Pure Wellness Center

Tom Ballard, RN, ND
Scientific Natural Medicine Since 1982

Thanks for visiting!


I hope you find this website a valuable resource for learning about natural, whole-systems medicine. 

     After working for a decade as an emergency department nurse, I graduated from Bastyr University in Naturopathic Medicine in 1982. From there I worked in primary-care, providing science-based natural medicine: Sustainable, organic and effective health caring that supports the body's innate functions.

     In 2015, after 33 years of providing naturopathic care in the Seattle area, I closed my clinics to concentrate on educating the public about natural medicine, healthy nutrition, scientific detoxification, and genetic health.  

     I am available for educational events, writing, video production, and remote consultations.

     Please let me know if you have questions, comments or suggestions.

Best of health, Tom Ballard, ND


NOTICE: As of August 15, 2015, Pure Wellness Center will be closing. 

Dr. Ballard will only be providing email, phone, and Skype consultations. 

Finding another health provider

I have two excellent, experienced NDs that I am recommending:

      • Renton Patients: Mark Fredrickson, ND. Dr. Fredrickson has been in practice for twenty years, concentrating on chronic health problems such as cardiovascular, diabetes, pain, digestion, allergies, depression, ADHA, and obesity. He believes in a “…comprehensive natural coaching approach.” Renton patient charts will be in Dr. Fredrickson’s office. Contact him about retrieving lab reports if you go to another doctor. 425-652-2430, See www.natureworkshealthclinic.com for location and hours.
      • Seattle Patients: Jeana Kimball ND: She graduated from Bastyr University in 1989 and earned a master’s in public health in 2007 from UMass Amherst. She’s the former owner of West Seattle Natural Medicine and is just back from working in Puerto Rico. She enjoys the variety of working both with acute medical conditions like respiratory infections as well as chronic health problems such as autoimmune, cardiovascular, diabetes, digestion, and obesity. Natural Healthcare Northwest Inc, 509 Olive Way Suite 1315 Seattle, WA 98101. 206.382.9977. Web: www. naturalhealthcarenw.com. Seattle patient charts will be with Dr Kimball. Contact her about transferring health information.


Pharmacy Buying after Dr. Ballard Closes Renton Office

Many of you have asked about pharmacy ordering once I close Pure Wellness in Renton on August 15th.

I’ve made arrangements with several pharmacies that allow direct-patient purchasing. Some of them have agreed to extend a similar discount to the one I have offered. Here are your options:

  1. Pure Wellness Labs: find substitute products that are identical with Protocol for Life Balance or NOW brands (see #2 for instructions on ordering through Health Wave.
  2. Protocol for Life Balance, NOW, Metabolic Maintenance, and Vital Nutrients products: Health Wave has agreed to continue selling these at a comparable discount.
    1. Go to https://www.healthwavehq.com/welcome/tballard-nd to set up your account. You’ll be able to search by product or manufacturer and place a secure credit card order. The discount will be automatically applied to your order.
    2. You can also set up an account and order by phone: 1 (877) 941-1449.
  3. For those using Seeking Health products:
    1. Go to http://www.seekinghealth.com/naturaldnasolutions to set up an account.
    2. At checkout there will be a Coupon Box. Enter the code “NDS” for the discount pricing.
4. Xymogen, does not make discounts available.
    1. Two choices to set up an account:
      1. Call: 1-800-647-6100 between 9am and 6pm Eastern Time and ask to be set up for a patient-direct account for Dr. Ballard. They will assign you an account number.
      2. Email: info@xymogen.com
        1. You will need this code, NDSXY.
    2. Alternatively, HealthWave has similar products available:
      1. The Big One Multi (with or without Iron) from Metabolic Maintenance can be substituted for Xymogen Active Nutrients without Iron
      2. B-Complex (phosphorylated) from Metabolic Maintenance can be substituted for Xymogen B-Active.
      3. Digest Platinum from NOW can be substituted for Xymozyme.
    3. HealthWave is not currently carrying a good-quality substitute for HistDAO, but Seeking Health is (see above)
5. CryoDerm: The company does not sell directly to the public but you can purchase it:
    1. Atlas Chiropractic: 1422 Harvard Ave, Seattle, in the shopping area on the roof of the QFC on Broadway and Pine. No phone orders or shipping.
    2. Amazon.com or other on-line supplement retailers.
6. Store purchases:
    1. Professional brands such as Xymogen, Protocol, Vital Nutrients and Seeking Health are NOT sold in stores, only through doctors. I advise against buying these brands from unauthorized dealers such as on Amazon.com because they are being sold illegally.
    2. NOW brand is sold in stores. They are an excellent retail brand, meeting high quality-assurance standards, and reasonably priced. A retailer such as The Vitamin Shoppe can help you match your current product to a NOW one.
      1. Unfortunately, NOW still sells products containing folic acid and offers no multivitamins without it. So, if you have been warned against taking folic acid, you’ll need to purchase from Seeking Health, Xymogen or Metabolic Maintenance (through Health Wave)


Books and Services: 


The book to guide you past the hype, fads, and misinformation to the fundamentals of health nutrition. See more on the Books/Articles/Video page. Available on Amazon and in better bookstores. 

The Last Quack

A humorous and informative look at natural medicine in the form of a suspense novel. Available from Amazon and better bookstores.

Natural DNA Solutions

Improve your health with the assistance of the most-comprehensive genetic health report available. For more, see Genetic Reports page.