
State, United States
Written by: Neil Morgan Last Updated
Alternative title: Golden State

California, constituent state of the United States of America. It was admitted as the 31st state of the union on September 9, 1850, and by the early 1960s it was the most populous U.S. state. No version of the origin of California’s name has been fully accepted, but there is wide support for the contention that it derived from an early 16th-century Spanish novel, Las sergas de Esplandián (“The Adventures of Esplandián”), that described a paradisiacal island full of gold and precious stones called California. The influence of the Spanish settlers of the 18th and 19th centuries is evident in ... (100 of 11,589 words)

1Excluding military abroad.

Population1(2010) 37,253,956; (2014 est.) 38,802,500
Total area (sq mi)163,695
Total area (sq km)423,967
GovernorJerry Brown (Democrat)
State nicknameGolden State
Date of admissionSept. 9, 1850
State motto"Eureka (I Have Found It)"
State birdCalifornia valley quail
State flowerCalifornia poppy
State song"I Love You, California"
U.S. senatorsDianne Feinstein (Democrat)
Barbara Boxer (Democrat)
Seats in U.S. House of Representatives53 of (435)
Time zonePacific (GMT − 8 hours)
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