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Posting rules

The spirit of our 'Question more' motto should guide your stance towards online etiquette, posting, and people protocols. We encourage you to share views, express opinions, agree and disagree with others, discuss and debate.

We expect you to do so in a civilized manner and respect the rights of others to views and beliefs that are not yours. RT retains the right to delete or edit any comments we deem detrimental to discussion or which violate site protocol.

Posting protocol

Your post will be deleted if it is

  • rude, insulting, a personal attack, abusive, derogatory or defamatory, sexual in nature

Your post will be deleted for containing

  • hate speech; racist, sexist, homophobic slurs; if it is discriminatory
  • incitement; advocates violence, public disorder or criminal behavior
  • profanity (as well as attempts to bypass profanity filters by substituting letters with symbols for instance), crude language
  • pornographic text or web links
  • spam, self-promotion, advertisements
  • messages pertaining to hacking, cracking, warez or other illegal activities
  • copyright material posted without permission
  • complaints about your posts being deleted
  • any privacy violation whatsoever

RT may delete comments if they are:

  • written in any language other than English
  • repetitive, duplicates
  • incoherent, inconsistent with what is considered normal writing
  • irrelevant to the story, post, video, image
  • meaningless, contain stand-alone links
  • written by individuals with inappropriate usernames
  • written by individuals impersonating someone else
  • quoting a message violating any of the above mentioned rules

Opinions and information contained in the comments belong to the authors of the comments. While RT strives to keep all objectionable messages off the site, it will not be held responsible for the content of comments posted by users. If you come across a comment that you think should be brought to the attention of the moderators, please use the feedback form to share your concerns.

These rules are subject to change without prior notice. Serial offenders will be banned from posting the comments. By posting your messages on this site you give RT permission to publish/reproduce them on the website or in other media platforms.