awards. I am honoured.

  7. With & fellow Award winner Wanda Koop at awards ceremony tonight.

  8. Great to finally meet at Awards tonight.

  9. Celebrating winners . A great day & evening for the arts & culture in Canada!

  10. Finally Canada takes a leadership role on the environment. Bravo.

  11. Sunny days ahead for Cdn culture. $1.9 billion over 5 years

  12. Edward Burtynsky followed , , and 11 others
  13. With my fellow Award winners at Parliament Hill today, after being presented to the House of Commons

  14. Water is the reason we can say its name.

  15. Thank you to everyone who came out this weekend for my Artist Talk & Tour at

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