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Committee of Adjustment

Committee Type

Legislated committee


The Committee of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial body, similar to an informal court, that operates under the Planning Act, the Statutory Powers Procedure Act and various provincial regulations. The Committee operates independently from City Council.


When constructing a new building, making additions or alterations to an existing building, the proposed works must comply with the City's zoning by-laws. If it doesn't, an application for minor variance is made.

Persons wishing to sever part of their land to create a new lot or a new parcel must make an application for consent to authorize the severance. Consent is required for new lots, additions to existing lots, establishing easements/rights-of-way, such as shared driveways, and long term leases for more than 21 years.

The Committee of Adjustment conducts public hearings and makes decisions on applications for minor variances and consent.


  • Allowing anyone wishing to speak to an application an opportunity to do so
  • Making rational decisions with appropriate, well-thought conditions
  • Clearly stating the reasons for their decisions
  • Giving due diligence to the consideration of each application
  • Openly making all decisions in public at the hearing


Membership is open to citizens who reside and/or are property owners in the City of St. Catharines and who are 18 years of age or older.

Voting Membership

The Committee consists of five voting members who have been appointed by City Council through the City's citizen appointment process.

Membership Responsibility

Members shall observe all corporate policies of the City of St. Catharines with respect to the Code of Conduct and harassment policies, and make every effort to attend all meetings.

Membership Term

Members are appointed for the term of Council (four years).

Membership List

Greg Redden - Vice Chair
David Lucuik - Chair
Kerry Leask
David Ringler
Mark Stevens
Department of Planning Services representative

Meeting Schedule & Location(s)

Hearings are scheduled once every three weeks on Wednesday evenings beginning at 5 p.m. in Council Chambers at City Hall. 
Copyright © 2014 The Corporation of the City of St. Catharines