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Currying in javascript. Like .bind() without also setting `this`.
branch: master


latest commit 0bd4c5b696
@substack authored
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examples relative requires
test s/curried/curry/g
README.markdown s/curried/curry/g
index.js push mutates the array >_<
package.json 0.2.0



Function.prototype.bind sets this which is super annoying if you just want to do currying over arguments while passing this through.

Instead you can do:

var ap = require('ap');
var z = ap([3], function (x, y) {
    return this.z * (x * 2 + y);
}).call({ z : 10 }, 4);



var ap = require('ap')

ap(args, fn)

Fill in the arguments args at the beginning of fn's arguments list., fn)

Fill in the arguments args at the end of fn's arguments list.

ap.apa(left, right, fn)

Fill in left arguments starting from the beginning of fn's argument list and right arguments starting from the end.

ap.partial(fn, args...)

Fill in fn's arguments with args... from the beginning of fn's arguments list.

ap.partialRight(fn, args...)

Fill in fn's arguments with args... starting from the end of fn's arguments list.

ap.curry(fn, args...)

Curry fn, returning a new function with args... partially applied from the beginning of fn's arguments list.

ap.curryRight(fn, args...)

Curry fn returning a new function with args... partially applied from the end of fn's arguments list.

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