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    Cybersecurity Summit Exposes Privacy Fears

    Continuing tensions about privacy and government spying weighed heavily on the White House’s first summit on cybersecurity, with Apple CEO Tim Cook delivering a blistering critique.

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    Russian Asset Sales Muddy Sanctions

    Russian asset sales are complicating sanctions compliance for U.S. companies, which already have to contend with a complex set of rules.

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Risk management, strategy and analysis written and compiled by Deloitte

  • Oil and Gas: Navigating the Changing Landscape

    Understanding the current state of affairs in the oil and gas industry is paramount to decision makers of entities that operate in the exploration and production sector. Deloitte's latest “Oil & Gas Spotlight” newsletter discusses considerations related to the marketplace as well as industry-specific accounting treatment related to assets, valuations, assumptions, operations and more.

  • Asia Pacific Economic Outlook: Weekend Reading

    The latest edition of the quarterly Asia Pacific Economic Outlook from Deloitte University Press provides a near-term outlook for China, Japan, Malaysia and Singapore. China continues to implement short-term fixes to the economic slowdown. Japan is starting to ease policies to boost growth. Malaysia is on the path of fiscal reform, and Singapore faces subdued growth due to global volatility.

  • Managing Pension Risk Using Annuity Buyouts and Lump-sum Payouts

    With aggregate U.S. private-sector defined benefit pension plan assets exceeding $3 trillion, more plan sponsors are choosing to shift the liability off their balance sheets by offering voluntary lump-sum payments to pension participants or transferring defined benefit risk to an insurer through an annuity buyout-actions some call “derisking pension plans.” Learn what to consider when contemplating pension plan derisking.

  • Dbriefs Webcasts - February 16-20, 2015

    Upcoming webcasts include “Unitary Group Combined Filing Requirements and Options: A Tangled Web?” on February 18 at 2 PM ET and “Supply Chain Forensics: The Global Supply Chain Fight Against Fraud” on February 19 at 2 PM ET. Join these and other webcasts designed for executive-level audiences on important developments affecting business.

  • Cybersecurity: The 'Immune System' of Enterprise IT?

    To defend against expanding threats, cyber security should become like the human immune system, isolating and attacking intruders even before knowing their identity or source. This could allow teams to apply cyber forensics in a controlled environment where business risk has already been contained.

  • Using Social Media Governance to Protect Reputation

    As social media applications multiply and regulation quickens to keeps pace, one thing remains clear: Reputation is a ranking strategic business issue-and an area of growing vulnerability. Learn how a high-level assessment of social media activities across the organization-and the creation of a well-defined social media strategy-can help prepare executive teams to tackle social media governance.

  • Please note: The Wall Street Journal News Department was not involved in the creation of the content above.