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This group is for anyone interested in building sites on WordPress, the most popular content management system (CMS) in the world. We'll discuss everything from customizing themes, adding plugins to hooks and filters and building complex workflows for custom content types.

We have two monthly meetings right now. The first is a general meetup where we cover more broad topics. Past topics have included how plugins work, what's new in the latest version, and security best practices. It's hosted at our sponsors Lab1500 near Washington Ave. & 15th Street. It meets on the third Wedsnday of the month.

The second monthly meeting is geared toward developers and professionals who use WP as part of their daily work - everything from developing new themes and plugins to extending WordPress in new and exciting ways. This meeting is on the first Monday of the month at 6:30pm. Our hosts are Integrity in the Delmar Loop.

We encourage you to attend whatever meetings interest you and are always looking for suggestions for future topics.

Still with me? Good. Now RSVP for the next meetup!

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