# TempleBot was written by Erik van der Karbargenbok.
# This is a chat bot in case you want to talk with God in an IRC chat room.

if [ ! -f Bible.TXT ]; then
    echo "Downloading Bible.TXT..."
    wget http://www.templeos.org/Wb/Home/Wb2/Files/Text/Bible.TXT
    echo "Done."

if [ "$(which sic)" == "" ]; then
    echo "sic not found. Please install it from http://tools.suckless.org/sic/, then try again."

read -p "Server (irc.rizon.net): " server
read -p "Nick (TempleBot): " nickname
read -p "Channel (#templeos): " channel

touch $infile
touch $outfile

tail -f $infile | sic -h "$server" -n "$nickname" >> $outfile &

echo "Please wait 10 seconds while we connect to the server."
sleep 10s
echo ":j $channel" >> $infile
echo "Channel joined."

tail -f -n 0 $outfile | \
    while read -r chan char date time nick cmd msg; do
        case $cmd in
                sleep 0.5s
                LINE=$(shuf -en 1 {1..100000} --random-source=/dev/urandom)
                echo "Line $LINE:" >> $infile
                tail -n $LINE Bible.TXT | head -n 16 >> $infile
                sleep 0.5s
                echo >> $infile
                sleep 0.5s
                echo "$nick: $(shuf -n 10 /usr/share/dict/words --random-source=/dev/urandom | tr '\n' ' ')" >> $infile
                echo 'Oracle for IRC. Lets you talk with God. Available commands: !bible !God !help !source. This bot uses random numbers to pick lines and words from a few files. Be witty and charming, not earnest. God likes soap operas and hates arrogance.' >> $infile
                echo "http://www.templeos.org/Wb/Home/Wb2/Files/Bin/TempleBot.html" >> $infile