Gay & Lesbian History in the US
A Snapshot of the 20th Century

Rainbow Flag

Created by Dr. Carla Mathison & Amy L. Fraher
San Diego State University
All Rights Reserved

This snapshot of Gay and Lesbian history in the United States profiles some important people and events of the last 100 years. For each person or event profiled here, thousands of others could just as easily have been chosen. The primary purpose of this program is not to chronicle each and every happening related to Gay and Lesbian experience, but to provide a place where users might start exploring the contributions, celebrations, setbacks, and human spirit of Gay and Lesbian people.

Select a period from the timeline below and begin to explore the people and events that made this history come alive.


Creators: Dr. Carla Mathison, Amy L. Fraher
Producer: Artie Pajak
Graphic Designer: George A. Salazar
Illustrator: Nell Bartusch
HTML Programmers: George A. Salazar, Aaron Killen

This web site was developed under a Multimedia Student Assistant Grant from
Instructional Technology Services, San Diego State University.

This site is maintained by Carla Mathison.

1900 - 1949 | 1950 - 1964 | 1965 - 1980 | 1981 - 1984 | 1985 - 1989 | 1990 - 1996 | 1997 - 2000
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Last modified: May 15, 1997