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The Power of Unsolvable Problems

University course requires all new engineering majors to tackle tough tasks, building resilience and humility

Tackling, and failing to solve, a problem can be an important lesson. WSJ's Sue Shellenbarger and Northwestern University professor Bruce Ankenman join Tanya Rivero to discuss the value of the unsolvable puzzle. Photo: Katrina Wittkamp forThe Wall Street Journal

The most valuable problems may be the unsolvable ones.

The engineering school at Northwestern University is using the power of problems without clear solutions to prepare freshmen for the ups and downs of college and careers. Aware that some of its academically successful students arrive on campus without ever having failed at anything, the university requires all new engineering majors to take an unusual course featuring challenges they often can’t meet: Working in teams, they must design and build devices to help individuals with disabilities perform simple daily tasks.

Some of the challenges: Equip a stroke survivor to crochet with one hand or a partially paralyzed shooting victim to don tight support stockings. Make workout gear or bottle openers for people with only one working arm. The budget: $100 for each four-student team.

Solving these problems isn’t necessarily impossible, but there can be many solutions and in some cases no solutions at all. Tackling such tasks is an important life skill that is applicable to anyone. It can teach resilience and, when people fail, humility.

University officials say the course, Design Thinking and Communication, meets a need beyond teaching people skills to aspiring engineers. The idea that “you need As, you can’t make any mistakes, you have to be perfect,” has been ingrained in many freshmen by the time they arrive on campus, says Joseph Holtgreive, who as assistant dean of undergraduate engineering counsels students who are having academic or personal problems. Striving for perfection can isolate students and at worst, trigger anxiety or depression.

Wrestling With Tough Tasks

Students charged with designing assistive devices visit patients to test their ideas

Isabelle Zinghini, 18, an engineering student from Mamaroneck, N.Y., (left, kneeling) explains to Dr. Samraj how to mount a device made from a stress ball onto the legs of patients’ walkers. Ms. Zinghini is one of several students testing “walker-leg gliders”—replacements for the standard rubber walker-leg tips that often annoy patients by squeaking and sticking on the floor. Ms. Zinghini’s team is proposing to replace the tennis balls used by many patients and therapists with stress balls, which are likely to last longer and cushion users’ arms and shoulders against pain.
Isabelle Zinghini, 18, an engineering student from Mamaroneck, N.Y., (left, kneeling) explains to Dr. Samraj how to mount a device made from a stress ball onto the legs of patients’ walkers. Ms. Zinghini is one of several students testing “walker-leg gliders”—replacements for the standard rubber walker-leg tips that often annoy patients by squeaking and sticking on the floor. Ms. Zinghini’s team is proposing to replace the tennis balls used by many patients and therapists with stress balls, which are likely to last longer and cushion users’ arms and shoulders against pain. Katrina Wittkamp for The Wall Street Journal
Northwestern University engineering student Thomas Wu, 18, of St. Charles, Ill., (left) listens to comments from physical therapist Preeti Samraj (center) and patient Gordon Burich about a device Mr. Wu and three other students have designed devices to make hospital walkers easier to use. The students, who are taking an unusual design course required of freshman engineering majors, visited the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago recently to test their ideas for assistive devices.
Northwestern University engineering student Thomas Wu, 18, of St. Charles, Ill., (left) listens to comments from physical therapist Preeti Samraj (center) and patient Gordon Burich about a device Mr. Wu and three other students have designed devices to make hospital walkers easier to use. The students, who are taking an unusual design course required of freshman engineering majors, visited the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago recently to test their ideas for assistive devices. Katrina Wittkamp for The Wall Street Journal
Former Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago patients Gordon Burich, 65, a Crown Point, Ind., construction-equipment salesman, (seated, left) and Keely Haddad-Null, 31, a graduate student at DePaul University, Chicago (seated, right), watch as sophomore engineering student Janet Chen, 19 (center), of Hong Kong, explains the glider device her team has made.
Former Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago patients Gordon Burich, 65, a Crown Point, Ind., construction-equipment salesman, (seated, left) and Keely Haddad-Null, 31, a graduate student at DePaul University, Chicago (seated, right), watch as sophomore engineering student Janet Chen, 19 (center), of Hong Kong, explains the glider device her team has made. Katrina Wittkamp for The Wall Street Journal
Mr. Burich, a Crown Point, Ind., construction-equipment salesman who suffered a spinal-cord injury in December, watches Dr. Samraj examine a hard-plastic glider device students designed for the legs of his walker. The device made the legs slide smoothly over the floor, enabling Mr. Burich to move ahead more easily.
Mr. Burich, a Crown Point, Ind., construction-equipment salesman who suffered a spinal-cord injury in December, watches Dr. Samraj examine a hard-plastic glider device students designed for the legs of his walker. The device made the legs slide smoothly over the floor, enabling Mr. Burich to move ahead more easily. Katrina Wittkamp for The Wall Street Journal
Two sets of walker-leg gliders made from rubber stress balls are displayed on a pad showing the Northwestern University mascot. Instructed to make walker-leg tips from inexpensive, durable household materials, students lined the purple stress balls with fabric from a whiteboard eraser.
Two sets of walker-leg gliders made from rubber stress balls are displayed on a pad showing the Northwestern University mascot. Instructed to make walker-leg tips from inexpensive, durable household materials, students lined the purple stress balls with fabric from a whiteboard eraser. Katrina Wittkamp for The Wall Street Journal
Northwestern University students Robert Bell, 20, (left) and Kyle LaBrosse, 18, of Glastonbury, Conn., (center) listen as Gordon Burich (right), a former patient at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago who is 6 foot 2, jokes about the challenges tall people face in using a walker.
Northwestern University students Robert Bell, 20, (left) and Kyle LaBrosse, 18, of Glastonbury, Conn., (center) listen as Gordon Burich (right), a former patient at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago who is 6 foot 2, jokes about the challenges tall people face in using a walker. Katrina Wittkamp for The Wall Street Journal
Kyle LaBrosse shows plastic walker-leg gliders he and teammate Thomas Wu made in a Northwestern University design shop, to slip over the rubber tips of a walker’s back legs.
Kyle LaBrosse shows plastic walker-leg gliders he and teammate Thomas Wu made in a Northwestern University design shop, to slip over the rubber tips of a walker’s back legs. Katrina Wittkamp for The Wall Street Journal
Northwestern University engineering students (left to right) Isabelle Zinghini, Janet Chen, Jihoon Han, 21, of Pebble Beach, Calif., and Kyle LaBrosse take notes as physical therapist Preeti Samraj sums up the strengths and weaknesses of the assistive devices they tested recently at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago.
Northwestern University engineering students (left to right) Isabelle Zinghini, Janet Chen, Jihoon Han, 21, of Pebble Beach, Calif., and Kyle LaBrosse take notes as physical therapist Preeti Samraj sums up the strengths and weaknesses of the assistive devices they tested recently at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. Katrina Wittkamp for The Wall Street Journal
Jihoon Han (left), Robert Bell (seated), Kyle LaBrosse and Thomas Wu watch and take notes and photos as Mr. Burich tests devices they’ve made. Their observations will help them revise their designs before presenting them.
Jihoon Han (left), Robert Bell (seated), Kyle LaBrosse and Thomas Wu watch and take notes and photos as Mr. Burich tests devices they’ve made. Their observations will help them revise their designs before presenting them. Katrina Wittkamp for The Wall Street Journal
As engineering student Janet Chen (left) looks on, Dr. Samraj, a physical therapist at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, helps patient Gordon Burich step into a walker equipped with leg gliders designed by Ms. Chen’s four-student team at Northwestern University. Ms. Chen says she learned at the product-testing session how important it is to understand users’ experience when designing an assistive device.
As engineering student Janet Chen (left) looks on, Dr. Samraj, a physical therapist at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, helps patient Gordon Burich step into a walker equipped with leg gliders designed by Ms. Chen’s four-student team at Northwestern University. Ms. Chen says she learned at the product-testing session how important it is to understand users’ experience when designing an assistive device. Katrina Wittkamp for The Wall Street Journal

“That’s what we’re trying to help them transition away from,” Mr. Holtgreive says. “They have to persist and struggle through some really challenging problems.”

In high school, Rachel Hughes’s science projects had clearly defined goals and paths to reaching them, says Ms. Hughes, 18, a freshman from River Forest, Ill. “There’s usually a Point A and a Point B and you have to figure out how to get to Point B.”

Her project for the freshman design class “is more like a free-for-all,” she says. Her four-student team is designing a gliding base for the back legs of walkers used by patients at the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, a nonprofit physical-medicine and rehabilitation hospital and research organization. The device would cover or replace factory-mounted rubber caps that squeal, vibrate and stick to the floor, annoying patients.

Ms. Hughes’s team met last month with a patient with a spinal-cord injury. He said he wanted his walker-leg gliders to slide easily and quietly but still provide stability—and to have shock absorbers to cushion his arms and shoulders when he leaned on the walker. “That’s what we set out to do,” Ms. Hughes says: “to try to make something that doesn’t seem possible.”

Her team prepared two mock-ups, one using plastic foam and material from a sock, and another using the foam and fabric from a whiteboard eraser. Teammates Robert Bell, 20, of Chesterfield, Va., and Jihoon Han, 21, of Pebble Beach, Calif., attended a testing session earlier this month with two different patients at the Rehabilitation Institute.


Patients’ responses were lukewarm. One patient, Keely Haddad-Null, 31, a graduate student from Chicago who suffered a brain hemorrhage in January, tried the sock device and said it made her walker a little less stable than she liked.

The other patient, Gordon Burich, 65, a construction-equipment salesman from Crown Point, Ind., who suffered a spinal-cord injury last December, raised an issue they hadn’t anticipated. He didn’t think either the sock or eraser material would work well on the various floor surfaces in his home, including carpet, hardwood and tile.

At first, Mr. Han feared his team would have to start over. “This is more difficult than we thought,” he says he thought at the time.

Working together, however, the team figured out a new approach. When they met a few days later, Mr. Han says, Ms. Hughes “brought up a brilliant idea” of trying one of Mr. Bell’s earlier suggestions—halving and hollowing out the center of a billiard ball and attaching it to the walker leg. The ball’s hard, slick plastic material seemed similar to another team’s device that had drawn high ratings from users.

“It’s obviously not a good feeling when people say ‘no, I really don’t like this idea,’ ” Mr. Bell says. “At the same time, I feel like our entire group is pretty good at overcoming those kinds of setbacks. ... We just moved forward with a different part of our plan.”

Learning to ask for help from others is a building-block of resiliency. Some students have bad experiences when their teammates don’t work well together, says Bruce Ankenman, co-director of the Segal Design Institute at Northwestern and of the course. As teams try ideas, cast them aside, come up with new ones and start over, “they realize they don’t always have to have the right answer all along.”

The course is a tradition at Northwestern, which has required it for a decade. Students aren’t graded on whether they solve the problem. Instead, they are graded on how well they communicate and work with patients, therapists and teammates, and on how well they execute the design process, approach problems and present their results at an end-of-term design expo.

Students’ brainstorming can give rise to some oddball concepts, from a sock fastened to a walker leg with a hair tie to a rubber stress ball coated with fabric from a whiteboard eraser and encased in plastic. “I try to welcome all ideas,” says Preeti Samraj, a physical therapist at the Rehabilitation Institute who facilitated the testing session with patients. “I don’t actually know the solution.”

Rushing to finish a mock-up before the session, Thomas Wu, of St. Charles, Ill, and his teammate Kyle LaBrosse, 18, of Glastonbury, Conn., grabbed a plastic lid from a razor-blade disposal can in the university workshop, cut it to fit a walker leg and glued it to a Gatorade lid. At the testing session, Dr. Samraj said it was the most successful idea of the evening.

The course is unusual in requiring freshmen to design products for people, says Michael Milligan, executive director of ABET in Baltimore, the accrediting organization for undergraduate engineering schools. Many engineering students don’t take design courses until their junior or senior years, although this is changing. The University of California, Berkeley, which opened a new design institute last year, recently began offering three design courses for freshmen.

Unsolvable Problems

Students have been asked to help people with disabilities:

  • crochet with one hand
  • tie shoelaces with one working arm
  • hold, aim and shoot a Nerf gun with arms weakened by muscular dystrophy
  • pick up objects on the floor while seated in a wheelchair
  • tie a ponytail with one hand
  • pull on tight support stockings with arms weakened by a spinal cord injury
  • open cans with one hand
  • put on a shoe over an ankle-foot brace.
  • insert a contact lens with weakened arms and hands
  • paint fingernails when one hand is paralyzed

Learning to handle failure in small doses equips students for bigger challenges, professors say. Many of the students “have been leaders of this and that, and they’ve had a very high profile. They have to get used to being knocked down a little, not for the sake of knocking them down, but because one of our precepts is that you have to fail. That’s how you learn,” says Deborah Leigh Wood, an adjunct professor of communications who helps teach the course.

A few discover another building-block of resilience—finding purpose and meaning amid setbacks. Joycelyn Dong and her teammates were asked last fall to help a stroke survivor with full use of only one hand to resume her hobby of crocheting. Ms. Dong’s team designed a crochet hook with an enlarged grip, in hopes of making the needle easier for her to grasp. They were discouraged when the woman declared the device useless, says Ms. Dong, 19, of Columbus, Ohio.

Her team reframed the goal toward making a device that would be more broadly helpful, and cobbled together an elevated wheelchair armrest that enabled the woman to prop her weak arm higher, extending her reach. The woman told Ms. Dong the device would enable her not only to wield her crochet hook, but to go grocery shopping and pick products off the shelf unassisted for the first time since her stroke.

“She was so thrilled,” says Dr. Samraj, who oversaw the project.

Ms. Dong gave the woman the device at her team’s final presentation, she says. “It was one of the greatest moments I’ve had so far in engineering.”

Write to Sue Shellenbarger at

David Rosenberg
David Rosenberg subscriber

Good article.  In my senior year as a chem eng major, we had a unit operations lab.  Not one piece of equipment working quite the way it was supposed to.  Our prof, who was about 79, told us that if we thought it was going to be different in industry, boy did we have it coming.  He was right. 

As to listening, I worked in a plant in which an operator with a 2nd grade education was able to solve a problem a chemist with a doctorate could not solve.  Why should I, who had worked in the plant for a few months, think that I know more than someone who had worked in the plant for ten years.  

Thought about writing a book called, "So you think you're an engineer".  I should have.

Joseph Russo
Joseph Russo subscriber

One problem I hope students come up with a solution to is the anti-free speech and close minded idiocy found on all campuses today.

James Finkel
James Finkel subscriber

I have made a habit of solving “unsolvable” problems and have received nothing but enmity. On my first job, testing large centrifugal compressors (one had an inlet volume of 350,000 cfm), I proposed a small change in instrumentation to prevent failure during testing. Testing cost was about $5,000/hour in current costs. Management was initially not that interested listening to a new minted engineer, even though a single failure in a single test would have paid for the cost increase in instrumentation (thermocouples).

Following my suggestion, thermocouple failures stopped. Where we hoped to have one or two failures per test, the lifespan of the thermocouples went to years. Savings the first year were over $1.2 million (again, in current dollars). Savings would have been recurring, not just a single shot. Shop instrumentation personnel were upset because they did less work so they got paid less. This was a bad thing to do in a union shop.

WAYNE LONGMAN subscriber

I take it this is a 3 hour Saturday morning lab, and they spend at least 6 hours  a day at math, physics and engineering specialty courses (electrical, mechanical, civil, computer, geology) along with engineering economics to tell them that green energy is blowing smoke up politicians' butts.

If they are doing that I will listen.


I'm excited to show this to my daughter who is thinking about engineering. Hopefully Stanford has this kind of program.

Anthony Aaron
Anthony Aaron subscriber


A woman friend of mine from some years ago graduated from Stanford with an engineering degree - and went on to do brilliant and rewarding work. She became highly regarded in her field - at a time when few women even went into engineering.

If she does really well, maybe she can qualify - as my younger brother did - for a Fulbright Fellowship. My brother's was for his master's degree - in Heidelberg, Germany.

Give your daughter all the encouragement you can - and let her soar on her own wings as high as she can in life.

T Mack
T Mack subscriber

Everything is IMPOSSIBLE,

Until someone DOES IT. 

David Crocker
David Crocker subscriber

Not just for students!

Great article!!  I had the pleasure of observing and participating with many of my Sailors as we solved complex problems that spanned numerous hard and soft sciences and untold numbers of variables.  Resiliency and humility, as addressed in this article is a much valued product of this exercise….but it was much more than a course for credit for these Sailors…..and it lasted for many years vice a semester. Leaders need to pay attention to this as well.  Instead of learning to ask for help, leaders need to provide the environment where help is always there, waiting to be employed.  

Steven Dolan
Steven Dolan subscriber

Great piece Sue.  I believe the article is less about solvable or unsolvable problems, and less about kids who are getting their first taste of failure.  What is most impressive is to see a university complementing academic knowledge with practical challenges and experiences to better equip studetns for the workplace.  And, the experience they gain is not just technical, but soft skills as well.

Curtis Beck
Curtis Beck subscriber

Sadly, the liberal arts students need this type of education more than the engineering students.  They seem to have a lot of great ideas (redistribute wealth, equal pay for women, free college tuition, black lives matter, save the earth) but no clue as to the real-world challenges of solving these problems.  Engineers are the ones who actually turn ideas into reality.

George Morvey
George Morvey subscriber

The photos of the students do not look very diverse or inclusive.

Winnie Holden
Winnie Holden subscriber

I wish I had this course when I was a freshman :)

Charlie Kendall
Charlie Kendall subscriber

There are long term impacts on the methods and practices we institute for teaching our children life lessons that help them to develop into well rounded and well adjusted individuals. Sadly the culture of awarding participation trophies and certificates and protecting kids from failure seems to be manifesting itself in the form of ill equipped individuals and we are left to deal with the aftermath by trying to teach a lifetime full of lesson in a semester college class.

Harold Lewis
Harold Lewis subscriber

All problems have solutions.  The path from problem definition to solution is rarely a straight line.  Failure is just one way of eliminating an option as the solution search continues.  Think of failure as turning down a road that ended up leading to a cul-de-sac instead of enabling us to continue uninterrupted to the solution.

Sports, particularly where there is a 'cut' (i.e. not everyone makes the team), is one of the best ways left to teach kids resiliency.  I made my kid go out for a sport in 7th grade that he had a passing interest in cause I expected him to get cut.  I wanted him to experience this disappointment 'early', realize its not the end of the world, figure out his improvement opportunities, and learn how to bounce back.  He grew up with 'helicopter' parents solving every issue and during the 'everybody gets a trophy' phase and needed this life lesson that you are not perfect, you will sometimes fall short of requirements, and you need to accept and learn from it.

Barry Wise
Barry Wise subscriber

As an engineer myself I think the approach presented in the article is a good one. But the sad thing is that so many get to this point without ever having failed. How would you fix that? Participation in sports. If you get at all serious about a sport you find out that you fail often. And you get hurt. And you come back and do better. 

I have a daughter who is a stellar student, senior in bio and chemical engineering. Dean's list every semester, etc. etc. She's also a Div I NCAA athlete, a skier. Her sport has taught her more about dealing with failure, (not to mention pain and injury), than academics ever has.  

bruce strong
bruce strong subscriber

My advise to all young people entering the Job market is very simple, get a Government Job...!


Similar courses would help students in other subjects, too. How about political science majors? Let them find ways to move our present deadlock forward that are acceptable to all sides.

Bernard Levine
Bernard Levine user

Seems like a good idea...

But if it is, then why wait for college, and why do it only once?  

Maybe kids of all ages would benefit from impossible (seeming) challenges.

And not one per lifetime, but 2-3 per week.

Kids who fail in school, whether their failure is acknowledged or not, need to learn they can survive failure, go past it, not just give up and embrace a life of failure.

Also, the Marine Corps uses impossible unsolvable situations in high intensity training exercises. The underlying lesson is, Don't give up.

Jim Deiner
Jim Deiner subscriber

@Bernard Levine

I agree with you Bernard.  No reason to wait to college, to do it only once, only for engineering students, etc.

We can & should start students thinking about unsolvable problems much earlier.  "The" answer to life's problems & challenges aren't found at the back of the book; and there usually isn't just a single "right" answer.

Nevin Taylor
Nevin Taylor subscriber

The school is obviously not preparing the students for government contractor jobs.  We all remember the $1,000 (?) toilet seats.  

Judy Harmon Smith
Judy Harmon Smith subscriber

Very impressive, and also heartwarming that the "lab" is real people with real needs.  

William McKibbin
William McKibbin subscriber

Problems that can't be solved are called reality, not problems...

Richard Homa
Richard Homa subscriber

@William McKibbin Conan Cruise O'Brien called them 'situations'.  Problems have solutions; situations have outcomes, which we may be able to influence in our favor, but then again, maybe not.

Michael Baldridge
Michael Baldridge subscriber

The Kobayashi Maru test for Engineering students.

Bradley S Armstrong
Bradley S Armstrong subscriber

@Michael Baldridge

Spock: The Kobayashi Maru scenario frequently wreaks havoc on students and equipment. As I recall you took the test three times yourself. Your final solution was, shall we say, unique?

Kirk: It had the virtue of never having been tried.

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