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The Moscow Times: About Us

Q: What is The Moscow Times?
A: The Moscow Times is the only English-language daily published in Russia. Our mission statement is to provide foreigners and internationally oriented Russians with balanced, well-researched journalism and practical information that helps them understand Russia.

Originally the newspaper was created for foreigners living and working in Moscow, but in recent years it has attracted a Russian readership as well.

Q:Who owns the newspaper?
A: The Moscow Times is the founding publication of Sanoma Independent Media (SIM) Publishing House, which was established as Independent Media in March 1992 by a group of Dutch investors headed by Derk Sauer. SIM is now the largest player in the Russian media market, with a portfolio that includes more than 50 publications and projects with a cumulative readership about 12 million and about 25 percent share of the glossy advertising market.

Since 2005, SIM has been a part of Sanoma, a leading European media holding company based in Helsinki that includes subsidiary companies specializing in the publication and distribution of periodicals.

About 1,100 people currently work in SIM, with an average age of 34.

Q: Are you independent?
A: All editorial decisions are made by the newsroom team of editors and reporters, a practice that has been in place since the newspaper's founding in 1992.

The Moscow Times is split into two divisions: editorial and commercial. The editor-in-chief oversees editorial issues, including the operation of the newsroom and the newspaper's content, while the publisher handles commercial issues, including advertising, Moscow Times business conferences and marketing. From the beginning, founder Derk Sauer raised an “Iron Curtain” between the editorial and commercial divisions as a precautionary measure to protect the newspaper's reputation in a country where the media is still known for publishing paid-for articles. The newsroom and commercial offices even occupy separate floors at SIM's headquarters in Moscow.

SIM and Sanoma give the editors and reporters complete autonomy in running the newspaper. The editorial team currently comprises about 30 editors, reporters, photographers and designers.

Q: Does the Kremlin interfere with your work?
A: No.

Q: How can I find a copy of the print edition?
A: The Moscow Times enjoys a unique distribution system: It is distributed free of charge in more than 500 of Moscow's most prestigious locations, such as business centers, restaurants, bars, hotels, sports clubs, medical centers and international airlines. It is also delivered by subscription to individual and corporate clients.

Older issues can be found on The Moscow Times' web site, PDF issues go back to 2001, while our archive contains nearly 130,000 articles dating back to 1994.

Our office

3 Polkovaya Ul., Bldg. 1
Moscow, Russia 127018
tel: 7 (495) 234-3223
fax: 7 (495) 232-6529

Our staff

Ekaterina Movsumova, Publisher

Nabi Abdullaev, Editor-in-Chief ([email protected])

Shura Collinson, News Editor ([email protected])

Peter Hobson, Business Editor ([email protected])

Igor Grishin, Production Manager

Eva Hartog-Skorobogatova, Website Editor ([email protected])

Dmitry Alexeev, Web Project Manager ([email protected])

Sophia Selivanova, Advertising Sales Director ([email protected])

Founder and publisher: OOO United Press
Founder's and editorial address: 3 Polkovaya Ul., Bldg. 1, Moscow 127018
The Moscow Times is a part of Sanoma Independent Media

Mikhail Doubik, Director

Opinion page disclaimer:

The views and opinions expressed in the comments on the opinion pages do not necessarily reflect the position of The Moscow Times.

Follow us on Twitter

Shura Collinson, News Editor (ShuraCollinson)

Ingrid Burke, Night Editor (Ing_Burke)

Grace Cuddihy, Opinion Editor (GraceCuddihy)

Pascal Dumont, Multimedia Editor (dumontphoto)

Katrin Scheib, Social Media Editor (kscheib)

Eva Hartog, Web Editor (EvaHartog)

Samuel Skove, Deputy Business Editor (samskove)

Delphine d'Amora, Business Reporter (delphine_damora)

Howard Amos, Business Reporter  (howardamos)

Matthew Bodner, Business Reporter, Space & Defense Correspondent (mattb0401)

Anna Dolgov, News Reporter (AnnaDolgov)

Gabrielle Tétrault-Farber, News Reporter (gabrielletf)

Ivan Nechepurenko, News Reporter (INechepurenko)

Jennifer Monaghan, Web Reporter (jen_mon1)

How to reach us:

Letters to the editor

Has something you've read in our publication startled you? Are you angry, excited, puzzled or pleased? Do you have ideas for improving our coverage? Then write to us. Include your full name, the city from which you are writing and your telephone number. Fill in the form to write to us.


For questions related to our subscription services, please contact us.

Advertising sales

If you are interested in placing an advertisement in our publications (either print or online), please write to our sales department.

Technical problems

For all issues related to the use of this web site, please message us.