About Us

Ravelry is a place for knitters, crocheters, designers, spinners, weavers and dyers to keep track of their yarn, tools, project and pattern information, and look to others for ideas and inspiration. The content here is all user- driven; we as a community make the site what it is. Ravelry is a great place for you to keep notes about your projects, see what other people are making, find the perfect pattern and connect with people who love to play with yarn from all over the world in our forums.

Frequently Asked Questions

How did this site come about?

Jess had been a knitter and a blogger for a while, and, because she was an active blogger, she knew that there was all this great information out there from other fiber lovers – but with the growing number of crochet and knitting blogs, finding that information just kept getting harder! It was getting frustrating for her to try and find information about the patterns and yarns that she was interested in using. Casey thought that he would be able to build a website that could solve her problems, so they started working on it together, introducing it to a few friends at a time.

Ravelry is a free site now but will membership cost money in the future?

We have no plans to charge to be a Ravelry member! We want it to be an inclusive community- not just for those who can pay for it. Instead, we have tasteful and targeted ads for fibery products and companies that we as a community are actually interested in and want to support!

Who works at Ravelry?

(founder, Mama Rav)

(founder, Code Monkey)

(VP of Operations/Do-Gooder)

(Community Support Specialist/Hostess with the Mostest)


(Web Application Developer/Enhance-o-Tron)

I have an idea that would make Ravelry better!

Ravelers come up with a lot of great ideas and we love to hear your suggestions. To check and see if anyone has made the same suggestion, check out our suggestion list. If you see a request similar to yours there, please comment or vote on it.

If you don’t see your suggestion there, then please post it in the For the Love of Ravelry forum. This helps us keep all of the suggestions organized so we can continue to improve the site!

How does Ravelry make money?

Mostly yarn-related advertising. We wrote a blog post that explains how we pay for the site in much more detail: