Любіть Україну у сні й наяву,
Вишневу свою Україну,
Красу її, вічно живу і нову,
І мову її солов'їну.
В. Сосюра

One of the best and most prestigious universities in Ukraine, Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University, along with solving issues such as the preparation of high-quality professionals, provides housing for all non-resident students and foreign students. The campus is a separate subdivision and is guided in its work by legislative acts of Ukraine in force, the typical regulations on the student hostel of the university of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Statutes and Regulations on Campus.

Work in the campus dormitories are aimed at timely settlement and eviction of students, ensuring control and order in the dorms, improving housing and living conditions of students, and organization of leisure for those students who live in dormitories.

There are five dormitories in the campus that are housing and residential complex where 2260 students live and relax. During settlements the campus administration cooperates with student councils dormitories. They help in organizing the settlements of residents and participate in the development of maps of the settlement.

In the hostel, there operates throughput system, round the clock porters and guards which prevent breaking into a hostel.


At the beginning of the academic year, in all dormitories there are students meetings with the Deputy Dean in educational work, and heads of student council in order to familiarize students with their rights and obligations, instructions on safety, rules of conduct in the hostel and organizing substantial leisure in extracurricular time for students.


In September elections are held in student council departments and dormitories that hold weekly meetings where questions of students life or leisure and many others are discussed. There systematically are raid-checks of sanitary condition of the rooms and common areas. There are annually competitions for the best dormitory rooms and the best hostel.


Each room in the campus is connected to the Internet network allowing students to use for learning new modern technologies. On campus there is a playground area for students and student families, a library, two gyms, and conditions for serving of students (student store, hair salon, dining room, student preventive clinic) are created.

Chummery №1

Chummery №2

Chummery №4

Chummery №3

Chummery №5

 Due to joint action on campus we are constantly working to improve and enhance logistical base of dormitories. We conduct  internal and external repair works: there are modern showers, toilets according to the European standards, common areas, corridors, and stairwells were put in order. The roots have been repaired, 90% of the old windows and doors have been removed, window frames were replaced by plastic ones to conserve - energy. On all floors of the university dormitories we have installed new lighting and upgraded facades.


All foreign students are provided with a place in the hostel and with hard and soft equipment. Foreign applicants  have access to a  highly experienced psychologist and specialists which help them to adapt to the living conditions in Ukraine, including dormitories. Given the fact that the campus is populated by some 20 nationalities, the university promotes a positive attitude to people of different nations and religions and respect for their traditions and customs.

In order to organize substantial leisure for students living in dormitories, a series of mass  sports, cultural and educational activities are held. Interesting intellectual games between teams of hostels and  holiday parties are held. Winners are awarded with diplomas and valuable gifts.

General organizational aspects of campus are solved in close cooperation with the Vice rector on scientific and pedagogical work and corporate governance and  deans of faculties and campus administration. Together with the representatives of the campus administration and the Vice rector on scientific, pedagogical and social work "round tables" are weekly organized, which deal with current issues regarding with the residence of students in dormitories. The active organizers of the aforementioned measures are members of the student dormitories Council.

Competition "The most charming

couple in love in a hostel"

The contest to
International Students' Day

 Concert program for the International Students' Day


New Year celebration in hostel





Annual Cup mini-football
between hostels

змінено реквізити
на оплату в ПолтНТУ
internet resource of
distance education
center of preparation
department of
Center of legal
union of workers
of university

36011, Poltava,
Pershotravnevyi avenue, 24.
Admissions telephone:
(0532) 56-16-04
E-mail: vstup@pntu.edu.ua



Box of trust

Copyright © НВЦІ
"Полтавський національний технічний університет імені Юрія Кондратюка" 2015.