Articles on PPC


In-depth paid search advertising guides and the latest updates on Google AdWords, Bing Ads, and other pay-per-click (PPC) ad tools and platforms.

Concatenate: The Ultimate Excel Function for Managing PPC Campaigns

Concatenate Generate Display URLs

One particular feature on Microsoft Excel can make PPC campaigns more manageable by allowing users to create structured group names, change ad copy in bulk, and build URL tags. One particular feature on Microsoft Excel can make PPC campaigns more manageable by allowing users to create structured group names, change ad copy in bulk, and build URL tags. 0 Comments

How Your PPC Strategy Is Like Gardening


With too much or too little water, your plants will die. Your PPC prospects are similar: an efficient drip irrigation system is the best way to nurture them to grow that relationship. With too much or too little water, your plants will die. Your PPC prospects are similar: an efficient drip irrigation system is the best way to nurture them to grow that relationship. 0 Comments

Defining Success for PPC Efforts


When entering into a new client/agency relationship, setting expectations and agreeing on "what good looks like" are the keys to having a healthy relationship. When entering a new client/agency relationship, setting expectations and agreeing on "what good looks like" are the keys to having a healthy relationship. 0 Comments

Bing Follows Google's Lead and Launches Shopping Campaigns

Bing Ads

Much like Google did last year, Bing is now beta testing shopping campaigns, which give advertisers more sophisticated management and performance tracking capabilities. Much like Google did last year, Bing is now beta testing shopping campaigns, which give advertisers more sophisticated management and performance tracking capabilities. 0 Comments

Brand vs. Non-Brand: Measurement Is Key


As search professionals, we all know that measuring our campaigns is the first key to developing a strong and competitive presence in search. However, there should be a difference in how you measure top line performance for your brand vs. your non-brand search efforts. There should be a difference in how you measure top line performance for your brand vs. your non-brand search efforts. 0 Comments

A Shift to Shopping Ads


Retailers are jumping on board with Google's shopping ads. here's a look at accounts that have been running shopping ads consistently. Retailers are jumping on board with Google's shopping ads. here's a look at accounts that have been running shopping ads consistently. 0 Comments

Store Visits Metric Helps Google AdWords Users Measure Offline ROI

Google Logo

After brands like Sephora and Buffalo Wild Wings saw success with "Store Visits," Google has opened up the feature to Australian and Canadian advertisers, while also creating a new Best Practices Guide. After brands like Sephora and Buffalo Wild Wings saw success with "Store Visits," Google has opened up the feature to Australian and Canadian advertisers. 0 Comments

Hacking the Google Display Network for Insanely Low CPC


Use these five Google Display Network hacks to achieve the lowest cost per click - they're all geared toward improving click-through rate and driving higher Quality Score. Use these five Google Display Network hacks to achieve the lowest CPC, which are all geared to improving CTR and driving higher Quality Score. 0 Comments

Optimizing Your Brand Performance on Shopping Ads


Utilizing shopping campaign priorities allows us to bid differently on brand searches compared to other less intent-driven generic searches. Utilizing shopping campaign priorities allows us to bid differently on brand searches compared to other less intent-driven generic searches. 0 Comments