Become an F1 Fanatic Supporter

Become an F1 Fanatic supporter: Make a regular contribution to the site and you can browse it free of advertisements.

Your contribution of £1 per month or £12 per year will be put towards the cost of hosting, developing and running the site. In return you will be able to browse the site free of external advertisements.

This offer is available in all regions – the fee will be converted into your local currency.

You can cancel your subscription at any time.

See here for more information:

To sign up, enter your F1 Fanatic user name in the box below and click ‘subscribe’. If you don’t have an F1 Fanatic account, sign up here to get one for free.

If you are not sure what your F1 Fanatic user name is, here are instructions how to check it:

We aim to process all requests within 24 hours of payment being received. If you experience any problems please contact F1 Fanatic via the contact form.

The transaction is handled by PayPal, however you do not require a PayPal account.

Become an F1 Fanatic Supporter now

To become an F1 Fanatic Supporter fill in your user name below, click ‘Subscribe’ and follow the payment instructions. You will be taken to a page hosted by PayPal to complete the transaction.

You have the choice of paying £1 each month or £12 each year. Please fill in the appropriate form:

Monthly payment

£1 per month

F1 Fanatic user name

Annual payment

£12 per year

F1 Fanatic user name

See here for more information: