Profile Photo of Dr. Francine Loeb, MD

Dr. Francine Loeb, MD Visit Healthgrades for information on Dr. Francine Loeb, MD. Find Phone & Address information, medical practice history, affiliated hospitals and more.

Specializes in Naturopathy • Female

7201 5th Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98115
OverviewExperienceHospital QualityPatient SatisfactionAppointments & Offices

Key things you need to know about
Dr. Loeb:


Dr. Loeb's Experience

Research training, expertise and qualifications

Dr. Loeb's Specialties

  • Naturopathy

More About Dr. Loeb's Background

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Patient Satisfaction

Patients' feedback on their experience with Dr. Loeb


8 Facts About Patient Satisfaction Surveys

Patient satisfaction surveys provide a standardized way of reporting about healthcare experiences. But there can be more than meets the eye when reviewing scores. Here's what you should know


Appointments & Offices

Check insurance plans, locations and make an appointment

7201 5th Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98115
MoreSchedule an appointment

7 Tips to Prepare for Your Appointment

The key to a successful appointment is communication. To get the most out of your visit, prepare ahead of time so you can lead the conversation with your doctor. These 7 tips will get you ready

Find the Right Doctor For You.

  • Naturopathy
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