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About this guide

This guide is intended to provide a comprehensive yet easy to understand guide to installing, using, and customising FlatPress, and is being maintained by FlatPress user Stanley (a.k.a. Paul), primarily as a teaching aid for Georgi.


Yes, we wish there was a dummies guide for FlatPress too. Who knows, maybe we’ll help write one? This guide is not endorsed by the official FlatPress author, in fact it’s truer to say that this guide endorses FlatPress and is an attempt to document the system, showcase new themes and developments, and generally to encourage new users to experiment a little and find out for themselves what a fun time they can have learning all about this great piece of software.

What’s new…

Fighting back against the spammers, how to add a permalink to your page, and a new plugin which allows you to include a blog post in a static page (or within another blog post if you want). Why would you want to do this? Because you can.

Text to Image Plugin

Permalink: http://flatpress.georgi.co.uk/?x=entry:entry150527-220637

The source code of the image with the blue border on the right has been produced with the following HTML code which was generated via the txt2img plugin for FlatPress by wrapping the displayed text in special BBCode tags, as can be seen in the Editor pane below:

<img class=”right blueborder” style=”margin:0px;” src=”http://flatpress.georgi.co.uk/fp-plugins/txt2img/txt2img.php?string=bXllbWFpbEBleGFtcGxlLmNvbQ%3D%3D”>

This is what was entered to trigger the image:


The css used for styling it is:

/* add additional style information here * /
/* use one or more "style" attributes (e.g. style="right blueborder")
to set class name for image * /

img.right {
float: right; 

img.blueborder { 
border: 4px solid blue;

Download the plugin here

Uploading and including attachments in your posts

Permalink: http://flatpress.georgi.co.uk/?x=entry:entry130209-072820

This article explains how to upload a file to your FlatPress blog and then insert a link to it in either a blog post (entry) or a static page using the BBCode editor in the admin panel. [Read More…]

Font Plugin

Permalink: http://flatpress.georgi.co.uk/?x=entry:entry121009-083520

This is a plugin which will let you resize the text on your page.

Download it here

This plugin was made by FlatPress user Bobu.

Keeping spam at bay

Permalink: http://flatpress.georgi.co.uk/?x=entry:entry120927-095140

One of the problems all bloggers face is the constant battle to keep spam comments from getting posted to your site.

There are a number of alternatives to the accessible antispam plugin which ships with FlatPress, simply go to the FlatPress wiki to try a couple out - but one other thing yo can do is add a nofollow rel attribute to the web address associated with a comment, which will serve to dissuade the robots (software which trawls the web looking for places to post spammy comments) from hanging their dirty laundry out on your blog.

Here’s a great tip from Rambling Ross on how to do just that:

To achieve this it is necessary to modify the comments.tpl file found in the root folder for the theme you currently have selected, e.g.


Within the ordered list with an id of “comments” there is a single list item. This list item contains a link when the $url variable contains something. Modify this link to contain a rel=”nofollow” attribute, e.g.

<strong class=’comment-name’>
using this tag combo, the name is displayed as a link only
if user entered a URL.

Syntax is quite intuitive:
“if $url is not empty, show $name between a tags, 
else default fallback on displaying plain $name”
{$url|notempty:”<a rel=”nofollow” href=”$url” title=”Permalink to $name’s comment”>$name</a>”|default:$name}

How to display the permalink of an entry or static page

Permalink: http://flatpress.georgi.co.uk/?x=entry:entry120924-223225

As you can see we display the permalink to a page at the top of each entry or static page. The permalink is the fixed and unchanging link to your page which you should share with others, as URLs which are “prettified” using either the rewriteurls or prettyurls plugins can change.

You also need to use the permalink if you want to use our Static Entry plugin to include an entry in a static page.

Here’s how to do it. [Read More…]

More great FlatPress resources…

FlatPress Wiki
FlatPress Forum
Piero’s Blog
Bobu’s Themes Page
Rambling Ross
Igor Kromin’s Blog

Your site here!

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Georgi says Hi!

If you found anything on this site of use, interesting, or even mildly amusing please consider tipping a few pennies in the jar to help support Georgi.

Georgi contracted encephalitis and fell into a coma in the summer of 2007. He’s a strong boy and survived, but he suffered brain damage and still can’t walk or talk (well, not very well - but he does try). He’s growing all the time and every penny we collect goes towards his upkeep, and towards his future care requirements.

About FlatPress

FlatPress is an open source standards-compliant multi-lingual extensible blogging engine which does not require a DataBase Management System to work.

This means that you don’t need MySQL or any other kind of relational database because FlatPress stores all of its content on text files.

All you need is some web space supporting PHP 5.2 (or later).

Download FlatPress now


  • Standard-compliant (XHTML valid)
  • Plugin support
  • Widget system
  • Easy to customise with themes (powered by Smarty)

FlatPress was largely developed by Edoardo Vacchi who provides support on the FlatPress user’s forum under the name of NoWhereMan.

Please support FlatPress by making a donation directly to NoWhereMan:

Alternatively you can


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