The No. 1 word Donald Trump won’t stop saying

Published: Feb 29, 2016 11:49 a.m. ET


QUIZ: Can you guess which words each presidential candidate overuses?

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Which presidential candidate overuses the word “apocalyptic”? What about “eminent”?

An analysis released on Monday by revealed which words that each presidential candidate favored compared with the other candidates. To determine this, the company analyzed every word said by each of the politicians during 15 recent presidential debates that took place from August through February.

“These words shed light on the issues, policies, and rhetoric of individual candidates,” says Liz McMillan, the chief executive of

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Catey Hill covers personal finance and travel for MarketWatch in New York. Follow her on Twitter @CateyHill.

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Catey Hill covers personal finance and travel for MarketWatch in New York. Follow her on Twitter @CateyHill.

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