Twitter Plugin for WordPress

The Twitter plugin for WordPress bundles Twitter best practices into an installable package for websites powered by WordPress software.

Twitter Cards

Automatically generate Twitter Cards to enable link previews, site attribution, Twitter Analytics and more when someone shares your site’s URLs on Twitter.

Customize Embedded Tweets

Easily customize embedded Tweets to match your site’s theme. Choose a dark or light theme, custom link color and custom border color to match surrounding content.

Convert Twitter URLs into rich embeds

The plugin includes URL handlers for a single Tweet, Twitter Moment, Twitter collection, Twitter profile URL, Vine, and Periscope profile. Easily add Twitter, Vine, and Periscope widgets to your site without needing to retrain authors.

Encourage sharing with Tweet buttons

Add a Tweet button to every public post, customize Tweet text, and grow your follower audience.

Grow your Twitter and Periscope audience

Add a Follow button to your site to convert website visitors into Twitter followers.

Add a Periscope On Air button to advertise future broadcasts and easily communicate when a live broadcast is available.

Measure advertising success

Twitter advertisers can build a custom audience target or track advertising conversions with a Twitter advertising shortcode added to any webpage.

Customize enabled features across your site or network

Enable or disable specific plugin features by acting on the associative array passed through the twitter_features filter.

cardsTwitter Cards meta elements used to generate link previews and provide Twitter account bylines when your URLs are shared on Twitter
embed-tweetSingle Tweet embeds
embed-tweet-videoSingle Tweet embeds with a template focused on video playback
embed-vineSingle Vine embed using the Vine simple template
embed-momentTwitter Moment
embed-tweets-gridTwitter collection displayed in a grid template
followTwitter follow button
shareTweet button
periscope-on-airPeriscope On Air button
ad-pixelCustom audiences and advertising conversion pixel